本文来自http://blog.csdn.net/liuxian13183/ ,引用必须注明出处!
生产与消费者模式,是编程中最常用的模式之一,在多线程中应用比较明显。个人理解:在自助餐厅,厨师在不断做菜放桌子上,吃货不断从桌子上拿东西,这中间如果桌子上已经摆满那厨师要暂停工作 ,桌子上已没有食物则吃货要暂停拿东西吃。
本程序设计原则:由于synchronized加锁方法,使得内部的所有变量也被加锁;我们采取多线程操作,故中间要用sleep(为了把锁让给别人,比如A上厕所开启sleep模式,B就偷偷拿上锁溜进来,方便后再还锁给A,要保证B修改同一个资源的话,要在A sleep的时间内完成),以便其他线程可以使用(windows多线程亦采取同样设计原则),sleep很短的时间,故用户不会有停滞感。为结果清晰,producer和consumer共执行操作50次,则程序停止运行。
public class Table {
private volatile int count; private int cake; private int stopCounts; public Table(int count) { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.count = count; } public synchronized void produce(String threadName) throws InterruptedException { while (cake >= count) { System.out.println(threadName + " begin to wait !"); wait(); System.out.println(threadName + " stop waiting !"); } System.out.println(threadName + " produce:" + ++cake); notifyAll(); if (++stopCounts > 50) { System.out.println(threadName + " stop at last !"); System.exit(0); } } public synchronized void consume(String threadName) throws InterruptedException { while (cake <= 0) { System.out.println(threadName + " begin to wait !"); wait(); System.out.println(threadName + " stop waiting !"); } System.out.println(threadName + " consume:" + cake--); notifyAll(); if (++stopCounts > 50) { System.out.println(threadName + " stop at last !"); System.exit(0); } } }
public class Producer extends Thread { Table table; String threadName; public Producer(String string, Table table) { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.table = table; this.threadName=string; this.setName(threadName); } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.run(); try { while (true) { table.produce(threadName); sleep(1); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public class Consumer extends Thread { Table table; String threadName; public Consumer(String string, Table table) { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.table = table; this.threadName=string; this.setName(threadName); } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.run(); try { while (true) { table.consume(threadName); sleep(1); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public class TestCP { public static void main(String[] args) { Table table = new Table(5); Thread p1 = new Producer("Produce1",table); Thread c1 = new Consumer("Consumer1",table); Thread p2 = new Producer("Produce2",table); Thread c2 = new Consumer("Consumer2",table); p1.start(); c1.start(); p2.start(); c2.start(); } }
Produce1 produce:1 //Producer1先生产一只cake Produce2 produce:2 //Producer2得到锁生产一只 Consumer1 consume:2 //Consumer1先消费一只 Consumer2 consume:1 //Consumer2得到锁也消费一只 Consumer1 begin to wait ! //Consumer1得到锁开始等待 Produce1 produce:1 //Producer1开始生产 Produce2 produce:2 // Producer2开始生产 Consumer2 consume:2 //Consumer2开始消费 Consumer1 stop waiting ! //当cake数大于0,Consumer1停止等待 Consumer1 consume:1 //Consumer1开始消费 Consumer1 begin to wait ! //当cake数等于0,Consumer1开始等待 Consumer1 consume:1 //Consumer1开始消费 Consumer1 begin to wait ! //当cake数等于0,Consumer1开始等待 Produce2 produce:1 //.............................. Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Produce1 produce:1 Consumer2 consume:1 Consumer1 begin to wait ! Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Produce2 produce:2 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:2 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 begin to wait ! Consumer1 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:1 Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:1 Produce1 produce:1 Produce2 produce:2 Consumer2 consume:2 Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer1 begin to wait ! Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Produce2 produce:2 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:2 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer1 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Produce1 produce:2 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:2 Consumer2 consume:1 Consumer1 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Consumer2 consume:1 Produce2 produce:1 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 begin to wait ! Consumer1 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:1 Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Produce1 produce:2 Consumer1 consume:2 Consumer2 stop waiting ! Consumer2 consume:1 Consumer1 begin to wait ! Produce2 produce:1 Consumer1 stop waiting ! Consumer1 consume:1 Consumer2 begin to wait ! Produce1 produce:1 Produce1 stop at last !