学号 | 科目id | 分数 |
231 | 1 | 99 |
34 | 2 | 128 |
8799 | 3 | 130 |
... | ... | ... |
9912 | 5 | 105 |
SQL> select * from gk_score where rownum<10; ID SUBJECTID STUID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1083 1 46110 26 1084 1 17309 118 1085 1 82287 144 1086 1 25989 108 1087 1 40912 61 1088 1 38971 137 1089 1 88624 118 1090 1 8646 112 1091 1 23097 130 已选择9行。
id | 学号 | 总分 | 语文 | 数学 | 英语 | 物理 | 化学 |
1 | 332 | 465 | 126 | 33 | 89 | 86 | 131 |
2 | 56 | 363 | 9 | 77 | 62 | 112 | 103 |
3 | 3002 | 415 | 3 | 100 | 51 | 129 | 132 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | .. |
select stuid,sum(score) as summary,listagg(lpad(score,3,'0'),',') within group (order by subjectid) as sbjs from gk_score group by stuid
select rownum as rn,tb1.stuid,tb1.summary,tb1.sbjs from ( select stuid,sum(score) as summary,listagg(lpad(score,3,'0'),',') within group (order by subjectid) as sbjs from gk_score group by stuid ) tb1
create table gk_summary( id number(8,0) primary key, stuid number(8,0) not null, summary number(3,0) not null, chinese number(3,0) not null, math number(3,0) not null, english number(3,0) not null, physics number(3,0) not null, chemistry number(3,0) not null )
insert into gk_summary(id,stuid,summary,chinese,math,english,physics,chemistry) select tb2.rn, tb2.stuid, tb2.summary, to_number(substr(tb2.sbjs,1,3)), to_number(substr(tb2.sbjs,5,3)), to_number(substr(tb2.sbjs,9,3)), to_number(substr(tb2.sbjs,13,3)), to_number(substr(tb2.sbjs,17,3)) from ( select rownum as rn,tb1.stuid,tb1.summary,tb1.sbjs from ( select stuid,sum(score) as summary,listagg(lpad(score,3,'0'),',') within group (order by subjectid) as sbjs from gk_score group by stuid ) tb1 ) tb2
SQL> select * from gk_summary where rownum<10; ID STUID SUMMARY CHINESE MATH ENGLISH PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 34968 34968 465 126 33 89 86 131 34969 34969 363 9 77 62 112 103 34970 34970 253 31 41 8 90 83 34971 34971 239 12 69 125 2 31 34972 34972 414 73 69 135 88 49 34973 34973 382 76 83 145 22 56 34974 34974 463 94 66 108 129 66 34975 34975 415 3 100 51 129 132 34976 34976 375 9 149 123 26 68 已选择9行。
select * from ( select rownum as rn,tb.* from (select * from gk_summary order by summary desc) tb ) tb1 where tb1.rn<11
SQL> select * from 2 ( 3 select rownum as rn,tb.* from 4 (select * from gk_summary order by summary desc) tb 5 ) tb1 6 where tb1.rn<11; RN ID STUID SUMMARY CHINESE MATH ENGLISH PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 46332 46332 712 146 138 145 150 133 2 67468 67468 707 147 145 123 147 145 3 85204 85204 702 124 148 147 138 145 4 93904 93904 701 147 144 145 143 122 5 95589 95589 699 139 146 132 142 140 6 6023 6023 699 143 147 138 141 130 7 93667 93667 699 145 122 141 148 143 8 92032 92032 698 146 125 148 144 135 9 73123 73123 697 129 143 147 148 130 10 21336 21336 697 146 147 138 119 147 已选择10行。
这个数据,大家可以拿去和 https://www.cnblogs.com/xiandedanteng/p/12310661.html 最后求出的数据比较一下。
insert into gk_summary(id,stuid,summary,chinese,math,english,physics,chemistry) select rownum as rn, tb1.stuid, tb1.summary, (select gs1.score from gk_score gs1 where gs1.subjectid=1 and gs1.stuid=tb1.stuid) as chinese, (select gs2.score from gk_score gs2 where gs2.subjectid=2 and gs2.stuid=tb1.stuid) as math, (select gs3.score from gk_score gs3 where gs3.subjectid=3 and gs3.stuid=tb1.stuid) as english, (select gs4.score from gk_score gs4 where gs4.subjectid=4 and gs4.stuid=tb1.stuid) as physics, (select gs5.score from gk_score gs5 where gs5.subjectid=5 and gs5.stuid=tb1.stuid) as chemistry from ( select stuid,sum(score) as summary from gk_score group by stuid order by summary desc ) tb1 order by tb1.summary desc