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  • Spark Streaming中向flume拉取数据





    在flume中其实sinks是向channel主动拿数据的,那么就让就自定义sinks进行自监听,然后使sparkstreaming先和sinks连接在一起, 让streaming来决定是否拿数据及拿数据的频率, 那么这不就是实现了由streaming来向flume拿数据的需求了嘛?



    首先,需要将以下代码编译成jar包,然后在flume中使用,代码转自这里 (如果发现需要依赖的工具类神马的,请在相同目录下的scala文件中找一找)

    package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume.sink
    import java.net.InetSocketAddress
    import java.util.concurrent._
    import org.apache.avro.ipc.NettyServer
    import org.apache.avro.ipc.specific.SpecificResponder
    import org.apache.flume.Context
    import org.apache.flume.Sink.Status
    import org.apache.flume.conf.{Configurable, ConfigurationException}
    import org.apache.flume.sink.AbstractSink
     * A sink that uses Avro RPC to run a server that can be polled by Spark's
     * FlumePollingInputDStream. This sink has the following configuration parameters:
     * hostname - The hostname to bind to. Default:
     * port - The port to bind to. (No default - mandatory)
     * timeout - Time in seconds after which a transaction is rolled back,
     * if an ACK is not received from Spark within that time
     * threads - Number of threads to use to receive requests from Spark (Default: 10)
     * This sink is unlike other Flume sinks in the sense that it does not push data,
     * instead the process method in this sink simply blocks the SinkRunner the first time it is
     * called. This sink starts up an Avro IPC server that uses the SparkFlumeProtocol.
     * Each time a getEventBatch call comes, creates a transaction and reads events
     * from the channel. When enough events are read, the events are sent to the Spark receiver and
     * the thread itself is blocked and a reference to it saved off.
     * When the ack for that batch is received,
     * the thread which created the transaction is is retrieved and it commits the transaction with the
     * channel from the same thread it was originally created in (since Flume transactions are
     * thread local). If a nack is received instead, the sink rolls back the transaction. If no ack
     * is received within the specified timeout, the transaction is rolled back too. If an ack comes
     * after that, it is simply ignored and the events get re-sent.
    class SparkSink extends AbstractSink with Logging with Configurable {
      // Size of the pool to use for holding transaction processors.
      private var poolSize: Integer = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_THREADS
      // Timeout for each transaction. If spark does not respond in this much time,
      // rollback the transaction
      private var transactionTimeout = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT
      // Address info to bind on
      private var hostname: String = SparkSinkConfig.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME
      private var port: Int = 0
      private var backOffInterval: Int = 200
      // Handle to the server
      private var serverOpt: Option[NettyServer] = None
      // The handler that handles the callback from Avro
      private var handler: Option[SparkAvroCallbackHandler] = None
      // Latch that blocks off the Flume framework from wasting 1 thread.
      private val blockingLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
      override def start() {
        logInfo("Starting Spark Sink: " + getName + " on port: " + port + " and interface: " +
          hostname + " with " + "pool size: " + poolSize + " and transaction timeout: " +
          transactionTimeout + ".")
        handler = Option(new SparkAvroCallbackHandler(poolSize, getChannel, transactionTimeout,
        val responder = new SpecificResponder(classOf[SparkFlumeProtocol], handler.get)
        // Using the constructor that takes specific thread-pools requires bringing in netty
        // dependencies which are being excluded in the build. In practice,
        // Netty dependencies are already available on the JVM as Flume would have pulled them in.
        serverOpt = Option(new NettyServer(responder, new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port)))
        serverOpt.foreach(server => {
          logInfo("Starting Avro server for sink: " + getName)
      override def stop() {
        logInfo("Stopping Spark Sink: " + getName)
        handler.foreach(callbackHandler => {
        serverOpt.foreach(server => {
          logInfo("Stopping Avro Server for sink: " + getName)
      override def configure(ctx: Context) {
        import SparkSinkConfig._
        hostname = ctx.getString(CONF_HOSTNAME, DEFAULT_HOSTNAME)
        port = Option(ctx.getInteger(CONF_PORT)).
          getOrElse(throw new ConfigurationException("The port to bind to must be specified"))
        poolSize = ctx.getInteger(THREADS, DEFAULT_THREADS)
        transactionTimeout = ctx.getInteger(CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT)
        backOffInterval = ctx.getInteger(CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL)
        logInfo("Configured Spark Sink with hostname: " + hostname + ", port: " + port + ", " +
          "poolSize: " + poolSize + ", transactionTimeout: " + transactionTimeout + ", " +
          "backoffInterval: " + backOffInterval)
      override def process(): Status = {
        // This method is called in a loop by the Flume framework - block it until the sink is
        // stopped to save CPU resources. The sink runner will interrupt this thread when the sink is
        // being shut down.
        logInfo("Blocking Sink Runner, sink will continue to run..")
      private[flume] def getPort(): Int = {
            throw new RuntimeException("Server was not started!")
       * Pass in a [[CountDownLatch]] for testing purposes. This batch is counted down when each
       * batch is received. The test can simply call await on this latch till the expected number of
       * batches are received.
       * @param latch
      private[flume] def countdownWhenBatchReceived(latch: CountDownLatch) {
     * Configuration parameters and their defaults.
    object SparkSinkConfig {
      val THREADS = "threads"
      val DEFAULT_THREADS = 10
      val CONF_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = "timeout"
      val CONF_HOSTNAME = "hostname"
      val DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = ""
      val CONF_PORT = "port"
      val CONF_BACKOFF_INTERVAL = "backoffInterval"



    package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming
    import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
    import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel
    import org.apache.spark.streaming._
    import org.apache.spark.streaming.flume._
    import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam
    import java.net.InetSocketAddress
     *  Produces a count of events received from Flume.
     *  This should be used in conjunction with the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent. See
     *  the Spark Streaming programming guide for more details.
     *  Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port>
     *    `host` is the host on which the Spark Sink is running.
     *    `port` is the port at which the Spark Sink is listening.
     *  To run this example:
     *    `$ bin/run-example org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.FlumePollingEventCount [host] [port] `
    object FlumePollingEventCount {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        if (args.length < 2) {
            "Usage: FlumePollingEventCount <host> <port>")
        val Array(host, IntParam(port)) = args
        val batchInterval = Milliseconds(2000)
        // Create the context and set the batch size
        val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("FlumePollingEventCount")
        val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, batchInterval)
        // Create a flume stream that polls the Spark Sink running in a Flume agent
        val stream = FlumeUtils.createPollingStream(ssc, host, port)
        // Print out the count of events received from this server in each batch
        stream.count().map(cnt => "Received " + cnt + " flume events." ).print()


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