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  • spark小文件合并解决多级分区

    package spark10.access

    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    import java.util.Date

    import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger
    import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
    import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, sql}
    import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode}
    * Created by hadoop on 下午10:01.
    object AccesslogETL {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("access").setMaster("local[3]"))
    val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc)

    // doJob(sqlContext, fileSystem, appName, inputPath, outputPath,
    // loadTime, accessTable, ifRefreshPartiton, tryTime)


    * @param sqlContext
    * @param fileSystem
    * @param batchID batchID, 格式:201803221505-g1
    * @param inputPath
    * @param outputPath
    * @param accessTable 清洗后外部表
    * @param ifRefreshPartiton 是否刷新分区: 0-不刷新, 1-刷新
    * @param tryTime 重试次数
    * @return
    def doJob(sqlContext: SQLContext, fileSystem: FileSystem, batchID: String,
    inputPath: String, outputPath: String, dataTime:String,
    accessTable: String, ifRefreshPartiton: String, tryTime: Int): String = {

    var result = "batchID:" + batchID
    val logger = Logger.getLogger("org")
    var begin = new Date().getTime

    val inputLocation = inputPath + batchID

    val inputDoingLocation = inputPath + "/" + batchID + "_doing"

    val dirExists = fileSystem.exists(new Path(inputLocation))
    if (!dirExists && tryTime == 0) {
    logger.info(s"$inputLocation not exists")
    result = result + s" $inputLocation not exists"
    return result
    } else if (!dirExists && tryTime > 0) {
    if (!fileSystem.exists(new Path(inputDoingLocation))) {
    logger.info(s" $inputDoingLocation not exists")
    result = result + s" $inputDoingLocation not exists"
    return result
    } else {
    val isDoingRenamed = renameHDFSDir(fileSystem, inputLocation, inputDoingLocation)
    if (!isDoingRenamed) {
    logger.info(s" $inputLocation move to $inputDoingLocation failed")
    result = result + s" $inputLocation move to $inputDoingLocation failed"
    return result
    logger.info(s" $inputLocation move to $inputDoingLocation success")

    val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
    val endTime = sdf.parse(dataTime)
    val beginTime = sdf.format(endTime.getTime() - 2*60*60*1000)
    val curHourTime = sdf.format(endTime.getTime() - 1*60*60*1000)

    var resultDF:DataFrame = null

    // 遍历目录下的所有house子目录
    fileSystem.globStatus(new Path(inputDoingLocation+"/*")).foreach(p=>{
    val hLoc = p.getPath.toString
    // 调用计算分区大小的代码
    val getPartitionNum = (houseLoc:String)=>{
    val partitionNum = getPartitionNum(hLoc)

    logger.info("hLoc:" + hLoc + ", partitionNum:" + partitionNum)

    // 根据每个house目录生成DataFrame, 过程略
    val hDF:DataFrame = null // 调用生成DataFrame的逻辑,这里使用null占位

    val curHourDF = hDF.filter(s"acctime>='$curHourTime'")
    // 1个小时之前的log
    val preHourDF = hDF.filter(s"acctime>'$beginTime' and acctime<'$curHourTime' ")

    // 1个小时之前的数据, 数据量小, 分区数设置为1/3分区大小
    val preHourPartNum = if(partitionNum/3 == 0) 1 else partitionNum/3

    val newDF = curHourDF.coalesce(partitionNum).unionAll(preHourDF.coalesce(preHourPartNum))

    if(resultDF != null){
    resultDF = resultDF.unionAll(newDF)
    resultDF = newDF

    // 将DataFrame保存到HDFS(代码略)

    }catch {
    case e:Exception =>{


    def renameHDFSDir(fileSystem: FileSystem, srcLocation: String, destLocation: String): Boolean = {
    val srcPath = new Path(srcLocation)
    val destPath = new Path(destLocation)
    val isRename = fileSystem.rename(srcPath, destPath)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heguoxiu/p/10694803.html
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