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  • 427 x264_frame_copy_picture

    dst->i_type     = src->i_type;

        dst->i_qpplus1  = src->i_qpplus1;

             //printf("src->i_pts is [%d]\n",src->i_pts);

        dst->i_pts      = dst->i_reordered_pts = src->i_pts;

        dst->param      = src->param;

        dst->i_pic_struct = src->i_pic_struct;

        dst->extra_sei  = src->extra_sei;

    dst->opaque     = src->opaque;

    初步对于当前帧的 i_type ,i_qpplus1,i_pts,param,i_pic_struct,extra_sei,opaque赋值

    I_pts貌似和帧的数目是一致的,从1到217  pts dts 的一些解释http://www.cnblogs.com/qingquan/archive/2011/07/27/2118967.html

    I_pic_struct中指明的是当前帧类型,是帧或者场,看定义里面还有double frame和triple frame的设置


    I_qpplus1 注释是 force quantizer for != X264_QP_AUTO 应该是跟量化器相关的设置

    Param 就是最开始那个x264_param

    Void *opaque 注释 private user data,copies from input to output frames

    函数get_plane_ptr()  就是为了 最开始定义的 pix[3] 和 stride[3]赋值

    调用参数 get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[0], &stride[0], 0, 0, 0 );

    uint8_t *pix[3];

    int stride[3];

    h->param.i_width (1920),h->param->height(1080)就是要编码帧的宽度和高度


    static int get_plane_ptr( x264_t *h, x264_picture_t *src, uint8_t **pix, int *stride, int plane, int xshift, int yshift )


        int width = h->param.i_width >> xshift;

        int height = h->param.i_height >> yshift;

    *pix = src->img.plane[plane];

    //应该是亮度和色度的 1920 960 960 这样交替出现的,1920应该是一行中色度的取值

    //横向的 cb和 cr都是亮度一般 所以两个960

        *stride = src->img.i_stride[plane];

        if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_VFLIP )

        {   //这里没有执行

            *pix += (height-1) * *stride;

            *stride = -*stride;


        if( width > abs(*stride) )


            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "Input picture width (%d) is greater than stride (%d)\n", width, *stride );

            return -1;


        return 0;


    int x264_frame_copy_picture( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *dst, x264_picture_t *src )


        int i_csp = src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK;

        if( i_csp <= X264_CSP_NONE || i_csp >= X264_CSP_MAX )


            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid input colorspace\n" );

            return -1;



        if( !(src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH) )


            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires high depth input. Rebuild to support 8-bit input.\n" );

            return -1;



        if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH )


            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires 8-bit input. Rebuild to support high depth input.\n" );

            return -1;




        dst->i_type     = src->i_type;


        dst->i_qpplus1  = src->i_qpplus1;

             //printf("src->i_pts is [%d]\n",src->i_pts);

        dst->i_pts      = dst->i_reordered_pts = src->i_pts;

        dst->param      = src->param;

        dst->i_pic_struct = src->i_pic_struct;

        dst->extra_sei  = src->extra_sei;

        dst->opaque     = src->opaque;

        uint8_t *pix[3];

        int stride[3];


        if ( i_csp >= X264_CSP_BGR )   //YUV小于RGB的


                       printf("===============================error of my thingking===================");

             stride[0] = src->img.i_stride[0];

             pix[0] = src->img.plane[0];

             if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_VFLIP )


                 pix[0] += (h->param.i_height-1) * stride[0];

                 stride[0] = -stride[0];


             int b = i_csp==X264_CSP_RGB;

             h->mc.plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb( dst->plane[1+b], dst->i_stride[1+b],

                                                dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0],

                                                dst->plane[2-b], dst->i_stride[2-b],

                                                (pixel*)pix[0], stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), i_csp==X264_CSP_BGRA ? 4 : 3, h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );




            int v_shift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT;

            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[0], &stride[0], 0, 0, 0 );

                       //只是做了内存拷贝  下面有这个函数的实现  mc.c

            h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0], (pixel*)pix[0],

                              stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );

            if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )


                     printf("i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16  1\n");

                get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], 1, 0, v_shift );

                h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],

                                  stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );


                       //ics == x264_csp_i420

            else if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I420 || i_csp == X264_CSP_I422 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16 )

            {        //printf("====================2==========\n    excute here");

                int uv_swap = i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16;

                get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], uv_swap ? 2 : 1, 1, v_shift );

                get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], uv_swap ? 1 : 2, 1, v_shift );

                h->mc.plane_copy_interleave( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1],

                                             (pixel*)pix[1], stride[1]/sizeof(pixel),

                                             (pixel*)pix[2], stride[2]/sizeof(pixel),

                                             h->param.i_width>>1, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );

                                /*****************************h  recreate memory to store the picture**************************/

                                //printf("the x264_picture memoryis %d \n");

                                //printf("the x264_t memory is %d\n");

                                /*****************************h  recreate memory to store the picture**************************/


            else //if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I444 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV24 )

            {       printf("===================3===================\n");

                get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 1 : 2, 0, 0 );

                get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 2 : 1, 0, 0 );

                h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],

                                  stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );

                h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[2], dst->i_stride[2], (pixel*)pix[2],

                                  stride[2]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );



        return 0;


    void x264_plane_copy_c( pixel *dst, intptr_t i_dst,

                            pixel *src, intptr_t i_src, int w, int h )


        while( h-- )


            memcpy( dst, src, w * sizeof(pixel) );

            dst += i_dst;

            src += i_src;



    void x264_plane_copy_interleave_c( pixel *dst,  intptr_t i_dst,

                                       pixel *srcu, intptr_t i_srcu,

                                       pixel *srcv, intptr_t i_srcv, int w, int h )


        for( int y=0; y<h; y++, dst+=i_dst, srcu+=i_srcu, srcv+=i_srcv )

            for( int x=0; x<w; x++ )


                dst[2*x]   = srcu[x];

                dst[2*x+1] = srcv[x];



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hatreds/p/2473346.html
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