select n.name,n.position, case when (select count(*) from T_PUNISHMENT c where c.user_id = n.id) > 0 then '有' else '无' end PUNISHMENT, case when (select count(*) from T_ASK_AND_CONVERSATION c where c.user_id = n.id) > 0 then '有' else '无' end CONVERSATION, case when (select count(*) from T_REPORT_ON_WORK b where b.user_id = n.id) > 0 then '有' else '无' end REPORT_WORK, case when (select count(*) from T_INTEGRITY_ASSESS_REPORT b where b.user_id = n.id) > 0 then '有' else '无' end REPORT_ASSESS from tor_horizon_user_dept m,to_horizon_user n where m.dept_id = ( select dept_id from tor_horizon_user_position thup,to_horizon_position thp,TOR_HORIZON_USER_DEPT thud where thup.user_id = 'HZc18c545ab19f94015ab1c564fa00ff' and thp.position_type_id ='HZc18ca15a83d637015a87d8c0550682' and thup.position_id = thp.id and thup.user_id = thud.user_id) and m.user_id = n.id;
select s.*, case when (select 3+(to_char(trunc(sysdate,'yyyy'),'yyyy')-substr(work_begin_time, 0, 4)-1)*2 as total_vacation_day from t_work_duration u where u.card_no = s.card_no) > 7 then 7 else (select 3+(to_char(trunc(sysdate,'yyyy'),'yyyy')-substr(work_begin_time, 0, 4)-1)*2 as total_vacation_day from t_work_duration u where u.card_no = s.card_no) end total_vacation_day from ( select p.id,p.name,p.card_no,p.work_begin_time,p.unit_work_time,p.enjoy_summer_winter,p.vacation_begin_time,p.vacation_end_time,q.already_vacation_day, q.all_vacation_day from t_work_duration p left join ( select m.id,m.name,m.card_no,m.work_begin_time,m.unit_work_time,m.enjoy_summer_winter,m.vacation_begin_time, m.vacation_end_time,n.already_vacation_day,t.all_vacation_day from t_work_duration m, ( select card_no,sum(VACATE_DAY) as already_vacation_day from T_VACATION,(select trunc(sysdate,'y') as first_day FROM DUAL)m,(select last_day(add_months(trunc(SYSDATE,'y'),11)) as last_day from dual)n where to_date(vacate_begin_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') >= m.first_day and to_date(vacate_begin_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') <= n.last_day group by card_no )n, ( select card_no,sum(VACATE_DAY) as all_vacation_day from T_VACATION group by card_no )t where m.card_no = n.card_no and m.card_no = t.card_no )q on p.card_no = q.card_no )s;