6-1 人:使用一个字典来存储一个熟人的信息,包括名、姓、年龄和居住的城市。该字典应包含键first_name 、last_name 、age 和city 。将存储在该字典中的每项信息都打印出来。
friends = {'first name':'Zou','last name':'Li Peng','age':27,'city':'Shenzhen'} print('first name:' + friends[ 'first name']) print('last name:' + friends[ 'last name']) print('age:' + str(friends['age'])) print('city:' + friends['city']) #输出结果: first name:Zou last name:Li Peng age:27 city:Shenzhen
6-2 喜欢的数字:使用一个字典来存储一些人喜欢的数字。请想出5个人的名字,并将这些名字用作字典中的键;想出每个人喜欢的一个数字,并将这些数字作为值存储在字典中。打印每个人的名字和喜欢的数字。为让这个程序更有趣,通过询问朋友确保数据是真实的。
favorite_numbers ={ 'Mary':2, 'Jim':15, 'Lucy':20, 'Crystal':28, 'Panda':68} print('Mary:' + str(favorite_numbers['Mary'])) print('Jim:' + str(favorite_numbers['Jim'])) print('Lucy:' + str(favorite_numbers['Lucy'])) print('Crystal:' + str(favorite_numbers['Crystal'])) print('Panda:' + str(favorite_numbers['Panda'])) #输出结果: Mary:2 Jim:15 Lucy:20 Crystal:28 Panda:68
6-3 词汇表 :Python字典可用于模拟现实生活中的字典,但为避免混淆,我们将后者称为词汇表。
words={ 'hello':'a greeting', 'word':'used to express agreement', 'meet':'suitable; fit; proper', 'fruit':'a male homosexual', 'bird':'a person of a specified kind or character' } print('hello:' + words['hello']) print('word:' + words['word']) print('meet:' + words['meet']) print('fruit:' + words['fruit']) print('bird:' + words['bird']) #输出结果: hello:a greeting word:used to express agreement meet:suitable; fit; proper fruit:a male homosexual bird:a person of a specified kind or character
6-4 词汇表2 :既然你知道了如何遍历字典,现在请整理你为完成练习6-3而编写的代码,将其中的一系列print 语句替换为一个遍历字典中的键和值的循环。
words={ 'hello':'a greeting', 'word':'used to express agreement', 'meet':'suitable; fit; proper', 'fruit':'a male homosexual', 'bird':'a person of a specified kind or character', } for key, value in words.items(): #items方法:返回一个键-值列表 print(" key:" +key) print("Value:" +value) #输出结果: key:hello Value:a greeting key:word Value:used to express agreement key:meet Value:suitable; fit; proper key:fruit Value:a male homosexual key:bird Value:a person of a specified kind or character
6-5 河流 :创建一个字典,在其中存储三条大河流及其流经的国家。其中一个键—值对可能是'nile': 'egypt' 。
a.使用循环为每条河流打印一条消息,如“The Nileruns throughEgypt.”。
rivers ={ 'yangtze':'china', 'danube':'germany', 'nile':'egypt' } for key ,value in rivers.items(): print("The "+key.title() +" runs through " + value.title()) for river in rivers.keys(): print(river.title()) for river in rivers.values(): print(river.title()) #输出结果: The Yangtze runs through China The Danube runs through Germany The Nile runs through Egypt Yangtze Danube Nile China Germany Egypt
6-6 调查 :在6.3.1节编写的程序favorite_languages.py中执行以下操作。
favorite_language = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', 'edward':'ruby', 'phil':'python', } Investigated_person = { 'jen':'python', 'sarah':'c', } for persons in favorite_language.keys(): if persons in Investigated_person: print(persons + ",thank you to attend investigation.") else: print(persons + ",please attend in the investigation.")
6-7 人:在为完成练习6-1而编写的程序中,再创建两个表示人的字典,然后将这三个字典都存储在一个名为people 的列表中。遍历这个列表,将其中每个人的所有
friends1 = {'first name':'Crystal','last name':'Wang','age':29,'city':'Shenzhen'} friends2 = {'first name':'Zou','last name':'Li','age':27,'city':'Hongkong'} friends3 = {'first name':'James','last name':'Wu','age':28,'city':'Beijing'} friends = [friends1,friends2,friends3] for friend in friends: print(friend) #输出结果: {'first name': 'Crystal', 'last name': 'Wang', 'age': 29, 'city': 'Shenzhen'} {'first name': 'Zou', 'last name': 'Li', 'age': 27, 'city': 'Hongkong'} {'first name': 'James', 'last name': 'Wu', 'age': 28, 'city': 'Beijing'}
6-8 宠物 :创建多个字典,对于每个字典,都使用一个宠物的名称来给它命名;在每个字典中,包含宠物的类型及其主人的名字。将这些字典存储在一个名为pets
Black ={ 'kind':'dog','host':'Crystal'} Mini ={ 'kind':'cat','host':'Zou'} White ={ 'kind':'bird','host':'James'} pets = [Black,Mini,White] for pet in pets: print(pet) #输出结果: {'kind': 'dog', 'host': 'Crystal'} {'kind': 'cat', 'host': 'Zou'} {'kind': 'bird', 'host': 'James'}
6-9 喜欢的地方 :创建一个名为favorite_places 的字典。在这个字典中,将三个人的名字用作键;对于其中的每个人,都存储他喜欢的1~3个地方。为让这个练
favorite_places = { 'crystal':['hainan','xinjiang','xizang'], 'james':['beijing','taiwan','hongkong'], 'zou':['jiangshu','shanghai','yunnan'], } for name,favorite_place in favorite_places.items(): print(" "+name.title() + "'s favorite places are:") for place in favorite_place: print(" "+ place.title()) #输出结果: Crystal's favorite places are: Hainan Xinjiang Xizang James's favorite places are: Beijing Taiwan Hongkong Zou's favorite places are: Jiangshu Shanghai Yunnan
6-10 喜欢的数字 :修改为完成练习6-2而编写的程序,让每个人都可以有多个喜欢的数字,然后将每个人的名字及其喜欢的数字打印出来。
favorite_numbers ={ 'mary':[2,10,15], 'jim':[3,4,18], 'lucy':[6,8,12], 'crystal':[9,16,25], 'panda':[21,28,68] } for name,favorite_number in favorite_numbers.items(): print(" " + name.title() + "'s favorite numbers are:") for numbers in favorite_number: print(str(numbers)) #输出结果: Mary's favorite numbers are: 2 10 15 Jim's favorite numbers are: 3 4 18 Lucy's favorite numbers are: 6 8 12 Crystal's favorite numbers are: 9 16 25 Panda's favorite numbers are: 21 28 68
6-11 城市 :创建一个名为cities 的字典,其中将三个城市名用作键;对于每座城市,都创建一个字典,并在其中包含该城市所属的国家、人口约数以及一个有关该
城市的事实。在表示每座城市的字典中,应包含country 、population 和fact 等键。将每座城市的名字以及有关它们的信息都打印出来。
cities ={ 'haikou':{ 'country':'China', 'population':'25万', 'fact':'At the southernmost tip of China', }, 'beijing':{ 'country':'China', 'population':'60万', 'fact':'Capital of China', }, 'shanghai':{ 'country':'China', 'population':'65万', 'fact':'Financial city', } } for city,city_info in cities.items(): print(" City:"+ city) Country = city_info['country'] Population = city_info['population'] Fact = city_info['fact'] print('Country:'+Country.title()) print('Population:'+Population.title()) print('Fact:'+Fact.title()) #输出结果: City:haikou Country:China Population:25万 Fact:At The Southernmost Tip Of China City:beijing Country:China Population:60万 Fact:Capital Of China City:shanghai Country:China Population:65万 Fact:Financial City