1.字符串 与 数据结构互转
CCPoint: CCPointFromString(); {x, y}
CCSize: CCSizeFromString(); {w, h}
CCRect: CCSizeFromString(); {x, y, w, h}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>level1</key> <dict> <key>bg_far_scene</key> <dict> <key>path</key> <string>images/far_scene.png</string> <key>pos</key> <string>{358, 309}</string> </dict> <key>bg_near_scene</key> <dict> <key>path</key> <string>images/near_scene.png</string> <key>pos</key> <string>{360, 100}</string> </dict> </dict> </dict> </plist>
CCDictionary *data = CCDictionarycreateWithContentsOfFile("parm.plist"); data->objectForKey("gravity")
CCPoint diff = touch->getDelta();
4.tile map
CCTMXTiledMap *map = CCTMXTiledMap::create("TileMaps/iso-test-vertexz.tmx"); addChild(map, 0, kTagTileMap); /* 直接根据位置获取地图上的精灵 */ CCTMXLayer* layer = map->layerNamed("Trees"); m_tamara = layer->tileAt( ccp(29,29) );//获取的是CCSprite对象 m_tamara->retain();
/* 设置某个点的GID值,GID数字标识图块对应的图片样子 */
layer->setTileGID(1, ccp( x, y ) );
//遮挡排序 // tile height is 64x32 //斜45度 // map size: 30x30 CCPoint p = m_tamara->getPosition(); p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p); float newZ = -(p.y+32) /16; m_tamara->setVertexZ( newZ ); // tile height is 101x81 //正交 // map size: 12x12 CCPoint p = m_tamara->getPosition(); p = CC_POINT_POINTS_TO_PIXELS(p); m_tamara->setVertexZ( -( (p.y+81) /81) ); //缩小,2秒缩小一半 CCArray* pChildrenArray = map->getChildren(); CCSpriteBatchNode* child = NULL; CCObject* pObject = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(pChildrenArray, pObject) { child = (CCSpriteBatchNode*)pObject; if(!child) break; child->getTexture()->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); } map->runAction( CCScaleBy::create(2, 0.5f) );
CCLayerColor* color = CCLayerColor::create( ccc4(64,64,64,255) ); addChild(color, -1);
// move map to the center of the screen CCSize ms = map->getMapSize(); CCSize ts = map->getTileSize(); map->runAction( CCMoveTo::create(1.0f, ccp( -ms.width * ts.width/2, -ms.height * ts.height/2 )) );
CCActionInterval* move = CCMoveBy::create(0.5f, ccp(0,160)); CCActionInterval* rotate = CCRotateBy::create(2, 360); CCActionInterval* scale = CCScaleBy::create(2, 5); CCActionInterval* opacity = CCFadeOut::create(2); CCActionInterval* fadein = CCFadeIn::create(2); CCActionInterval* scaleback = CCScaleTo::create(1, 1); CCActionInstant* finish = CCCallFuncN::create(this, callfuncN_selector(TMXReadWriteTest::removeSprite)); CCSequence* seq0 = CCSequence::create(move, rotate, scale, opacity, fadein, scaleback, finish, NULL); void TMXReadWriteTest::removeSprite(CCNode* sender) { ////----CCLOG("removing tile: %x", sender); CCNode* p = ((CCNode*)sender)->getParent(); if (p) { p->removeChild((CCNode*)sender, true); } //////----CCLOG("atlas quantity: %d", p->textureAtlas()->totalQuads()); }
CCTMXTiledMap* map = (CCTMXTiledMap*) getChildByTag(kTagTileMap); CCTMXObjectGroup* group = map->objectGroupNamed("Object Group 1"); CCArray* objects = group->getObjects(); CCDictionary* dict = NULL; CCObject* pObj = NULL; CCARRAY_FOREACH(objects, pObj) { dict = (CCDictionary*)pObj; if(!dict) break; const char* key = "x"; int x = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey(key))->intValue(); key = "y"; int y = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey(key))->intValue(); key = "width"; int width = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey(key))->intValue(); key = "height"; int height = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey(key))->intValue(); glLineWidth(3); ccDrawLine( ccp((float)x, (float)y), ccp((float)(x+width), (float)y) ); ccDrawLine( ccp((float)(x+width), (float)y), ccp((float)(x+width), (float)(y+height)) ); ccDrawLine( ccp((float)(x+width), (float)(y+height)), ccp((float)x, (float)(y+height)) ); ccDrawLine( ccp((float)x, (float)(y+height)), ccp((float)x, (float)y) ); //获取对象的名字 key = "name"; CCString * str = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey(key)); glLineWidth(1); }
CCMessageBox("this is content","title");
float multi = 1.0f; CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getScheduler()->setTimeScale(multi);
12、tile map 绘制的椭圆Object,x,y 表示 坐下交位置 , 中心点 centerX = x + width/2 centerY = y + height/2