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  • C++ STL Heap算法

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    int main()
      vector<int> vec1;
      vector<int>::iterator vec_iter1;

      for (int k=0;k<10;k++)

      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin();vec_iter1 != vec1.end();++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      make_heap(vec1.begin(), vec1.end());

      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      pop_heap(vec1.begin(), vec1.end());

      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;


      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      sort_heap(vec1.begin(), vec1.end());
      for (vec_iter1 = vec1.begin(); vec_iter1 != vec1.end(); ++vec_iter1)
        cout << *vec_iter1 << " ";
      cout << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

      return 0;


    41 18467 6334 26500 19169 15724 11478 29358 26962 24464
    29358 26962 15724 26500 24464 6334 11478 41 18467 19169
    26962 26500 15724 19169 24464 6334 11478 41 18467 29358
    26962 26500 15724 19169 24464 6334 11478 41 18467
    26962 26500 15724 19169 24464 6334 11478 41 18467 100
    26962 26500 15724 19169 24464 6334 11478 41 18467 100
    41 100 6334 11478 15724 18467 19169 24464 26500 26962
    请按任意键继续. . .

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/herd/p/11014932.html
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