git clone
BOSH是一个针对大规模分布式系统的部署和生命周期管理的开源工具,其基础是“a tool of release engineering"。由其定义可以看出,虽然BOSH的诞生出自cloudfoundry的部署难题,但BOSH能做的不只是部署cloudfoundry这一个产品。别的分布式系统只要提供给bosh一个release,BOSH一样可以做到系统的部署和生命周期的管理。所以,这里不要陷入一个误区。
Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services. In this manual we describe the architecture, topology, configuration, and use of BOSH, as well as the structure and conventions used in packaging and deployment.