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  • 用B-树实现虚拟图书管理系统





     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include "Library.h"
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int main()
     5 {
     6     Library myLib=Library("books.txt");
     7     char choice='y';
     8     while(choice=='y')
     9     {
    10         cout << "请选择操作"<<endl;
    11         cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
    12         cout << "1----新书入库" << endl;
    13         cout << "2----查看库存" << endl;
    14         cout << "3----借阅" << endl;
    15         cout << "4----归还" << endl;
    16         cout << "5----删除旧书" << endl;
    17         cout << "6----修改图书信息" << endl;
    18         cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
    19         int option;
    20         cin >> option;
    21         switch (option)
    22         {
    23         case 1: myLib.add(); break;
    24         case 2: myLib.display(); break;
    25         case 3: myLib.lend(); break;
    26         case 4: myLib.back(); break;
    27         case 5: myLib.remove(); break;
    28         case 6: myLib.change(); break;
    29         }
    30         cout << "继续吗?[y/n]";
    31         cin >> choice;
    32     }
    33     cout << "是否保存修改?[y/n]";
    34     cin >> choice;
    35     if (choice == 'y')
    36         myLib.save("books.txt");//需要保存时保存文件
    37     return 0;
    38 }


      1 #include <fstream>
      2 #include <string>
      3 #include "B_tree.h"
      4 using namespace std;
      6 struct Book
      7 {
      8     int number;
      9     string name;
     10     string introduction;
     11     unsigned left;
     12     Book(){}
     13     Book(int num) :number(num), name(""), introduction(""), left(0){}//只有编号的初始化
     14     Book(int num, string nam,string intro, unsigned lef)//完整初始化
     15         :number(num),name(nam),introduction(intro),left(lef){}
     16     void print()//显示信息
     17     {
     18         cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
     19         cout << "这本书的信息如下:" << endl;
     20         cout << "编号: " << number << endl;
     21         cout << "书名: " << name << endl;
     22         cout << "简介: " << introduction << endl;
     23         cout << "剩余数量: " << left << endl;
     24         cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
     25     }
     26     bool operator==(const Book &b) const//重载关系运算符
     27     {
     28         if(this->number == b.number) return true;//编号等即命中
     29         else return false;
     30     }
     31     bool operator<(const Book &b) const
     32     {
     33         if (this->number < b.number) return true;
     34         else return false;
     35     }
     36     bool operator>(const Book &b) const
     37     {
     38         if (this->number > b.number) return true;
     39         else return false;
     40     }
     41 };
     42 ofstream outFile;//输出流
     44 class Library
     45 {
     46 private:
     47     B_tree<Book,3> books;
     48     unsigned total;
     49     static void readBook(Book &aBook)//写一本书的内容(一定要是静态的) 
     50     {
     51         outFile<<aBook.number<<endl;
     52         outFile<<aBook.name<<endl;
     53         outFile<<aBook.introduction<<endl;
     54         outFile << aBook.left << endl;
     55     }
     56     void readFile(const char filename[20])//读文件
     57     {
     58         total = 0;
     59         ifstream inFile;
     60         inFile.open(filename);
     61         char trying;
     62         while(inFile.is_open() && !inFile.eof())
     63         {
     64             //先试探是否为结束符
     65             inFile >> trying;
     66             if (trying == '#') break;
     67             else
     68             {
     69                 inFile.putback(trying);
     70                 int number;
     71                 inFile>>number;
     72                 string name;
     73                 inFile>>name;
     74                 string introduction;
     75                 inFile>>introduction;
     76                 unsigned left;
     77                 inFile>>left;
     78                 Book aBook=Book(number,name,introduction,left);
     79                 aBook.print();//显示这本书的信息
     80                 books.insert(aBook);
     81                 total+=left;
     82             }            
     83         }
     84         cout << "库存共有图书" << total << ""<<endl;
     85         inFile.close();
     86     }
     87     void writeFile(const char filename[20])//写文件
     88     {
     89         outFile.open(filename);
     90         books.traverse(readBook);
     91         outFile << '#';//此处必须有一个结束标识符
     92         outFile.close();
     93     }
     94     Book search(int num)//以编号为依据进行查找
     95     {
     96         Book se_book(num);
     97         books.search_tree(se_book);
     98         return se_book;
     99     }
    100     static void print(Book &aBook)//显示信息(必须是静态的)
    101     {
    102         cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
    103         cout << "这本书的信息如下:" << endl;
    104         cout << "编号: " << aBook.number << endl;
    105         cout << "书名: " << aBook.name << endl;
    106         cout << "简介: " << aBook.introduction << endl;
    107         cout << "剩余数量: " << aBook.left << endl;
    108         cout << "-------------------------------" << endl;
    109     }
    110 public:
    111     Library(const char filename[20])
    112     {
    113         cout << "这是现在的库存信息:" << endl;
    114         readFile(filename);
    115     }
    116     void add()//增加图书
    117     {
    118         cout << "请输入图书信息(编号 书名 简介 数量)" << endl;
    119         int num;
    120         string name;
    121         string introduction;
    122         unsigned left;
    123         cin >> num >> name >> introduction >> left;
    124         Book new_book = Book(num, name, introduction, left);
    125         books.insert(new_book);
    126         cout << "这本书已入库,信息如下:" << endl;
    127         new_book.print();
    128         total += left;
    129     }
    130     void display()//查看库存
    131     {
    132         cout << "这是现在的库存信息:" << endl;
    133         books.traverse(print);
    134         cout << "库存共有图书" << total << "" << endl;
    135     }
    136     void remove()//删除
    137     {
    138         cout << "请输入要删除的图书编号:";
    139         int num;
    140         cin >> num;
    141         Book &old_book =search(num);//通过编号找到这本书的记录
    142         cout << "您即将删除这本书的所有信息:" << endl;
    143         old_book.print();
    144         cout << "确定要删除吗?[y/n]";
    145         char choice;
    146         cin >> choice;
    147         if (choice == 'y')
    148         {
    149             books.remove(old_book);//删除这本书的记录
    150             cout << "编号为" << num << "的书已成功从库中删除" << endl;
    151             total--;
    152         }        
    153     }
    154     void lend()//借出
    155     {
    156         cout << "请输入要借出的图书编号:";
    157         int num;
    158         cin >> num;
    159         Book &old_book = search(num);//通过编号找到这本书的记录
    160         old_book.left--;
    161         cout << "编号为" << num << "的图书已借出1本,下面是这本书的现存信息:" << endl;
    162         old_book.print();
    163         total--;
    164     }
    165     void change()//修改(先删除再添加)
    166     {
    167         cout << "请输入要修改的图书编号:";
    168         int num;
    169         cin >> num;
    170         Book &old_book = search(num);
    171         cout << "这是这本书的当前信息:" << endl;
    172         old_book.print();//显示这本书之前的信息
    173         books.remove(old_book);
    174         cout << "请输入修改后的图书信息(编号 书名 简介 数量)" << endl;
    175         string name;
    176         string introduction;
    177         unsigned left;
    178         cin >> num >> name >> introduction >> left;
    179         Book new_book = Book(num, name, introduction, left);
    180         books.insert(new_book);
    181         cout << "这本书的信息已修改为:" << endl;
    182         new_book.print();
    183     }
    184     void back()//归还
    185     {
    186         cout << "请输入要归还的图书编号:";
    187         int num;
    188         cin >> num;
    189         Book &old_book = search(num);//通过编号找到这本书的记录
    190         old_book.left++;
    191         cout << "编号为" << num << "的图书已归还,下面是这本书的现存信息:" << endl;
    192         old_book.print();
    193         total++;
    194     }
    195     void save(const char filename[20])
    196     {
    197         writeFile(filename);
    198     }
    199 };

    B-树的实现参考了经典教材"Data Structures and Program Design in C++" Robert L. Kruse, Alexander J. Ryba 高等教育出版社-影印版,代码如下:

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 using namespace std;
      3 enum Error_code
      4 {
      5     success, not_present, overflow, duplicate_error
      6 };
      8 template <class Record, int order>//阶数(分支数)
      9 struct B_node
     10 {
     11     int count;//成员数
     12     Record data[order-1];
     13     B_node<Record,order> *branch[order];
     14     B_node(){count=0;}
     15 };
     17 template <class Record, int order>
     18 class B_tree
     19 {
     20 public:
     21     B_tree(){root=NULL;}
     22     Error_code search_tree(Record &target)
     23     {
     24         return recursive_search_tree(root,target);
     25     }
     26     Error_code insert(const Record &new_entry)
     27     {
     28         Record median;
     29         B_node<Record,order> *right_branch, *new_root;
     30         Error_code result=push_down(root,new_entry,median,right_branch);
     31         if(result==overflow)
     32         {
     33             new_root=new B_node<Record,order>;
     34             new_root->count=1;
     35             new_root->data[0]=median;
     36             new_root->branch[0]=root;
     37             new_root->branch[1]=right_branch;
     38             root=new_root;
     39             result=success;
     40         }
     41         return result;
     42     }
     43     Error_code remove(const Record &target)
     44     {
     45         Error_code result;
     46         result=recursive_remove(root, target);
     47         if(root != NULL && root->count==0)
     48         {
     49             B_node<Record,order> *old_root=root;
     50             root=root->branch[0];
     51             delete old_root;
     52         }
     53         return result;
     54     }
     55     void traverse(void (*visit)(Record &))
     56     {
     57         recursie_traverse(root,visit);
     58     }
     59 private:
     60     B_node<Record, order> *root;
     61     void recursie_traverse(B_node<Record,order> *current, void (*visit)(Record &))
     62     {
     63         if(current!=NULL)
     64         {
     65             for(int i=0; i<current->count; i++)
     66                 (*visit)(current->data[i]);
     67             for(int i=0; i<current->count+1; i++)
     68                 recursie_traverse(current->branch[i], visit);
     69         }
     70     }
     71     Error_code search_node(B_node<Record,order> *current, const Record &target, int &position) const
     72     {
     73         position=0;
     74         while(position < current->count && (target > current->data[position]))
     75             position++;
     76         if(position < current->count && target == current->data[position])
     77             return success;
     78         else return not_present;
     79     }
     80     Error_code recursive_search_tree(B_node<Record,order> *current, Record &target)
     81     {
     82         Error_code result=not_present;
     83         int position;
     84         if(current != NULL)
     85         {
     86             result=search_node(current,target,position);
     87             if(result==not_present)
     88                 result=recursive_search_tree(current->branch[position],target);
     89             else
     90                 target=current->data[position];
     91         }
     92         return result;
     93     }
     94     void split_node(B_node<Record,order> *current, const Record &extra_entry,
     95         B_node<Record,order> *extra_branch, int position, 
     96         B_node<Record,order>*&right_half, Record &median)
     97     {
     98         right_half=new B_node<Record,order>;
     99         int mid=order/2;
    100         if(position <= mid)
    101         {
    102             for(int i=mid; i<order-1; i++)
    103             {
    104                 right_half->data[i-mid]=current->data[i];
    105                 right_half->branch[i+1-mid]=current->branch[i+1];
    106             }
    107             current->count=mid;
    108             right_half->count=order-1-mid;
    109             push_in(current,extra_entry,extra_branch,position);
    110         }
    111         else
    112         {
    113             mid++;
    114             for(int i=mid; i<order-1; i++)
    115             {
    116                 right_half->data[i-mid]=current->data[i];
    117                 right_half->branch[i+1-mid]=current->branch[i+1];
    118             }
    119             current->count=mid;
    120             right_half->count=order-1-mid;
    121             push_in(right_half,extra_entry,extra_branch,position-mid);
    122         }
    123         median=current->data[current->count-1];
    124         right_half->branch[0]=current->branch[current->count];
    125         current->count--;
    126     }
    127     void push_in(B_node<Record,order> *current, const Record &entry,
    128         B_node<Record,order> *right_branch, int position)
    129     {
    130         for(int i=current->count; i>position; i--)
    131         {
    132             current->data[i]=current->data[i-1];
    133             current->branch[i+1]=current->branch[i];
    134         }
    135         current->data[position]=entry;
    136         current->branch[position+1]=right_branch;
    137         current->count++;
    138     }
    139     Error_code push_down(B_node<Record,order> *current, const Record &new_entry,
    140         Record &median, B_node<Record,order>*&right_branch)
    141     {
    142         Error_code result;
    143         int position;
    144         if(current==NULL)
    145         {
    146             median=new_entry;
    147             right_branch=NULL;
    148             result=overflow;
    149         }
    150         else
    151         {
    152             if(search_node(current,new_entry,position)==success)
    153                 result=duplicate_error;
    154             else
    155             {
    156                 Record extra_entry;
    157                 B_node<Record,order> *extra_branch;
    158                 result=push_down(current->branch[position],new_entry,
    159                     extra_entry,extra_branch);
    160                 if(result==overflow)
    161                 {
    162                     if(current->count < order-1)
    163                     {
    164                         result=success;
    165                         push_in(current,extra_entry,extra_branch,position);
    166                     }
    167                     else
    168                         split_node(current,extra_entry,extra_branch,position,
    169                             right_branch,median);
    170                 }
    171             }
    172         }
    173         return result;
    174     }
    175     void restore(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    176     {
    177         if(position==current->count)
    178             if(current->branch[position-1]->count > (order-1)/2)
    179                 move_right(current,position-1);
    180             else
    181                 combine(current,position);
    182         else if(position==0)
    183             if(current->branch[1]->count > (order-1)/2)
    184                 move_left(current,1);
    185             else
    186                 combine(current,1);
    187         else
    188             if(current->branch[position-1]->count > (order-1)/2)
    189                 move_right(current,position-1);
    190             else if(current->branch[position+1]->count > (order-1)/2)
    191                 move_left(current,position+1);
    192             else combine(current,position);
    193     }
    194     void move_left(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    195     {
    196         B_node<Record,order> *left_branch=current->branch[position-1],
    197         *right_branch=current->branch[position];
    198         left_branch->data[left_branch->count]=current->data[position-1];
    199         left_branch->branch[++left_branch->count]=right_branch->branch[0];
    200         current->data[position-1]=right_branch->data[0];
    201         right_branch->count--;
    202         for(int i=0; i<right_branch->count; i++)
    203         {
    204             right_branch->data[i]=right_branch->data[i+1];
    205             right_branch->branch[i]=right_branch->branch[i+1];
    206         }
    207         right_branch->branch[right_branch->count]=
    208             right_branch->branch[right_branch->count+1];
    209     }
    210     void move_right(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    211     {
    212         B_node<Record,order> *right_branch=current->branch[position+1],
    213         *left_branch=current->branch[position];
    214         right_branch->branch[right_branch->count+1]=
    215             right_branch->branch[right_branch->count];
    216         for(int i=right_branch->count; i>0; i--)
    217         {
    218             right_branch->data[i]=right_branch->data[i-1];
    219             right_branch->branch[i]=right_branch->branch[i-1];
    220         }
    221         right_branch->count++;
    222         right_branch->data[0]=current->data[position];
    223         right_branch->branch[0]=left_branch->branch[left_branch->count--];
    224         current->data[position]=left_branch->data[left_branch->count];
    225     }
    226     void combine(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    227     {
    228         int i;
    229         B_node<Record,order> *left_branch=current->branch[position-1],
    230             *right_branch=current->branch[position];
    231         left_branch->data[left_branch->count]=current->data[position-1];
    232         left_branch->branch[++left_branch->count]=right_branch->branch[0];
    233         for(i=0; i<right_branch->count; i++)
    234         {
    235             left_branch->data[left_branch->count]=right_branch->data[i];
    236             left_branch->branch[++left_branch->count]=right_branch->branch[i+1];
    237         }
    238         current->count--;
    239         for(i=position-1; i<current->count; i++)
    240         {
    241             current->data[i]=current->data[i+1];
    242             current->branch[i+1]=current->branch[i+2];
    243         }
    244         delete right_branch;
    245     }
    246     void copy_in_predecessor(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    247     {
    248         B_node<Record,order> *leaf=current->branch[position];
    249         while(leaf->branch[leaf->count] != NULL)
    250             leaf=leaf->branch[leaf->count];
    251         current->data[position]=leaf->data[leaf->count-1];
    252     }
    253     void remove_data(B_node<Record,order> *current, int position)
    254     {
    255         for(int i=position; i<current->count-1; i++)
    256             current->data[i]=current->data[i+1];
    257         current->count--;
    258     }
    259     Error_code recursive_remove(B_node<Record,order> *current, const Record &target)
    260     {
    261         Error_code result;
    262         int position;
    263         if(current==NULL) result=not_present;
    264         else
    265         {
    266             if(search_node(current,target,position)==success)
    267             {
    268                 result=success;
    269                 if(current->branch[position]!=NULL)
    270                 {
    271                     copy_in_predecessor(current,position);
    272                     recursive_remove(current->branch[position],current->data[position]);
    273                 }
    274                 else
    275                     remove_data(current,position);
    276             }
    277             else result=recursive_remove(current->branch[position],target);
    278             if(current->branch[position]!=NULL)
    279                 if(current->branch[position]->count < (order-1)/2)
    280                     restore(current,position);
    281         }
    282         return result;
    283     }
    284 };
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