- 在Kubernetes1.2中这个第三方组件就是go-dockerclient,这是一个GO语言写的docker客户端,支持Dockerremote API,这个项目在https://github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient中。
- 在Kubernetes1.3中直接使用docker公司提供的client来实现,通过这个client可以实现同DockerDeamon之间的通讯,这个客户端项目在https://github.com/docker/engine-api/中,感兴趣的话可以去看看。
- 在Kubernetes1.4中延用了1.3中的方式,直接使用docker公司提供的client来实现。
- 对于Kubernetes1.4需要使用Docker版本至少是1.9.x,Docker1.9.x对应的API版本是1.21。
- 下面是Docker版本同API版本对应关系,其中红色字体的部分是Kubernetes1.4不支持的。
Docker版本 |
API版本 |
1.12x |
1.24 |
1.11.x |
1.23 |
1.10.x |
1.9.x |
1.8.x |
1.7.x |
1.6.x |
1.5.x |
1.4.x |
1.3.x |
1.2.x |
(三)调用Docker API
- 第一列是Docker 1.24版本API列表
- 第二列是这些API使用方式
- 第三列是Kubernetes1.4中使用到的API
- 第四列是Kubernetes1.3中使用到的API
- 红色字体部分为1.4版本比1.3版本增加的调用API,也就是说1.4版本比1.3版本增加的操作Docker的功能
Docker API 1.24 |
使用方式 |
Kubernetes1.4 |
Kubernetes1.3 |
Get container stats based on resource usage |
GET /containers/(id)/stats |
Update a container |
POST /containers/(id)/update |
Rename a container |
POST /containers/(id)/rename |
Retrieving information about files and folders in a container |
HEAD /containers/(id)/archive |
List containers |
GET /containers/json |
√ |
√ |
Inspect a container |
GET /containers/(id)/json |
√ |
√ |
Inspect changes on a container’s filesystem |
GET /containers/(id)/changes |
√ |
√ |
Create a container |
POST /containers/create |
√ |
√ |
Start a container |
POST /containers/(id)/start |
√ |
√ |
Stop a container |
POST /containers/(id)/stop |
√ |
√ |
Restart a container |
POST /containers/(id)/restart |
Pause a container |
POST /containers/(id)/pause |
Unpause a container |
POST /containers/(id)/unpause |
List processes running inside a container |
GET /containers/(id)/top |
Kill a container |
POST /containers/(id)/kill |
√ |
√ |
Remove a container |
DELETE /containers/(id) |
√ |
√ |
Get an archive of a filesystem resource in a container |
GET /containers/(id)/archive |
Extract an archive of files or folders to a directory in a container |
PUT /containers/(id)/archive |
Copy files or folders from a container |
POST /containers/(id)/copy,以后会被删除掉,使用archive代替 |
Wait a container |
POST /containers/(id)/wait |
Create a new image from a container’s changes |
POST /commit |
Attach to a container |
POST /containers/(id)/attach |
√ |
√ |
Attach to a container (websocket) |
GET /containers/(id or name)/attach/ws |
Get container logs |
GET /containers/(id)/logs |
√ |
√ |
Resize a container TTY |
POST /containers/(id)/resize |
√ |
Export a container |
GET /containers/(id)/export |
List Images |
GET /images/json |
√ |
√ |
Inspect an image |
GET /images/(name)/json |
√ |
√ |
Get the history of an image |
GET /images/(name)/history |
√ |
√ |
Push an image on the registry |
POST /images/(name)/push |
Build image from a Dockerfile |
POST /build |
Create an image |
POST /images/create |
√ |
√ |
Load a tarball with a set of images and tags into docker |
POST /images/load |
Get a tarball containing all images in a repository |
GET /images/(name)/get |
Get a tarball containing all images |
GET /images/get |
Tag an image into a repository |
POST /images/(name)/tag |
Remove an image |
DELETE /images/(name) |
√ |
√ |
Search images |
GET /images/search |
Monitor Docker’s events |
GET /events |
Show the docker version information |
GET /version |
√ |
√ |
Display system-wide information |
GET /info |
√ |
√ |
Ping the docker server |
GET /_ping |
List volumes |
GET /volumes |
Create a volume |
POST /volumes/create |
Inspect a volume |
GET /volumes/(name) |
Remove a volume |
DELETE /volumes/(name) |
List networks |
GET /networks |
Inspect network |
GET /networks/<network-id> |
Create a network |
POST /networks/create |
Remove a network |
DELETE /networks/(id) |
Connect a container to a network |
POST /networks/(id)/connect |
Disconnect a container from a network |
POST /networks/(id)/disconnect |
Check auth configuration |
POST /auth |
Exec Create |
POST /containers/(id)/exec |
√ |
√ |
Exec Start |
POST /exec/(id)/start |
√ |
√ |
Exec Resize |
POST /exec/(id)/resize |
√ |
Exec Inspect |
GET /exec/(id)/json |
√ |
√ |
List plugins |
GET /plugins |
Install a plugin |
POST /plugins/pull?name=<plugin name> |
Inspect a plugin |
GET /plugins/(plugin name) |
Enable a plugin |
POST /plugins/(plugin name)/enable |
Disable a plugin |
POST /plugins/(plugin name)/disable |
Remove a plugin |
DELETE /plugins/(plugin name) |
List nodes |
GET /nodes |
Inspect a node |
GET /nodes/<id> |
Remove a node |
DELETE /nodes/<id> |
Update a node |
POST /nodes/<id>/update |
Inspect swarm |
GET /swarm |
Initialize a new swarm |
POST /swarm/init |
Join an existing swarm |
POST /swarm/join |
Leave a swarm |
POST /swarm/leave |
Update a swarm |
POST /swarm/update |
List services |
GET /services |
Create a service |
POST /services/create |
Remove a service |
DELETE /services/(id or name) |
Inspect one or more services |
GET /services/(id or name) |
Update a service |
POST /services/(id or name)/update |
List tasks |
GET /tasks |
Inspect a task |
GET /tasks/(task id) |
1) 从表格中可以看到,Kubernetes1.4中调用了Docker的Resize a container TTY接口,用来配置Docker容器的虚拟终端(TTY),重新设置Docker容器的虚拟终端之后,需要重新启动容器才能生效。
POST/containers/4fa6e0f0c678/resize?h=40&w=80 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
h – 虚拟终端高度
w – 虚拟终端宽度
200 – 设置成功
404 – 没有找到指定Docker容器
500 – 不能够重新设置虚拟终端参数
2) 从表格中还可以看到,Kubernetes1.4中调用了Docker的Exec Resize接口,如果在Docker容器中执行exec命令时指定了虚拟终端(tty),那么通过这个API接口就可以重新设置虚拟终端(tty)。
POST/exec/e90e34656806/resize?h=40&w=80 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/plain
HTTP/1.1201 Created Content-Type: text/plain
h –虚拟终端高度
w –虚拟终端宽度
201 –设置成功
404 –没有找到指定exec实例
3) Kubernetes1.4新增加了上面两个接口调用,可以看看这两个接口调用在源代码中的位置:
func AttachContainer(client DockerInterface,containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderrio.WriteCloser, tty bool, resize <-chan term.Size) error { <span style="color:#FF0000;"> kubecontainer.HandleResizing(resize, func(size term.Size) { client.ResizeContainerTTY(containerID.ID,int(size.Height), int(size.Width)) })</span> opts:= dockertypes.ContainerAttachOptions{ Stream:true, Stdin: stdin != nil, Stdout:stdout != nil, Stderr:stderr != nil, } …… }
func (*NativeExecHandler)ExecInContainer(client DockerInterface, container *dockertypes.ContainerJSON,cmd []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser, tty bool, resize<-chan term.Size) error { …… <span style="color:#FF0000;"> kubecontainer.HandleResizing(resize, func(size term.Size) { client.ResizeExecTTY(execObj.ID, int(size.Height),int(size.Width)) })</span> startOpts:= dockertypes.ExecStartCheck{Detach: false, Tty: tty} streamOpts:= StreamOptions{ InputStream: stdin, OutputStream:stdout, ErrorStream: stderr, RawTerminal: tty, } err= client.StartExec(execObj.ID, startOpts, streamOpts) iferr != nil { returnerr } …… }
Have to start this before the call toclient.AttachToContainer because client.AttachToContainer is a blocking call:-( Otherwise, resize events don't get processed and the terminal neverresizes.
Have to start this before the call toclient.StartExec because client.StartExec is a blocking call :-( Otherwise,resize events don't get processed and the terminal never resizes.
通过注释可以发现,因为attach和start exec两个接口都是可以阻塞的,所以通过增加设置虚拟终端(tty)来判断向attach和start exec两个接口发送的请求是否阻塞。
4) 从表格中还可以看到,Kubernetes没有使用到Docker的网络接口,也没有使用到Docker的卷接口,原因是Kubernetes自己定义了Service和POD,自己实现了POD之间的网络和挂载到POD上的卷。
5) 从表格中也可以看到,Kubernetes对Docker容器的管理只有很少的功能,甚至都没有使用到Docker的重启接口,还是因为Kubernetes自己定义的POD,Kubernetes以POD为基本操作单元,而且是Kubernetes从容器集群管理角度设计的,所以不存在对POD里面单个Docker容器的重启操作。
1) Linux ext4文件系统要求文件名字符个数不能超过255,在Kubernetes1.4中进行了控制。
2) 由于Docker1.12支持了通过—sysctl参数来设置内核参数,所以在Kubernetes1.4可以将安全的sysctl命令放入白名单列表中,这样就可以对容器内核参数进行配置操作,下面是Kubernetes1.4对内核参数的默认设置:
• sysctl -wvm.overcommit_memory=1
• sysctl -w vm.panic_on_oom=0
表示当节点上物理内存耗尽时,内核触发OOM killer杀掉最耗内存的进程
• sysctl -w kernel/panic=10
• sysctl -wkernel/panic_on_oops=1
我们可以把POD看作是机器里面的操作系统,把容器看作是里面的进程,在操作系统内部进程间是可以通过IPC(Inter-Process Communication)进行通讯的,不同操作系统之间的进程是通过操作系统IP和端口进行通讯的,那么对应到POD和容器,就变成了POD内部容器间事可以通过IPC(Inter-Process Communication)进行通讯的,不同POD之间的容器是通过POD IP和端口进行通讯的。从集群的角度来考虑问题,Kubernetes基本操作单元是POD,不需要关注到POD中的容器,那么我们可以想象一下,如果我们要按照虚拟机的使用方式来使用容器,那样的话应该如何使用Kubernetes呢?可以看下面的图: