注:定义根据ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
修剪曲面是一个简单的有界曲面,其中边界是常数参数线u1=u1,u2=u2,v1=v1和v2=v2。所有这些值应在参考表面的参数范围内。假设了参数范围的循环特性。矩形修剪曲面直接从基础曲面继承其参数化,参数范围从0到| u2-u1 |和0到| v2-v1 |。
注:实体改编自ISO 10303-42中的矩形切边曲面。
Attribute definitions
# | Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description | C |
1 | BasisSurface | IfcSurface | [1:1] | Surface being trimmed. | X |
2 | U1 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | First u parametric value. | X |
3 | V1 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | First v parametric value. | X |
4 | U2 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | Second u parametric value. | X |
5 | V2 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | Second v parametric value. | X |
6 | Usense | IfcBoolean | [1:1] | Flag to indicate whether the direction of the first parameter of the trimmed surface agrees with or opposes the sense of u in the basis surface. | X |
7 | Vsense | IfcBoolean | [1:1] | Flag to indicate whether the direction of the second parameter of the trimmed surface agrees with or opposes the sense of v in the basis surface. | X |
Formal Propositions
Rule | Description |
U1AndU2Different | U1 and U2 shall have different values. |
V1AndV2Different | V1 and V2 shall have different values. |
UsenseCompatible | With exception of those surfaces closed in the U parameter, direction Usense shall be compatible with the ordered parameter values for U. |
VsenseCompatible | Vsense shall be compatible with the ordered parameter values for V. |
# | Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description | C |
IfcRepresentationItem | |||||
LayerAssignment | IfcPresentationLayerAssignment @AssignedItems |
S[0:1] | Assignment of the representation item to a single or multiple layer(s). The LayerAssignments can override a LayerAssignments of the IfcRepresentation it is used within the list of Items. | X | |
StyledByItem | IfcStyledItem @Item |
S[0:1] | Reference to the IfcStyledItem that provides presentation information to the representation, e.g. a curve style, including colour and thickness to a geometric curve. | X | |
IfcGeometricRepresentationItem | |||||
IfcSurface | |||||
Dim :=3 |
IfcDimensionCount | [1:1] | The space dimensionality of IfcSurface. It is always a three-dimensional geometric representation item. | X | |
IfcBoundedSurface | |||||
IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface | |||||
1 | BasisSurface | IfcSurface | [1:1] | Surface being trimmed. | X |
2 | U1 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | First u parametric value. | X |
3 | V1 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | First v parametric value. | X |
4 | U2 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | Second u parametric value. | X |
5 | V2 | IfcParameterValue | [1:1] | Second v parametric value. | X |
6 | Usense | IfcBoolean | [1:1] | Flag to indicate whether the direction of the first parameter of the trimmed surface agrees with or opposes the sense of u in the basis surface. | X |
7 | Vsense | IfcBoolean | [1:1] | Flag to indicate whether the direction of the second parameter of the trimmed surface agrees with or opposes the sense of v in the basis surface. | X |
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface SUBTYPE OF (IfcBoundedSurface); BasisSurface : IfcSurface; U1 : IfcParameterValue; V1 : IfcParameterValue; U2 : IfcParameterValue; V2 : IfcParameterValue; Usense : IfcBoolean; Vsense : IfcBoolean; WHERE U1AndU2Different : U1 <> U2; V1AndV2Different : V1 <> V2; UsenseCompatible : (('IFCGEOMETRYRESOURCE.IFCELEMENTARYSURFACE' IN TYPEOF(BasisSurface)) AND (NOT ('IFCGEOMETRYRESOURCE.IFCPLANE' IN TYPEOF(BasisSurface)))) OR ('IFCGEOMETRYRESOURCE.IFCSURFACEOFREVOLUTION' IN TYPEOF(BasisSurface)) OR (Usense = (U2 > U1)); VsenseCompatible : Vsense = (V2 > V1); END_ENTITY;