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  • 论文笔记-Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks

    作者提出为了增强网络的表达能力,现有的工作显示了加强空间编码的作用。在这篇论文里面,作者重点关注channel上的信息,提出了“Squeeze-and-Excitation"(SE)block,实际上就是显式的让网络关注channel之间的信息 (adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responsesby explicitly modelling interdependencies between channels.)。SEnets取得了ILSVRC2017的第一名, top-5 error 2.251%

    Inception architectures: embedding multi-scale processes in its modules
    Resnet, stack hourglass
    spatial attention: Spatial transformer networks

    we investigate a different
    aspect of architectural design - the channel relationship

    Our goal is to improve the representational power of a network by explicitly
    modelling the interdependencies between the channels of its
    convolutional features. To achieve this, we propose a mechanism that allows the network to perform feature recalibration, through which it can learn to use global information
    to selectively emphasise informative features and suppress
    less useful ones.

    VGGNets, Inception models, BN, Resnet, Densenet, Dual path network
    其他方式:Grouped convolution, Multi-branch convolution, Cross-channel correlations
    This approach reflects an assumption that channel relationships can
    be formulated as a composition of instance-agnostic functions with local receptive fields.

    Attention, gating mechanisms

    SE block

    ({F_{tr}}:X in R{^{W' imes H' imes C'}},{kern 1pt} {kern 1pt} {kern 1pt} {kern 1pt} {kern 1pt} U in {kern 1pt} {kern 1pt} {R^{W imes H imes C}})
    (V = [v_1, v_2, ..., v_C])表示学习到的filter kernel, (v_c)表示第c个filter的参数,那么(F_{tr})的输出(U = [u_1,u_2,...,u_C]):

    [{u_c} = { m{ }}{{ m{v}}_c} * X = sumlimits_{s = 1}^{C'} {v_c^s} * {x^s} ]

    (v_c^s)是一个channel的kernel,一个新产生的channel是原有所有channel与相应的filter kernel卷积的和。channel间的关系隐式的包含在(v_c)中,但是这些信息和空间相关性纠缠在一起了,作者的目标就是让网络更加关注有用的信息。分成了Squeeze和Excitation两步来完成目的。
    现有网络的问题:由于卷积实在local receptive field做的,因此每个卷积单元只能关注这个field内的空间信息。
    为了减轻这个问题,提出了Squeeze操作将全局的空间信息编码到channel descriptor中,具体而言是通过global average pooling操作完成的。

    [{z_c} = {F_{sq}}({u_c}) = {1 over {W imes H}}sumlimits_{i = 1}^W {sumlimits_{j = 1}^H {{u_c}(i,j)} } ]

    Excitation: Adaptive Recalibration

    [s = {F_{ex}}(z,W) = sigma (g(z,W)) = sigma ({W_2}delta ({W_1}z)) ]

    $delta (是ReLu,){W_1} in {R^{{C over r} imes C}}(,){W_2} in {R^{C imes {C over r}}}(,)W_1(是bottleneck,降低channel数,)W_2(是增加channel数,)gamma(设置为16。最终再将)U(用)s$来scale,其实也就是加权了。这样就得到了一个block的输出。

    [{x_c} = {F_{scale}}({u_c},{s_c}) = {s_c} cdot {u_c} ]

    (F_{scale})表示feature map (u_c in R^{W imes H})(s_c)的channel-wise乘法

    The activations act as channel weights
    adapted to the input-specific descriptor z. In this regard,
    SE blocks intrinsically introduce dynamics conditioned on
    the input, helping to boost feature discriminability

    1. Example
      SE block可以很方便的加到其他网络结构上。
    2. Mxnet code
    squeeze = mx.sym.Pooling(data=bn3, global_pool=True, kernel=(7, 7), pool_type='avg', name=name + '_squeeze')
    squeeze = mx.symbol.Flatten(data=squeeze, name=name + '_flatten')
    excitation = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data=squeeze, num_hidden=int(num_filter*ratio), name=name + '_excitation1')#bottleneck
    excitation = mx.sym.Activation(data=excitation, act_type='relu', name=name + '_excitation1_relu')
    excitation = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data=excitation, num_hidden=num_filter, name=name + '_excitation2')
    excitation = mx.sym.Activation(data=excitation, act_type='sigmoid', name=name + '_excitation2_sigmoid')
    bn3 = mx.symbol.broadcast_mul(bn3, mx.symbol.reshape(data=excitation, shape=(-1, num_filter, 1, 1)))
    1. 网络结构

    2. Experiments

    [1] Hu, Jie, Li Shen, and Gang Sun. "Squeeze-and-excitation networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.01507 (2017).

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