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  • MySQL单表数据查询(DQL)


    CREATE TABLE student(
        sname VARCHAR(10),
        age TINYINT,
        city VARCHAR(10),
        score TINYINT
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"曹操",28,"洛阳",95);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"刘备",27,"成都",80);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"孙权",17,"建业",85);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"孔明",21,"成都",98);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"关羽",25,"成都",70);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"张飞",24,"成都",50);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"鲁肃",22,"建业",90);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"周瑜",19,"建业",97);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"郭嘉",23,"洛阳",98);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"小乔",18,"建业",70);
    INSERT INTO student VALUES (NULL,"貂蝉",26,NULL,65);


    语法:select select选项 字段列表 from 数据源;








    单表数据:from 表名

    多表数据:from 表名1,表名2...

    动态数据:from (select select选项 字段列表 from 数据源) as 别名

    1.1 查询所有学生

    查询指令:select * from student;

    mysql> select * from student;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    |   4 | 孔明   |   21 | 成都   |    98 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |   6 | 张飞   |   24 | 成都   |    50 |
    |   7 | 鲁肃   |   22 | 建业   |    90 |
    |   8 | 周瑜   |   19 | 建业   |    97 |
    |   9 | 郭嘉   |   23 | 洛阳   |    98 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    |  11 | 貂蝉   |   26 | NULL   |    65 |
    11 rows in set (0.03 sec)

    1.2 查询学生姓名和年龄

    查询指令:select sname,age from student;

    mysql> select sname,age from student;
    | sname  | age  |
    | 曹操   |   28 |
    | 刘备   |   27 |
    | 孙权   |   17 |
    | 孔明   |   21 |
    | 关羽   |   25 |
    | 张飞   |   24 |
    | 鲁肃   |   22 |
    | 周瑜   |   19 |
    | 郭嘉   |   23 |
    | 小乔   |   18 |
    | 貂蝉   |   26 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    1.3 运算查询:将所有学生的年龄+10进行显示

    查询指令:select sname,age+10 from student;

    mysql> select sname,age+10 from student;
    | sname  | age+10 |
    | 曹操   |     38 |
    | 刘备   |     37 |
    | 孙权   |     27 |
    | 孔明   |     31 |
    | 关羽   |     35 |
    | 张飞   |     34 |
    | 鲁肃   |     32 |
    | 周瑜   |     29 |
    | 郭嘉   |     33 |
    | 小乔   |     28 |
    | 貂蝉   |     36 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

     1.4 别名查询:将列名sname,age分别用中文显示

    查询指令:select sname as 姓名,age as 年龄 from student;

    mysql> select sname as 姓名,age as 年龄 from student;
    | 姓名   | 年龄   |
    | 曹操   |     28 |
    | 刘备   |     27 |
    | 孙权   |     17 |
    | 孔明   |     21 |
    | 关羽   |     25 |
    | 张飞   |     24 |
    | 鲁肃   |     22 |
    | 周瑜   |     19 |
    | 郭嘉   |     23 |
    | 小乔   |     18 |
    | 貂蝉   |     26 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    语法:select select选项 字段列表 from 数据源 where 条件 group by 分组 having 条件 order by 排序 limit 分页 ;

    2.1 where 子句




    2.1.1 查询年龄大于24的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where age > 24;

    mysql> select * from student where age > 24;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |  11 | 貂蝉   |   26 | NULL   |    65 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.2 查询年龄是18到22的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where age between 18 and 22;

    mysql> select * from student where age between 18 and 22;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   4 | 孔明   |   21 | 成都   |    98 |
    |   7 | 鲁肃   |   22 | 建业   |    90 |
    |   8 | 周瑜   |   19 | 建业   |    97 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.3 查询地址是成都或洛阳的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where city in ("成都","洛阳");

    mysql> select * from student where city in ("成都","洛阳");
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |   4 | 孔明   |   21 | 成都   |    98 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |   6 | 张飞   |   24 | 成都   |    50 |
    |   9 | 郭嘉   |   23 | 洛阳   |    98 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.4 查询姓孙的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where sname like "孙%";

    mysql> select * from student where sname like "孙%";
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.5 查询地址不为空的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where city is not null;

    mysql> select * from student where city is not null;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    |   4 | 孔明   |   21 | 成都   |    98 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |   6 | 张飞   |   24 | 成都   |    50 |
    |   7 | 鲁肃   |   22 | 建业   |    90 |
    |   8 | 周瑜   |   19 | 建业   |    97 |
    |   9 | 郭嘉   |   23 | 洛阳   |    98 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.6 查询地址为成都或洛阳,且年龄大于25的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where city in ("成都","洛阳") and age > 25;

    mysql> select * from student where city in ("成都","洛阳") and age > 25;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.1.7 查询地址不是成都或洛阳的学生

    查询指令:select * from student where city not in ("成都","洛阳");

    mysql> select * from student where city not in ("成都","洛阳");
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    |   7 | 鲁肃   |   22 | 建业   |    90 |
    |   8 | 周瑜   |   19 | 建业   |    97 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.2 group by 子句








    2.2.1 统计各个地方的人数

    查询指令:select city,count(*) from student group by city;

    mysql> select city,count(*) from student group by city;
    | city   | count(*) |
    | NULL   |        1 |
    | 建业   |        4 |
    | 成都   |        4 |
    | 洛阳   |        2 |
    4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

    2.2.2 统计各个地方的平均年龄

    查询指令:select city,avg(age) from student group by city;

    mysql> select city,avg(age) from student group by city;
    | city   | avg(age) |
    | NULL   |  26.0000 |
    | 建业   |  19.0000 |
    | 成都   |  24.2500 |
    | 洛阳   |  25.5000 |
    4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    2.2.3 统计各个地方的成绩总和

    查询指令: select city,sum(score) from student group by city;

    mysql> select city,sum(score) from student group by city;
    | city   | sum(score) |
    | NULL   |         65 |
    | 建业   |        342 |
    | 成都   |        298 |
    | 洛阳   |        193 |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.2.4 统计各个地方的最大成绩与最小成绩

    查询指令:select city,max(score),min(score) from student group by city;

    mysql> select city,max(score),min(score) from student group by city;
    | city   | max(score) | min(score) |
    | NULL   |         65 |         65 |
    | 建业   |         97 |         70 |
    | 成都   |         98 |         50 |
    | 洛阳   |         98 |         95 |
    4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    2.3 having 子句





    2.3.1 统计各个地方的学生人数,获取人数大于2的数据

    查询指令:select city,count(*) as num from student group by city having num > 2;

    mysql> select city,count(*) as num from student group by city having num > 2;
    | city   | num |
    | 建业   |   4 |
    | 成都   |   4 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    注意:having是在group by之后,group by是在where之后,where的时候表示将数据从磁盘拿到内存,


    2.4 order by 子句




    2.4.1 把所有学生先按成绩进行降序排序,再按年龄进行升序排序

    查询指令:select * from student order by score desc,age asc;

    mysql> select * from student order by score desc,age asc;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   4 | 孔明   |   21 | 成都   |    98 |
    |   9 | 郭嘉   |   23 | 洛阳   |    98 |
    |   8 | 周瑜   |   19 | 建业   |    97 |
    |   1 | 曹操   |   28 | 洛阳   |    95 |
    |   7 | 鲁肃   |   22 | 建业   |    90 |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |  11 | 貂蝉   |   26 | NULL   |    65 |
    |   6 | 张飞   |   24 | 成都   |    50 |
    11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    2.5 limit 子句


    基本语法:limit offset,length;



    2.5.1 对成绩进行排名,获取成绩是第6名到第10名的学生

    查询指令:select * from student order by score desc limit 5,5;

    mysql> select * from student order by score desc limit 5,5;
    | sid | sname  | age  | city   | score |
    |   3 | 孙权   |   17 | 建业   |    85 |
    |   2 | 刘备   |   27 | 成都   |    80 |
    |   5 | 关羽   |   25 | 成都   |    70 |
    |  10 | 小乔   |   18 | 建业   |    70 |
    |  11 | 貂蝉   |   26 | NULL   |    65 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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    User Profile Service 应用程序的新增功能
    内容管理互操作性服务 (CMIS) 连接器概述 (SharePoint Server 2010)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heqiuyong/p/9484846.html
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