一、 原型继承
function Animal(name = 'animal'){ this.name = name } Animal.prototype.eat = function(food){ console.log('dasdsa') return `${this.name} eat ${food}`; } function Dog(){ } Dog.prototype = new Animal(); var instance = new Dog(); instance.name = 'dog'; console.log(instance.eat('bone')); console.log(instance instanceof Dog); // true console.log(instance instanceof Animal); // true
function Animal(name = 'animal'){ this.name = name this.skinColors = ['black','white'] } Animal.prototype.eat = function(food){ return `${this.name} eat ${food}`; } function Dog(){ } Dog.prototype = new Animal(); var instance = new Dog(); instance.name = 'keji'; instance.skinColors.push('red'); console.log(instance.eat('bone')); console.log(instance instanceof Dog); // true console.log(instance instanceof Animal); // true var instance1 = new Dog() console.log(instance1.skinColors) // [ 'black', 'white', 'red' ]
从上面的代码,我们可以清楚的发现:所有的实例都会公用一个原型链,如果一个实例中修改原型 那么所有实例的值都会被修改。
二、 构造函数继承
function Animal(name = 'animal'){ this.name = name this.skinColors = ['black','white'] } Animal.prototype.eat = function(food){ return `${this.name} eat ${food}`; } function Dog(){ Animal.call(this); } var instance = new Dog(); instance.name = 'keji'; instance.skinColors.push('red'); console.log(instance.eat('bone')); // TypeError: instance.eat is not a function console.log(instance instanceof Dog); // true console.log(instance instanceof Animal); // true var instance1 = new Dog(); console.log(instance1.skinColors); // [ 'black', 'white' ]
- 不能继承原型上面的属性和方法
- 复制的处理,相当于在子类中实现了所有父类的方法,影响子类的性能。
三、 组合继承
function Animal(name = 'animal'){ this.name = name this.skinColors = ['black','white'] } Animal.prototype.eat = function(food){ return `${this.name} eat ${food}`; } function Dog(){ Animal.call(this); } Dog.prototype = new Animal(); Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog; var instance = new Dog(); instance.name = 'keji'; instance.skinColors.push('red'); console.log(instance.eat('bone')); console.log(instance.skinColors) // [ 'black', 'white', 'red' ] console.log(instance instanceof Dog); // true console.log(instance instanceof Animal); // true var instance1 = new Dog() console.log(instance1.skinColors) // [ 'black', 'white' ]
四、 原型式继承
function object(obj){ function F(){} F.prototype = obj; return new F(); } let Programmer = { features:["tutou","jiaban","single"] }
// 方式一:最原始的做法
var programmer1 = object(Programmer);
console.log(programmer1.features); // [ 'tutou', 'jiaban', 'single', 'meiqian' ]
var programmer2 = object(Programmer);
console.log(programmer2.features); // [ 'tutou', 'jiaban', 'single', 'meiqian' ]
// 方式二 es中的Object.create
var programmer3 = Object.create(Programmer);
console.log(programmer3.features); // [ 'tutou', 'jiaban', 'single', 'meiqian' ]
五、 寄生式继承
function pFactory(obj){ let clone = Object.create(obj); clone.motto = function(){ console.log('hardworking and not lazy!!') } return clone; } var programmer1 = new pFactory(Programmer); console.log(programmer1.motto()); // hardworking and not lazy!! console.log(programmer1.features); // [ 'tutou', 'jiaban', 'single' ]
六、 寄生组合式继承
function Animal(name = 'animal'){ this.name = name this.skinColors = ['black','white'] } Animal.prototype.eat = function(food){ return `${this.name} eat ${food}`; } function inheritPrototype(subType, superType){ var prototype = Object.create(superType.prototype); prototype.constructor = subType; subType.prototype = prototype; } function Dog(name,sound){ Animal.call(this,name); this.sound = sound; } inheritPrototype(Dog,Animal); Dog.prototype.getSound = function(){ console.log(`${this.name} ${this.sound}`); } var instance = new Dog('keji','wangwangwang!!!'); instance.skinColors.push('red'); console.log(instance.eat('bone')); console.log(instance.skinColors) // [ 'black', 'white', 'red' ] console.log(instance instanceof Dog); // true console.log(instance instanceof Animal); // true console.log(instance.getSound()) // keji wangwangwang!!! var instance1 = new Dog('haha','wangwang!!!') console.log(instance1.skinColors) // [ 'black', 'white' ] console.log(instance1.getSound()) // haha wangwang!!!
七、 es6的继承方法
class Animal { constructor(name){ this.name = name; } get getName(){ return this.animalName() } animalName(){ return this.name; } } class Dog extends Animal{ constructor(name,sound){ super(name); this.sound = sound; } get animalFeature(){ return `${this.getName} ${this.sound}` } } let dog = new Dog('keji','wangwangwang!'); console.log(dog.animalFeature); // keji wangwangwang!
- 函数声明会提升,类声明不会。
- ES5的继承实质上是先创建子类的实例对象,然后再将父类的方法添加到this上。但是es6是先创建父类的实例对象this,然后再用子类的构造函数修改this。