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  • 【英语学习】第14周翻译练习之日本教育

    Practice 383“老师讲题”怎么说比较地道?淼杀写作第383期【日本人教数学】



    In terms of math scores, Japanese have more achievement instead of England and Welsh. On a math class in Japan, students write down the answers of their assignments on the blackboard at first, and afterward, their teachers offer reviews or criticisms and explain in detail if necessary. It's an important role in Japanese education that students rate their homework for it could render them learn where and why they make mistakes and by doing so they will prevent these errors in the future. As long as you want to learn from these mistakes, it doesn't matter to make them or not understand some knowledge.


    Japan has a significantly better record in terms of average mathematical attainment than England and Wales. At the beginning of a lesson, the pupils put solutions to the homework on the board, then the teachers comment, correct or elaborate as necessary. Pupils mark their own homework: this is an important principle in Japanese schooling as it enables pupils to see where and why they made a mistake, so that these can be avoided in the future. No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from them.

    —- 新词表 —-

    If you attain something, you gain it or achieve it, often after a lot of effort.

    If you elaborate on something that has been said, you say more about it, or give more details.

    A pupil of a painter, musician, or other expert is someone who studies under that expert and learns his or her skills.

    The pupils of a school are the children who go to it.

    Schooling is education that children receive at school.

    Ignorance of something is lack of knowledge about it.

    —- 知识点 —-

    1. in terms of, 在…方面。

    2. mathematical attainment, 数学方面的成就,本文中指数学成绩。

    3. pupil可以用来替换student.

    4. comment, 点评。

    5. elaborate, 详细的展开,详细的讲解。

    6. mark, 批分,打分。

    7. schooling, 学校教育。

    8. no one minds, 没有人在意,可理解为“…是无所谓的”。

    9. ignorance, 无知,本文中指“不知道(某个知识点)”。

    10. be prepared to do something, 准备好要去做某事,打算做某事。

    Practice 384“集体荣誉感”怎么说比较地道?淼杀写作第384期【互帮互助的日本数学课堂】



    It's remarkable to teach a class consisting of numerous pupils at uneven levels to keep constantly making progress in math together during their whole period of compulsory education from 6 to 15. The teachers say they will give solo teaching to students after class or school and arrange additional learning content as necessary. In some classes, the students with questions are offered help from teachers, or ask help from classmates stealthily. Class sense of honor built by heart lets students be willing to help each other - after all, the common progress of the class benefits themselves.


    It is remarkable that large, mixed-ability classes could be kept together for maths throughout all their compulsory schooling from 6 to 15. Teachers say that they give individual help at the end of a lesson or after school, setting extra work if necessary. In some lessons, any strugglers would be assisted by the teacher or quietly seek help from their neighbor. Carefully fostered class identity makes pupils keen to help each other - anyway, it is in their interests since the class progresses together.

    —- 新词表 —-

    If a group of people are held or kept together, they are united with each other in some way.

    If something is in the interests of a particular person or group, it will benefit them in some way.

    —- 知识点 —-

    1. it is remarkable that… 某事很了不起。

    2. large修饰class表示班级人多。

    3. mix-ability, 水平参差不齐的。

    4. be kept together, 团结在一起。

    5. give individual help, 提供单独的帮助,可表示“开小灶”。

    6. set extra work, 布置额外的学习内容。

    7. struggler, 做某事遇到困难的人,在本文指学习上有问题的学生。

    8. seek help, 寻求帮助。

    9. foster, 培养,建立。

    10. class identity, 班级荣誉感。

    11. be keep to do something, 乐于做某事。

    12. in one’s interest, 对…有好处。

    13. 让/把---->被动句

    Practice 385“后进同学”怎么说比较地道?淼杀写作第385期【日本家长的作用】

    后进同学想要学习跟得上,老师和同学给的帮助还是不大够。然而,日本人对于教育的态度遵循这样一个信条, 那就是“如果你够努力,你就可以做到任何事情。”学校会让家长充分了解孩子学习的情况,家长也会在帮助孩子在学习上不掉队,如果有必要补习,家长会把孩子们送到补习班,家长也会鼓励孩子再努力一-些。家长的帮助是奏效的,至少对95%的学生。


    Bad students can't study better just with help from teachers and classmates. For education, however, Japanese believe such a creed of "by doing your utmost, you can do anything". With the full understanding of the kids' study informed by schools, parents also help them not to fall behind and will send them to cram schools if necessary, as well as encourage them to work harder. Their help works to at least 95 percent of students.


    Assistance from teachers and peers scarcely seems adequate help to enable slow learners to keep up. However, the Japanese attitude towards education runs along the lines of "if you work hard enough, you can do almost anything". Parents are kept closely informed of their children's progress and will play a part in helping their children to keep up with class, sending them to private evening tuition if extra help is needed and encouraging them to work harder. It seems to work, at least for 95 percent of the school population.

    --- 知识点 ---

    1. peer, 字面意为“同龄人”,但在学习类的作文中可以表示“同学”。

    2. slow learner, 学的慢的人,可表示“后进的同学”,意思大致与上一期内容的“strugglers”相同。

    3. run along a line of, 以…为准则;遵循…的信条。

    4. informed, 对…有了解。closely informed, 对…有充分的了解。closely, 紧密地。

    5. progress表示(学生的)学习情况或进度。不要直译成“进步”。

    6. keep up with class, 跟上(班级的进度),不掉队。

    7. private evening tuition, 补课班。

    8. school population, 学校里的人口,即“学生”。

    9. adequate, 充足的。

    10. scarcely, 表示几乎不。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hatimwen/p/translate14.html
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