using System; using System.Reflection; class Module1 { public static void Main() { // This variable holds the amount of indenting that // should be used when displaying each line of information. Int32 indent = 0; // Display information about the EXE assembly. Assembly a = typeof(Module1).Assembly; Display(indent, "Assembly identity={0}", a.FullName); Display(indent+1, "Codebase={0}", a.CodeBase); // Display the set of assemblies our assemblies reference. Display(indent, "Referenced assemblies:"); foreach (AssemblyName an in a.GetReferencedAssemblies() ) { Display(indent + 1, "Name={0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKey token={3}", an.Name, an.Version, an.CultureInfo.Name, (BitConverter.ToString (an.GetPublicKeyToken()))); } Display(indent, ""); // Display information about each assembly loading into this AppDomain. foreach (Assembly b in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Display(indent, "Assembly: {0}", b); // Display information about each module of this assembly. foreach ( Module m in b.GetModules(true) ) { Display(indent+1, "Module: {0}", m.Name); } // Display information about each type exported from this assembly. indent += 1; foreach ( Type t in b.GetExportedTypes() ) { Display(0, ""); Display(indent, "Type: {0}", t); // For each type, show its members & their custom attributes. indent += 1; foreach (MemberInfo mi in t.GetMembers() ) { Display(indent, "Member: {0}", mi.Name); DisplayAttributes(indent, mi); // If the member is a method, display information about its parameters. if (mi.MemberType==MemberTypes.Method) { foreach ( ParameterInfo pi in ((MethodInfo) mi).GetParameters() ) { Display(indent+1, "Parameter: Type={0}, Name={1}", pi.ParameterType, pi.Name); } } // If the member is a property, display information about the property's accessor methods. if (mi.MemberType==MemberTypes.Property) {
Display(indent, "PropertyName:{0}", mi.Name); foreach ( MethodInfo am in ((PropertyInfo) mi).GetAccessors() ) { Display(indent+1, "Accessor method: {0}", am); } } } indent -= 1; } indent -= 1; } } // Displays the custom attributes applied to the specified member. public static void DisplayAttributes(Int32 indent, MemberInfo mi) { // Get the set of custom attributes; if none exist, just return. object[] attrs = mi.GetCustomAttributes(false); if (attrs.Length==0) {return;} // Display the custom attributes applied to this member. Display(indent+1, "Attributes:"); foreach ( object o in attrs ) { Display(indent+2, "{0}", o.ToString()); } } // Display a formatted string indented by the specified amount. public static void Display(Int32 indent, string format, params object[] param) { Console.Write(new string(' ', indent*2)); Console.WriteLine(format, param); } }