// 发票验证-OCR发票查验 由于跨域,只能传网上预览
getInvoiceOcr() {
this.InvoiceLoading = true
const base1 = this.baseurl + ':9527/mystatic/ce/capitalexpend/' + this.detailDialog.fileList[0].url
this.strimagebase64 = ''
var that = this
var image = new Image()
image.src = base1 + '?v=' + Math.random() // 处理缓存
image.crossOrigin = '*' // 支持跨域图片
image.onload = function() {
var base64 = that.drawBase64Image(image)
that.strimagebase64 = base64.split(',')[1]
// 转完base64才能走接口
if (that.strimagebase64) {
'lngproductid': 315,
'lngreceipttypeid': 2,
'strqrcode': '',
'strfilepath': '/mystatic/ce/capitalexpend/' + that.detailDialog.fileList[0].url, // 后台返回图片路径拼接 1234.png
'strfilerealname': that.detailDialog.fileList[0].name, // 上传图片的名称 通行费.png
'imgurl': that.strimagebase64 // 'BASE64'
}).then(res => {
that.InvoiceLoading = false
if (res.code === 20000) {
that.detailDialog.fileList[0].intinvoicestatus = 0
that.detailDialog.fileList[0].strinvoicemsg = res.message
} else {
that.detailDialog.fileList[0].intinvoicestatus = 1
that.detailDialog.fileList[0].strinvoicemsg = res.message
// this.getBase64Image('http://wwww.test/test.png')
// 参数是图片的URL地址
// getBase64Image(url) {
// this.strimagebase64 = ''
// var that = this
// var image = new Image()
// image.src = url + '?v=' + Math.random() // 处理缓存
// image.crossOrigin = '*' // 支持跨域图片
// image.onload = function() {
// var base64 = that.drawBase64Image(image)
// that.strimagebase64 = base64.split(',')[1]
// }
// },
drawBase64Image(img) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
canvas.width = img.width
canvas.height = img.height
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height)
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
return dataURL