def plus(a, b): return a*b;
>>>plus(4, 5)
1 def scoreOut(x): 2 scoreDic = {9:"A",8:"B",7:"C",6:"D"} 3 score = x / 10 4 for item in sorted(scoreDic.keys(),reverse = True): 5 if score >= item: 6 out = scoreDic[item] 7 break 8 else: 9 out = "F" 10 return out 11 12 score = input("Enter your number,Please!") 13 print "Your level is: %s" % scoreOut(score)
1 def leap_year(n): 2 if (n % 4==0 and n % 100!=0) or n % 400==0: 3 return "is"; 4 else: 5 return "is not"; 6 7 year = input("Please input the year: "); 8 print "Year %d %s a leap year!" % (year, leap_year(year))
1 def cal_money(x): 2 cent_25 = x/25 3 cent_10 = (x - 25 * cent_25)/10 4 cent_5 = (x - 25 * cent_25 - 10 * cent_10)/5 5 cent_1 = x - 25 * cent_25 - 10 * cent_10 - 5 * cent_5 6 return cent_25,cent_10,cent_5,cent_1 7 8 cent = input("input your cent,please: ") 9 a, b, c, d = cal_money(cent) 10 print "%d convert to %d 25cent, %d 10cent, %d 5cent, %d 1cent" % (cent, a, b, c, d)
1 def calculate(str): 2 sList = str.split(" ") 3 if sList[1] == "+": 4 return int(sList[0])+int(sList[2]) 5 elif sList[1] == "-": 6 return int(sList[0])-int(sList[2]) 7 elif sList[1] == "*": 8 return int(sList[0])*int(sList[2]) 9 elif sList[1] == "/": 10 return int(sList[0])/int(sList[2]) 11 elif sList[1] == "%": 12 return int(sList[0])%int(sList[2]) 13 elif sList[1] == "**": 14 return int(sList[0])**int(sList[2]) 15 else: 16 return "error operator" 17 18 while True: 19 strEval = raw_input("please input the eval(q to quit): ") 20 if strEval.lower() == "q": 21 break 22 print "the result is %d" % (calculate(strEval))
1 def square(x): 2 return x*x 3 4 def cube(x): 5 return x*x*x 6 7 import math 8 def circle(x): 9 return math.pi * x * x 10 11 def ball(x): 12 return 4.0/3 * math.pi * r * r * r
1 def temperature(x): 2 return (x - 32) * (5.0/9.0) 3 4 if __name__ == "__main__": 5 strTem = input("input the temperature,please: ") 6 print "the result is: %f" % temperature(strTem)
1 def odd(): 2 aList = [] 3 for i in range(21): 4 if i%2 == 0: 5 aList.append(i) 6 return aList
1 def even(): 2 aList = [] 3 for i in range(21): 4 if i%2 == 1: 5 aList.append(i) 6 return aList
1 def calculate(): 2 number_a = input("Please input a integer: ") 3 number_b = input("Please input another integer: ") 4 if number_a % number_b == 0 or number_b % number_a == 0: 5 return True 6 else: 7 return False
1 import sys; #加载sys模块 2 3 #整数的范围,超过则自动转换为长整数 4 print (sys.maxint); 5 print(-sys.maxint-1); 6 7 #浮点数的范围 8 print(sys.float_info); 9 print(sys.long_info);
1 def translate(): 2 time_str = raw_input("Please input the time, like 14:15: ") 3 sList = time_str.split(":") 4 if 0<=int(sList[0])<=24 and 0<=int(sList[1])<=60: 5 time = int(sList[0]) * 60 + int(sList[1]) 6 return time 7 else: 8 return "error time!"
1 def GCM(num1, num2): 2 tempNum = abs(num1 - num2) 3 if (num1 % tempNum) == (num2 % tempNum) == 0: 4 return tempNum 5 else: 6 return GCM(num2, tempNum) 7 def LCM(num1, num2): 8 tempNum = GCM(num1, num2) 9 return num1 * num2 / tempNum
1 import random 2 while 1: 3 N1=random.randint(2,100) 4 N2=random.randint(1,100) 5 if N1>N2: 6 break 7 print 'N1 is %d, N2 is %d' %(N1,N2) 8 list1=[] 9 for i in range(0,N1): 10 n=random.randint(0,2**31-1) 11 list1.append(n) 12 print list1 13 list2=random.sample(list1,N2) 14 list2.sort() 15 print list2