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  • Developing Vert.x Modules with Gradle

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    • Developing Vert.x modules with Gradle
    • Clone the template project
    • Outputs
    • Configuring the project
    • Overriding default Vert.x configuration
    • Other useful Gradle tasks
    • Setup your IDE
    • Changing the dependencies of your project
    • Installing your module in Maven local
    • Pushing your module to Maven
    • Registering your module in the Module Registry
    • Next steps

    Developing Vert.x modules with Gradle

    In this guide we'll show you how to develop a Vert.x project using Gradle.

    Clone the template project

    We provide a template Gradle project which you can clone to get you started.

    Clone it locally

    git clone https://github.com/vert-x/vertx-gradle-template.git my-vertx-module

    Where my-vertx-module is the name you want to give your project.

    Remove the origin

    git remote rm origin

    And add your new origin

    git remote add origin <path to your repo>

    Let's run the tests to make sure everything is working

    cd my-vertx-module
    ./gradlew test

    You should use the Gradle Wrapper (./gradlew) to run all Gradle tasks. You do not need to install Gradle manually. Take a look atbuild.gradle for a list of the available tasks.


    The outputs of the project are:

    • The Vert.x module zip file.
    • A jar that corresponds to the module will also be produced. This is useful when you have another project which depends on the classes from your module, as it allows you to add it as a standard Gradle build dependency in your other project.

    The outputs are created in the build directory as per normal.

    Configuring the project

    You configure many things in gradle.properties:

    • modownermodname and version determine the name of the module as described in the modules manual

    • pullInDeps determines whether all module dependencies should be packaged into the module as nested modules.

    It also contains various properties used to configure versions of various dependencies.

    Overriding default Vert.x configuration

    If you want to override any Vert.x platform configuration, e.g. langs.propertiescluster.xml or logging configuration, you can add those files to the directory src/main/platform_lib - these will then be added to the Vert.x platform classpath when you run the module with ./gradlew runMod

    Other useful Gradle tasks

    Open build.gradle and take a look at the comments there for a list of useful tasks supported by the build script.

    Setup your IDE

    You can use the idea and eclipse Gradle plugins to create the project files for your IDE

    ./gradlew idea


    ./gradlew eclipse

    Once the IDE files have been created you can open the project files in your IDE.

    Note: You can run the idea or eclipse tasks again if you change your project dependencies - in this way the IDE project files will be brought up-to-date.

    You may have to tell your IDE to use Java source compatibility level of Java 7, as Gradle seems to default to Java 6 (!)

    Changing the dependencies of your project

    If your project needs a third party jar to build and you want to include it in the lib directory of your module you can add the dependency in the dependencies section of build.gradle with a type of compile.

    If you don't want it to be included in the lib directory you should add it as provided.

    Once you've changed your dependencies just run ./gradlew idea or ./gradlew eclipse again to update your IDE project files with the new dependencies.

    Installing your module in Maven local

    Use ./gradlew install to install your module in your local Maven repository.

    Pushing your module to Maven

    Use ./gradlew uploadArchives as normal to push your module to a Maven repository.

    Registering your module in the Module Registry

    If you've pushed your module to a public Maven or Bintray repository you can register it in the Module Registry so others can search for and discover it.

    Next steps

    Now you've got the project all set-up and running, it's time to explore the standard project layout itself.


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