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  • Angular初步







        <div ng-app="">


    <div ng-app="First" ng-controller="firstController">  



    var app = angular.module("First", []);//创建app模块
    app.controller("firstController", function ($scope, $http) {
        var message = new Array();
        var selectAuthor = new Array();
            method: "GET",
            url: "/api/Books/"
        }).then(function (data) {//在这里使用then的话回调函数传回的数据是data.data,而如果实使用sucess那么传回的就是data数组
            angular.forEach(data.data, function (value, key) {//angular的forEach,使用方式和jquery的一样
            $scope.baseMessage = message;//$scope是angular的一个重要对象,内部包含着方法和变量,我们可以使用它定义变量,使用它之前需要在创建控制器的回调函数当中把$scope
                          作为参数传递 $scope.selectAuthors
    = selectAuthor; $scope.selected = $scope.baseMessage[0]; }) $scope.detail = function detail(id) { $http.get("/api/Books/" + id).then(function (data) { $scope.Author = data.data.AuthorName; $scope.Title = data.data.Title; $scope.Year = data.data.Year; $scope.Genre = data.data.Genre; $scope.Price = data.data.Price; }); } $scope.delete = function (id) { $http.delete("api/Books/" + id).then(function () { alert("OK,You have already delete it!"); }) } $scope.AddBook = function (selectedAuthor) { //alert(selected.Id); var Title = $("#Title").val(); var Year = $("#Year").val(); var Genre = $("#Genre").val(); var Price = $("#Price").val(); var book = { AuthorId: parseInt(selectedAuthor.Id), Title: Title, Year: parseInt(Year), Genre: Genre, Price: Price } $http.post( "/api/Books/", book).success(function () { alert("Add Sucess!"); }) } $scope.ModifyBook = function (selectedModify) { var id = selectedModify.Id; var AuthorId = 1; authorId(id); function authorId(id) { $http.get("/api/Books/" + id).then(function (data) { AuthorId = data.data.AuthorId; var Title = $("#titleModify").val(); var Year = $("#yearModify").val(); var Genre = $("#genreModify").val(); var Price = $("#priceModify").val(); var book = { AuthorId: AuthorId, Id: parseInt(selectedModify.Id), Title: Title, Year: parseInt(Year), Genre: Genre, Price: Price } //$http.put("/api/Books/" + selectedModify.Id, book,function () { // alert("OK,You have already modify it (*_*) ~"); //}); $http({ method: "PUT", url: "/api/Books/" + selectedModify.Id, data: { "id": selectedModify.Id, "book": book } }).then(function () { alert("OK,You have already modify it (*_*) ~"); }); }); } } });


    <div ng-app="First" ng-controller="firstController">        <!--声明控制器和app模块-->
        <!--base message-->
        <div id="books">
            <p ng-repeat="x in baseMessage"> <label ng-bind="x.Title+': '+x.AuthorName"></label><!--ng-repeat,angular中的循环-->
                <a href="#" ng-click="detail(x.Id)">Details</a>    <!--绑定点击事件,可以进行传参-->
    <a href="#" ng-click="delete(x.Id)">Delete</a> </p> </div> <!--detail message--> <div id="details"> <h1>Details</h1> <label>Author</label> <label>{{": "+Author}}</label><br /><!--显示在angular中使用$scope声明的变量的数据--> <label>Title</label> <label>{{": "+Title}}</label><br /> <label>Year</label> <label>{{": "+Year}}</label><br /> <label>Genre</label> <label>{{": "+Genre}}</label><br /> <label>Price</label> <label>{{": "+Price}}</label><br /> </div> <!--add block--> <div id="addBlock"> <h1>Add Book</h1> <label>Author</label><select id="Author" ng-options="item as item.AuthorName for item in baseMessage" ng-model="selectedAuthor"></select><br /> @*@Html.DropDownList("Author", new List<SelectListItem>(), new { ng_options = "item as item.AuthorName for item in baseMessage", ng_model = "selected" });*@ <!--使用ng-options创建select的option选项,注意书写的格式比较复杂--> <label>Title</label><input type="text" id="Title" /> <br /> <label>Year</label> <input type="text" id="Year" /><br /> <label>Genre</label> <input type="text" id="Genre" /><br /> <label>Price</label> <input type="text" id="Price" /><br /> <input type="button" value="Add" ng-click="AddBook(selectedAuthor)"/> </div> <hr /> <!--Edit block--> <div id="edit"> <h1>Modify Books</h1> <label>Book:</label><select id="Author" ng-options="item as item.Title for item in baseMessage" ng-model="selectedBook"></select><br /> <label>Title:</label><input type="text" id="titleModify" /> <br /> <label>Year:</label> <input type="text" id="yearModify" /><br /> <label>Genre:</label> <input type="text" id="genreModify" /><br /> <label>Price:</label> <input type="text" id="priceModify" /><br /> <input type="button" value="Modify" ng-click="ModifyBook(selectedBook)" /> </div> </div>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heisehenbai/p/Angular.html
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