1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html> 3 4 <head> 5 <meta charset="utf-8"> 6 7 <title>Photos Show</title> 8 9 <link href="https://www.fontsquirrel.com/css?family=Quicksand-Bold.otf" rel="stylesheet"> 10 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> 11 </head> 12 13 <body> 14 15 <header> 16 17 </header> 18 19 <img src="images/1.photo.jpg" width=300 height=150> 20 <img src="images/2.photo.jpg" width=300 height=150> 21 <img src="images/3.photo.jpg" width=300 height=150> 22 23 <section> 24 25 </section> 26 27 <script src="js-script/main.js"> 28 </script> 29 </body> 30 31 </html>
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var header = document.querySelector('header'); var section = document.querySelector('section'); var requestURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bayleee/js/master/photo.json'; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', requestURL); request.responseType = 'json'; request.send(); request.onload = function() { var photo = request.response; populateHeader(photo); showPhoto(photo); } function populateHeader(jsonObj) { var myH1 = document.createElement('h1'); myH1.textContent = jsonObj['squadName']; header.appendChild(myH1); } function showPhoto(jsonObj) { var photo = jsonObj['members']; for (i = 0; i < photo.length; i++) { var myArticle = document.createElement('article'); var myH2 = document.createElement('h2'); var myPara1 = document.createElement('p'); var myPara2 = document.createElement('p'); var myPara3 = document.createElement('p'); var myList = document.createElement('ul'); myH2.textContent = photo[i].name; myPara1.textContent = 'author: ' + photo[i].author; myPara2.textContent = 'time: ' + photo[i].time; myPara3.textContent = 'explanation:' + photo[i].explanation; myArticle.appendChild(myH2); myArticle.appendChild(myPara1); myArticle.appendChild(myPara2); myArticle.appendChild(myPara3); myArticle.appendChild(myList); section.appendChild(myArticle); } }
"squadName": "Photos Show",
"active": true,
"members": [{
"name": "海浪绽放",
"author": "栖霞仙客",
"time": "Summer",
"explanation": [
"I like the sea, and I love the wonderful moments when the waves hit the rocks."
"name": "河坊街夜市",
"author": "江南人家",
"time": "Autumn",
"explanation": [
"The simplicity of the people fascinated me."
"name": "人间仙境",
"author": "时间流逝",
"time": "Spring",
"explanation": [
"The beauty of the world is numerous."