dict 字典{ }:用单引号把Key与Value标记,用 : 连接,‘Key’ :‘Value’ 是一个字典元素,调用x['Key']可获取Value值
1 dict_a = {'x' : '1', 'y' : '2'} # 这是赋值 2 dict_a['z'] = '3' # 这是增加 3 dict_a['x'] = '4' # 这是改变 4 dict_a.pop('y') # 这是删除 5 'z' in dict_a # 判断是否存在 True False
list 列表[ ]:append( )增加、list_a.insert(1,'x'):在指定位置增加、list_a.pop()默认删除最后一位,可指定
tuple元组( ):不可更改,但可以把列表插入元组,通过改变元组中列表元素,进行变更
set :类似于dict,也是一组Key的集合,但不存储Value,由于Key不能重复,故无重复(自动过滤)
1 # create a mapping of state to abbreviation 2 states = { 3 'Oregon': 'OR', 4 'Florida': 'FL', 5 'California': 'CA', 6 'New York': "NY", 7 'Michigan': 'MI' 8 } 9 10 # create a basic set of states and some cities in them 11 cities = { 12 'CA': 'San Francisco', 13 'MI': 'Detroit', 14 'FL': 'Jacksonville' 15 } 16 17 # add some more cities 18 cities['NY'] = 'New York' 19 cities['OR'] = 'Portland' 20 21 # print out some cities 22 print '-' * 10 23 print "NY State has: ", cities['NY'] 24 print "OR State has: ", cities['OR'] 25 26 # print some states 27 print '-' * 10 28 print "Michigan's abbreviation is: ",states['Michigan'] 29 print "Florida's abbreviation is: ", states['Florida'] 30 31 # do it by using the state then cities dict 32 print '-'* 10 33 print "Michigan has: ", cities[states['Michigan']] 34 print "Florida has: ", cities[states['Florida']] 35 # 这里 states['Michigan'] = MI,而cities['MI'] = detroit 36 # print every state abbreviation 37 print '-' * 10 38 for state, abbrev in states.items(): 39 print "%s is abbreviated %s" % (state, abbrev) 40 41 # print every city in state 42 print '-' * 10 43 for abbrev, city in cities. items(): 44 print "%s has the city %s" % (abbrev, city) 45 # items 是遍历字典内所有元素 46 # now do both at the same time 47 print '-' * 10 48 for state, abbrev in states.items(): 49 print "%s state is abbreviated %s and has city %s" % (state, abbrev, cities[abbrev]) 50 51 52 print '-' * 10 53 # safely get a abbreviation by state that might not be there 54 state = states.get('Texas', None) 55 # get 作用与 in 类似,都是判断是否存在,如果存在,则正常打印,如果不存在,返回指定值 56 if not state: 57 print "Sorry, no Texas." 58 59 # get a city with a default value 60 city = cities.get('TX', 'Does Not Exist') 61 print "The city for the state 'TX' is: %s" % city