0x00 misc
gdb --args executablename arg1 arg2 arg3
0x01 控制流
r run,运行程序。
r < a.txt run,重定向输入
si step instruction 进入函数
ni next instruction 下一条指令
finish 执行到函数结束
0x02 断点
b block,下断点
b *0x0000xx 在指定位置下断点
b main 在函数入口下断点
watch *0x00xx 当修改指定内存时中断
rwatch *0x00xx 当读取指定内存时中断
info b 查看当前断点
en 1 2 3 允许中断
dis 1 2 3 不允许中断
0x03 内存
x [Address expression]
x /[Format] [Address expression]
x /[Length][Format] [Address expression]
- Address expression
- Specifies the memory address which contents will be displayed. This can be the address itself or any C/C++ expression evaluating to address. The expression can include registers (e.g. $eip) and pseudoregisters (e.g. $pc). If the address expression is not specified, the command will continue displaying memory contents from the address where the previous instance of this command has finished.
- Format
- If specified, allows overriding the output format used by the command. Valid format specifiers are:
- o - octal
- x - hexadecimal
- d - decimal
- u - unsigned decimal
- t - binary
- f - floating point
- a - address
- c - char
- s - string
- i - instruction
The following size modifiers are supported:
- b - byte
- h - halfword (16-bit value)
- w - word (32-bit value)
- g - giant word (64-bit value)
x /16xb 0x123123
x /s 0x123123123
0x04 LOAD信息
info files