1. 实验环境
ubuntu14.4 + django1.9.7
2. 问题描述
python manage.py syncdb
然而如果你安装的Django Version >= 1.9,那么会出现如下问题:
gzxultra@gzxultraPC:~/django_try/mysite$ python manage.py syncdbUnknown command: 'syncdb'Type 'manage.py help' for usage.gzxultra@gzxultraPC:~/django_try/mysite$ python manage.py syncdbpython manage.py syncdbUnknown command: 'syncdbpython'Type 'manage.py help' for usage.
3. 解决方法
syncdb is deprecated because of the migration system.
Now you can log your changes using makemigrations. This transforms your model changes into python code to make them deployable to another databases.
After you created the migrations you have to apply them: migrate.
So instead of using syncdb you should use makemigrations and then migrate.
简言之:在Django 1.9及未来的版本种使用migrate代替syscdb.
./manage.py migrate