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  • 四 英文时态(一):一般动作



    因为每一个时间规定下都有四种不同的动作完成程度,于是构成了因为的 16 个时态。在 最初级语法中只讨论三个时间下的两种动作:

    现在 过去 将来
    一般动作 现在一般时态 过去一般时态 将来一般时态
    进行动作 现在进行时态 过去进行时态 将来进行时态


    • 表示客观事实或真理。
    • 表示习惯性动作。图表如下:
      • 1.形式: do 或 does (单数第三人称)
      • 2.意义: 一般现在时表示客观的、普遍性的真理以及经常性的、习惯性的事件。
    用法 例句 解释
    客观真理或事实对客观事实或真理进行陈述,这些事实过去、现在和将来均可能存在。 i. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
    ii. The earth moves around the sun.
    经常性的重复活动表示某项活动习惯性(habitually)、经常性(regularly)发生。 i. I often spend two hours reading English in the morning.
    ii. Classes begin at nine in the morning.



    The world is round.    #地球是圆的
    The earth moves around the sun.     #地球绕着太阳转
    The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.    #太阳东升西落
    Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.    #水是有氢、氧两种元素组成。
    Knowledge is power.    #知识就是力量



    He doesn't work hard.    #他学习不努力
    He often goes to the gym.    #他经常取健身房
    I like rice for dinner.    #我晚饭喜欢吃米饭
    I go to the gym twice a week.    #我一星期去两次健身房


    • 表示肯定的频度副词有:always, frequently, usually, sometimes, generally, occasionally, often 等。
    • 表示否定的频度副词有:never, seldom, rarely 等。

    这些副词在句子中的位置通常是:在 be 动词之后、实义动词之前。





    用在 there 或 here 开头的句中,表示目前短暂的动作:

    Here comes your wife. 你太太走过来了。 不可以说:here is coming your wife。 可以说:Your wife is coming。
    There goes our bus;we'll have to wait for the nest one. 我们要坐的开走了,得等下一辆。 不可以说:There is going our bus. 可以说:Our bus is going.



    主要用在条件状语从句中(if, unless)和时间状语从句(when, as soon as, before, after, etc.)中,表示将来动作。(一般考试的重点)

    Please let me know when he comes back.
    What are you going to do when you leave school?
    I'll be glad if she comes over to visit me.
    I'll give the book to him as soon as I see him.
    I will get everything ready before you come back.

    上面例句中动作 come, see 都是将来发生的,但要用一般现在时表示将来。


    • 形式:did
    • 意义:一般过去时态表示在过去的某一特定时间发生和结束的活动或情况。(The past simple tense is used to express a completed action which took place at a specified time in the past. The specified time is either stated or implied.)
    用法 例句 解释说明
    过去特定时间动作一般表示在过去的某一特定时间(如:last night, a year ago, in 1980 等)发生和结束的活动。 i. I saw him in the library yesterday morning.
    ii. I began to learn English ten years ago.
    这两句均有过去时间状语:yesterday morning 和 ten years ago.
    过去重复动作也可表示过去某一段时间内重复发生并结束的动作。 i. I slept for eight hours last night.
    ii. She lived in our town for three years, but now she is living in Binjing.
    表示在过去的某一段时间内持续的动作,但这一动作现已结束。比如:she 现在已经离开 our town.


    这些时间状语有:yesterday, yesterday evening, last night, the night before last(前天晚上), last year, last spring(去年春天), three days/months/years ago 等等。
    注意这些时间状语之前不需加介词,比如不能说:at last night *, in last year *, in three years ago *

    1. He was late for school this morning. 他今早上学迟到了。
    2. I bought this computer three years ago. 我三年前买了这台电脑。
    3. I was tired last night, so I went to bed early. 我昨晚很累,所以很早睡了。



    1. I lived in the country for ten years. 我在农村生活过十年(现在已经不在农村了)。
    2. He used to do morning exercises. 他过去常常早上锻炼。(它现在老了,不这样做了)
    3. She lived in our town for three years, but now she is living in Beijing.
    4. He took a walk after supper when he was alive. 他生前喜欢在饭后散步。
    5. He worked in that dot-com company for one year. Now he is studying in America. 他在那家网络公司工作过一年,现在在美国上学。
    6. I wrote a letter once a week to my family when I was in my first college year. 在大一的时候我通常一星期给家里写封信。




    • 预测:表示说话人认为将来会发生某件事。
    • 事先计划:说话人在头脑里已经做出决定将来要做某件事。
    • 意愿:说话人既不是预计某事将会发生,也不是预先经过考虑决定做某事,而是在说话的时刻立即做出决断表明他将去做某事。

    但是为了方便,通常把 will/shall do 或 be going to do 称作一般将来时态。

    • 形式:will do 或 be going to do
    • 意义:一般将来时表示在未来的某个时间将要发生的某个动作或状态(The Future Simple Tense is used to express an action that will occur at some time in the future.)
    用法 例句 解释说明
    用来预测表示预测,或说估计将来要发生某事,此时我们可用:will 或 be going to (Will or Be Going To can be used to express sort of certainty.) i. According to the weather report, it will be windy tomorrow.
    ii. According to the weather report, it is going to be windy tomorrow. 根据天气预报,明天将会刮大风。
    说话人根据天气预报来对明天的天气做出预测,此时 will 或 be going to 都可以使用,意思上没有区别。
    计划或打算当我们变大确定的计划或事先打算时,一般只用 be going to。(Generally Be Going To is used to express a definite plan.) I have bought a computer and I'm going to learn the computer science. 我买了台电脑,我打算学电脑。 说话人显然在过去就做出了“要学电脑”的决定。并且现在已经购买了电脑,即为自己“将要学电脑”做了准备。因此,“学电脑”明显是一个事先确定的计划(definite plan)。此时只能用 be going to。
    表达意愿当我们表达未经过预先计划或考虑的行动,即表示一种在说话时刻做出的抉择,也即表达的是说话人的一种意愿时通常只用 will。(Generally Will is used to express a willingness.) A: The telephone is ringing.
    B: I will answer it.
    B 要去接电话既不是他预测有电话要打进来,也不是实现计划好要接这个电话。 B 是在说“我愿意去接这个电话。”他是在说话的此刻做出的一种决定“要去接电话”。


    在表示预测时,我们可以用 will 或 be going to。但两者还存在以下两点区别;

    1. 用 be going to 特别是意指根据目前的明显痕迹来腿短某件事将要发生。 Will 则只是表明说话人认为或相信某件事将要发生。
    2. be going to 通常用来表示说话人预期所说的事件马上或在相当近的将来就要发生。 而 will 所表示的动作发生的时间可近可远。
      1. Look at those black clouds! It's going to rain. (不宜用 will)
      2. I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (不宜用 will)
      3. John is going to fall into that hole! 瞧!John 马上要掉进那个洞了。
      4. Oh, my dear! They're going to bump against that tree! 天哪!他们很快要撞到那棵树了。
      5. You book very pale. I am sure you are going to get sick.
      6. The bridge will collapse. (指的是可能会在将来的某一天坍塌)
      7. The bridge is going to collapse. (指这桥目前人或车上去都摇晃,或这远处看到这桥被炸掉)

    总之,在表示预测时,用 be going to 和 will 也存在者思维上的差异。


    表示行动计划,要用 be going to; 表示愿意,要用 will 。但两者似乎容易混淆。主要差别有:

    1. be going to 表示说话人对未来行动的计划或打算,通常是经过事先考虑并有已经为这一行动做了某些准备的意思。
    2. will 表示意愿,表示在说话的时刻愿意做出的决定表明将去做某事,并没有经过事先考虑,更没有为这一活动做出事先准备。
      1. I have bought a computer and I'm going to learn the computer science.
      2. My wife has bought some wool and she is going to knit a sweater for me.
      3. A: Why are you taking the camera? B: I'm going to take some pictures.

    上面每一句都含有预先准备的明显证据,故都不能用 will 代替 be going to。

      1. A: Someone is knocking at the door. B: I'll go and open it.
      2. A: The box is too heavy. B: I'll help you to carry it.
      3. A: I've left my watch upstairs. B: I'll go get it for you.
      4. A: I am thirsty. B: I will make you a ht cup of tea.

    以上每一句都表示说话的此刻做出的决定,故不能用 be going to 代替 will。

    此外,若一个句子没有如上句子那样明显的计划或意愿的证据,则用 will 或 be going to 均可,但思维上依然有上述区别。

    • Husband: There isn't any milk left in the fridge.
      • Wife: I'll buy some after work (表明此刻做出的决定,说明在丈夫说之前她并不知道冰箱没有牛奶了,丈夫说后她才决定去买的)
      • Wife: I'm going to buy some after work. (表明在丈夫发现之前预先已经知道冰箱没有牛奶的,预先考虑决定要下班去买的。)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hare1925/p/12564295.html
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