不仅仅局限于 MVC 。将数据在model 这一个层面剖析开,优雅的处理数据 逻辑,缓存,业务,数据库操作的烦恼。
这个思路也适用于 thinkphp,hyperf,imi 等框架。不再简单的 实现 controller->model->view 的处理过程。
controller 层面
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This file is part of Swoft. * * @link https://swoft.org * @document https://swoft.org/docs * @contact group@swoft.org * @license https://github.com/swoft-cloud/swoft/blob/master/LICENSE */ namespace AppHttpController; use Swoft; use SwoftHttpMessageContentType; use SwoftHttpMessageResponse; use SwoftHttpServerAnnotationMappingController; use SwoftHttpServerAnnotationMappingRequestMapping; use SwoftHttpServerAnnotationMappingRequestMethod; use SwoftHttpMessageRequest; use SwoftViewRenderer; use Throwable; use function context; use AppModelDataHomeData; /** * Class HomeController * @Controller("/Home") */ class HomeController { /** * @RequestMapping("/Home/HomeTest",method={RequestMethod::GET}) * * @return Response */ public function HomeTest() { $request = context()->getRequest(); $HomeData = new HomeData(); $Detail = $HomeData->DataTest(); $res = Result(200, '获取成功', $Detail); return context()->getResponse()->withData($res); } }
Data 层中 进行缓存判断,资源调用。
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This file is part of Swoft. * * @link https://swoft.org * @document https://swoft.org/docs * @contact group@swoft.org * @license https://github.com/swoft-cloud/swoft/blob/master/LICENSE */ namespace AppModelData; use AppModelDaoHomeDao; use AppModelEntityHome; use SwoftRedisExceptionRedisException; use SwoftRedisPool; use SwoftRedisRedis; class HomeData { public function DataTest(){ $ReductionRedis = Redis::rawCommand('GET', 'FullReduction'); $ReductionInfo = json_decode($ReductionRedis, true); if (empty($ReductionInfo)) { $HomeDao = new HomeDao(); $ReductionInfo = $HomeDao->HomeDaoTest(); } return $ReductionInfo; } }
Dao层,返回数据。操作实例。 【Entity】中,就是直接指定数据文件了。
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This file is part of Swoft. * * @link https://swoft.org * @document https://swoft.org/docs * @contact group@swoft.org * @license https://github.com/swoft-cloud/swoft/blob/master/LICENSE */ namespace AppModelDao; use SwoftRedisPool; use SwoftRedisRedis; use AppModelEntityHome; class HomeDao { public function HomeDaoTest(){ $Home = new Home(); $DailyActivity = $Home->DailyActivity(); return $DailyActivity; } }