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  • 对象集合查询

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;

    namespace UseQueryExpression
        /// <summary>
        /// 学生成绩
        /// </summary>
        class LessonScore
            /// <summary>
            /// 创建成绩单,传入课程名,分数
            /// </summary>
            public LessonScore(string les, float scr)
                this._Lesson = les;
                this._Score = scr;
            private float _Score;
            /// <summary>
            /// 课程成绩
            /// </summary>
            public float Score
                    return this._Score;
            public string _Lesson;
            /// <summary>
            /// 课程名称
            /// </summary>
            public string Lesson
                    return this._Lesson;
        public override string ToString( )
            string str;
            str = string.Format("{0}---{1}分", this._Lesson, this._Score);
            return str;
        class Student
            /// <summary>
            /// 学生姓名
            /// </summary>
            private string _Name;
            public string Name
                    return this._Name;

            /// <summary>
            /// 学生性别,男或女
            /// </summary>
            private string _XingBie;
            public string XingBie
                    return this._XingBie;

            private uint _Age;
            /// <summary>
            /// 学生年龄
            /// </summary>
            public uint Age
                    return this._Age;

            private List<LessonScore> _Scores;
            /// <summary>
            /// 成绩单
            /// </summary>
            public List<LessonScore> Scores
                    return this._Scores;

            /// <summary>
            /// 构造函数,传入姓名,年龄,性别,成绩单。
            /// </summary>
            public Student(string name, string xb, uint age, List<LessonScore> scrs)
                this._Age = age;
                this._Name = name;
                this._XingBie = xb;
                this._Scores = scrs;

            /// <summary>
            /// 构造函数,传入姓名,年龄,性别。
            /// </summary>
            public Student(string name, string xb, uint age)
                this._Age = age;
                this._Name = name;
                this._XingBie = xb;
                this._Scores = null;

            /// <summary>
            /// 重写ToString(),获取学生的文本形式
            /// </summary>
            public override string ToString( )
                string str;
                str = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}",
                    this._Name, this._Age, this._XingBie);
                return str;


        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                UseLeftJoin( );

            static void UseSimpleSelect( )
                Student[] stAry =
                        new Student("张三", "男", 20),
                        new Student("欧阳权宜", "男", 22),
                        new Student("李霞红", "女", 23),
                        new Student("王码码", "男", 21),
                        new Student("王丹", "女", 18),

                var query1 =           
                    from val1 in stAry
                    select val1;
                foreach (Student item in query1)

                var query2 =
                    from val2 in stAry
                    select val2.Name;
                foreach (string item in query2)
                    System.Console.Write("{0},", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query3 =
                    from val3 in stAry
                    select val3.Name.Length;
                foreach (int item in query3)
                    System.Console.Write("{0},", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query4 =
                    from val4 in stAry
                    select new { val4.Name, val4.Age, NameLen = val4.Name.Length };
                foreach (var item in query4)

            static void UseSimpleFrom( )
                int[] ary = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 };
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in ary
                    select val1;
                var query2 =
                    from object val2 in ary
                    select val2;
                var query3 =
                    from Student val3 in ary
                    select val3;
                foreach (var item in query3)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(item.ToString( ));

            static void UseSimpleWhere( )
                int[] ary =
                    { 1, 3, 9, 54, 20, 10, 23, 12, 18, 60, 37 };
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in ary
                    where val1 > 15
                    select val1;
                foreach (var item in query1)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query2 =
                    from val2 in ary
                    where (val2 > 10) && (val2 < 40)
                    select val2;
                foreach (var item in query2)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query3 =
                    from val3 in ary
                    where (val3 < 10) || (val3 > 40)
                    select val3;
                foreach (var item in query3)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query4 =
                    from val4 in ary
                    where val4 > 10
                    where val4 < 40
                    select val4;
                foreach (var item in query4)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);

            static void UseSimpleSort( )
                int[] ary = { 9, 54, 20, 11, 3, 0, 23, 12, 18, 60, 37 };
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in ary
                    orderby val1
                    select val1;
                foreach (var item in query1)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);
                System.Console.WriteLine( );
                var query2 =
                    from val2 in ary
                    orderby val2 descending
                    select val2;
                foreach (var item in query2)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}, ", item);

            static void UseComplexSort( )
                Student[] stAry =
                        new Student("张三", "男", 20),
                        new Student("欧阳权宜", "男", 22),
                        new Student("李霞红", "女", 21),
                        new Student("王码码", "男", 22),
                        new Student("王丹", "女", 18),
                var query3 =
                    from st in stAry
                    orderby st.Name.Length ascending, st.Age descending
                    select st;
                foreach (var item in query3)

            static void UseSimpleGroupBy( )
                Student[] stAry =
                        new Student("张三", "男", 20),
                        new Student("欧阳权宜", "男", 22),
                        new Student("李霞红", "女", 21),
                        new Student("王码码", "男", 22),
                        new Student("王丹", "女", 18),
                var query1 =
                    from st in stAry
                    group st by st.XingBie;
                foreach (var grp in query1)
                    foreach (var val in grp)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", val);

            static void UseComplexGroupBy( )
                Student[] stAry =
                        new Student("张三", "男", 20),
                        new Student("欧阳权宜", "男", 22),
                        new Student("李霞红", "女", 20),
                        new Student("王码码", "男", 22),
                        new Student("王丹", "女", 18),
                var query2 =
                    from st in stAry
                    group st by st.Age into stGrp
                    orderby stGrp.Key descending
                    select stGrp;
                foreach (var stGrp in query2)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}岁的学生:", stGrp.Key);
                    foreach (var st in stGrp)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", st);

            static void UseUnionFrom( )
                Student[] stAry =
                        new Student("张三", "男", 20,
                            new List<LessonScore>{ new LessonScore("英语", 80.5f),
                                new LessonScore("数学", 70.0f), new LessonScore("语文", 60.5f)}),
                        new Student("欧阳权宜", "男", 22,
                            new List<LessonScore>{ new LessonScore("英语", 90.5f),
                                new LessonScore("数学", 80.0f), new LessonScore("语文", 50.5f)}),
                        new Student("李霞红", "女", 20,
                            new List<LessonScore>{ new LessonScore("英语", 80.5f),
                                new LessonScore("数学", 50.5f), new LessonScore("语文", 50.5f)}),
                        new Student("王码码", "男", 22,
                            new List<LessonScore>{ new LessonScore("英语", 50.5f),
                                new LessonScore("数学", 80.0f), new LessonScore("语文",40.5f)}),
                        new Student("王丹", "女", 18,
                            new List<LessonScore>{ new LessonScore("英语", 80.5f),
                                new LessonScore("数学", 90.0f), new LessonScore("语文", 70.5f)}),
                var query1 =
                    from st in stAry
                    from scr in st.Scores
                    where scr.Score > 80
                    group new { st.Name, scr } by st.Name;
                foreach (var grp in query1)
                    foreach (var item in grp)
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", item);

            static void UseUnionFrom2( )
                int[] intAry1 = {5, 15, 25, 30, 33, 50};
                int[] intAry2 = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in intAry1
                    from val2 in intAry2
                    where val2 % val1 == 0
                    group val2 by val1;
                foreach (var grp in query1)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}: ", grp.Key);
                    foreach (var val in grp)
                        System.Console.Write("{0} ", val);
                    System.Console.WriteLine( );

            static void UseInnerJoin( )
                int[] intAry1 = {5, 15, 25, 30, 33, 40};
                int[] intAry2 = {10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80};
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in intAry1
                    join val2 in intAry2 on val1%5 equals val2%15
                    select new {VAL1=val1, VAL2=val2};
                foreach (var item in query1)

            static void UseGroupJoin( )
                int[] intAry1 = { 5, 15, 25, 30, 33, 40 };
                int[] intAry2 = { 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80 };
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in intAry1
                    join val2 in intAry2 on val1 % 5 equals val2 % 15 into val2Grp
                    select new { VAL1 = val1, VAL2GRP = val2Grp};
                foreach (var obj in query1)
                    System.Console.Write("{0}: ", obj.VAL1);
                    foreach (var val in obj.VAL2GRP)
                        System.Console.Write("{0} ", val);
                    System.Console.WriteLine( );

            static void UseLeftJoin( )
                int[] intAry1 = { 5, 15, 23, 30, 33, 40 };
                int[] intAry2 = { 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 70, 80 };
                var query1 =
                    from val1 in intAry1
                    join val2 in intAry2 on val1 % 5 equals val2 % 15 into val2Grp
                    from grp in val2Grp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    select new { VAL1 = val1, VAL2GRP = grp };
                foreach (var obj in query1)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", obj);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heling/p/1727633.html
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