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  • c#3.0新特性


       public int ID { get; set; }
        // 上面的ID属性(自动属性)等同于下面的ID属性
        // private int _id;
        // public int ID
        // {
        //     get { return _id; }
        //     set { _id = value; }
        // }


    /// <summary>
    /// ObjectInitializers(对象初始化器)的摘要说明
    /// </summary>
    public class ObjectInitializers
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public void ObjectInitializersTest()
            ObjectInitializers oi = new ObjectInitializers { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd" };
            // 上面的oi对象(对象初始化器)等同于下面的oi对象
            // ObjectInitializers oi = new ObjectInitializers();
            // oi.ID = 1;
            // oi.Name = "webabcd";


    /// <summary>
    /// CollectionInitializers(集合初始化器)的摘要说明
    /// </summary>
    public class CollectionInitializers
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public void CollectionInitializersTest()
            List<CollectionInitializers> list = new List<CollectionInitializers>
                new CollectionInitializers { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd" },
                new CollectionInitializers { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefg" },
                new CollectionInitializers { ID = 3, Name = "webabcdefghijklmn" }
            // 上面的list集合(集合初始化器)等同于下面的list集合
            // List<CollectionInitializers> list = new List<CollectionInitializers>();
            // list.Add(new CollectionInitializers { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd" });
            // list.Add(new CollectionInitializers { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefg" });
            // list.Add(new CollectionInitializers { ID = 3, Name = "webabcdefghijklmn" });


    /// <summary>
    /// 扩展方法(类和方法均为static)
    /// 使用的时候要引用该类的命名空间
    /// </summary>
    public static class MyExtensionMethods
        // this代表扩展方法应用于string类型上
        // ToInt32()是将string类型转换为int类型的扩展方法
        public static int ToInt32(this string s)
            int i;
            Int32.TryParse(s, out i);
            return i;
        // this代表扩展方法应用于object类型上
        // 该扩展方法需要一个类型为System.Collections.IEnumerable的参数
        // In()是判断一个object是否存在于一个System.Collections.IEnumerable中的扩展方法
        public static bool In(this object o, System.Collections.IEnumerable e)
            foreach (object i in e)
                if (i.Equals(o))
                    return true;
            return false;
            string s = "123";
            // 使用string的ToInt32()扩展方法
            int i = s.ToInt32();
            // i == 123
            string[] ary = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
            // 使用object的In()扩展方法
            bool b = "b".In(ary);
            // b == true    


    /// <summary>
    /// LambdaExpressions(Lambda表达式)的摘要说明
    /// </summary>
    public class LambdaExpressions
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public void LambdaExpressionsTest()
            List<LambdaExpressions> list = new List<LambdaExpressions>
                new LambdaExpressions { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd" },
                new LambdaExpressions { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefg" },
                new LambdaExpressions { ID = 3, Name = "webabcdefghijklmn" }
            IEnumerable<LambdaExpressions> l = list.Where(le => le.Name == "webabcd");
            // 上面的(Lambda表达式)等同于下面的(匿名方法)
            // IEnumerable<LambdaExpressions> l2 = list.Where(delegate(LambdaExpressions le) { return le.Name == "webabcd"; });
            // 相关委托
            // public delegate TResult Func<T, TResult>(T arg);
            // 相关Where扩展方法
            // Func<TSource, bool>:接受一个类型为TSource的参数
            // Func<TSource, bool>:某个需要满足的条件,返回bool值
            // public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
            // {
            //     foreach (TSource item in source)
            //     {
            //         if (predicate(item))
            //         {
            //             yield return item;
            //         }
            //     }
            // }


    /// <summary>
    /// QuerySyntax(查询语法)的摘要说明
    /// </summary>
    public class QuerySyntax
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public void QuerySyntaxTest()
            List<QuerySyntax> list = new List<QuerySyntax>
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcde" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdef" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefg" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefgh" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefghi" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefghij" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefghijk" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefghijkl" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefghijklm" },
                new QuerySyntax { ID = 3, Name = "webabcdefghijklmn" }
            IEnumerable<QuerySyntax> l = from o in list
                                         where o.Name.Length > 10
                                         orderby o.Name.Length descending
                                         select o;
            // 上面的(查询语法)等同于下面的(LINQ扩展方法和Lambda表达式)
            // 查询语法相对更容易理解
            // IEnumerable<QuerySyntax> l = list.Where(o => o.Name.Length > 10).OrderByDescending(o => o.Name.Length);
            // Projection(映射)
            // 可以返回一个新的类型
            IEnumerable<Projection> l2 = from o in list
                                          where o.Name.Length > 10
                                          orderby o.Name.Length descending
                                          select new Projection { Name = o.Name };
            var l3 = from o in list
                     where o.Name.Length > 10
                     orderby o.Name.Length descending
                     select new { Name=o.Name};
    /// <summary>
    /// 为了演示Projection(映射)而写的实体类
    /// </summary>
    public class Projection
        public string Name { get; set; }


    /// <summary>
    /// AnonymousTypes(匿名类型)的摘要说明
    /// </summary>
    public class AnonymousTypes
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public void AnonymousTypesTest()
            List<AnonymousTypes> list = new List<AnonymousTypes>
                new AnonymousTypes { ID = 1, Name = "webabcd", Age = 10 },
                new AnonymousTypes { ID = 2, Name = "webabcdefg", Age = 20 },
                new AnonymousTypes { ID = 3, Name = "webabcdefghijklmn", Age = 30 }
            // listAnonymousTypes - 匿名类型
            var listAnonymousTypes = from l in list
                                     where l.Name == "webabcd"
                                     select new { Name = l.Name, Age = l.Age };
            foreach (var v in listAnonymousTypes)
                // v - 匿名类型,可以在Visual Studio中得到编译时检查和完整的intellisense
                string name = v.Name;
                int age = v.Age;
            // 声明匿名类型:将new关键词后面的类型名称省略掉
            var person = new { Name = "webabcd", Age = 27 };
            // person - 匿名类型,可以在Visual Studio中得到编译时检查和完整的intellisense
            string myName = person.Name;
            int myAge = person.Age;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haomo/p/5589490.html
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