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  • Oracle中树形查询使用方法

    树形查询一般用于上下级场合,使用的特殊sql语法包括level,prior,start with,connect by等,下面将就实例来说明其用法。


    create table tb_hierarchy(
         id number(4,0) primary key,
         name nvarchar2(20) not null,
         pid number(4,0))


    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,name) values('1','Gates');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('2','1','Alice');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('3','2','Bill');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('4','2','Cindy');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('5','2','Douglas');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('6','1','Eliot');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('7','6','Mick');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('8','6','Flex');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('9','7','张三');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('10','7','李四');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('11','7','王五');


    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid


    SQL> select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
      2  from tb_hierarchy
      3  start with pid is NULL
      4  connect by (prior id)=pid;
         LEVEL         ID NAME                                     MNGNAME
    ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
             1          1 Gates
             2          2 Alice                                    Gates
             3          3 Bill                                     Alice
             3          4 Cindy                                    Alice
             3          5 Douglas                                  Alice
             2          6 Eliot                                    Gates
             3          7 Mick                                     Eliot
             4          9 张三                                     Mick
             4         10 李四                                     Mick
             4         11 王五                                     Mick
             3          8 Flex                                     Eliot



    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid


    prior name:prior属于关键字,代表本条记录的上一条,如本条是(38,Flex);那么prior就是(26,Eliot);知道了prior是哪一条记录,我们就知道了prior name是Eliot,prior id就是6。
    start with:这个语法告诉树形查询应该以pid是空的记录作为树的起点。


    SQL> select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
      2  from tb_hierarchy
      3  start with name='Mick'
      4  connect by (prior id)=pid;
         LEVEL         ID NAME                                     MNGNAME
    ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
             1          7 Mick
             2          9 张三                                     Mick
             2         10 李四                                     Mick
             2         11 王五                                     Mick




    SQL> select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
      2  decode(level,1,1) as 首长,
      3  decode(level,2,1) as 中层干部,
      4  decode(level,3,1) as 基层干部,
      5  decode(connect_by_isleaf,1,1) as 员工
      6  from tb_hierarchy
      7  start with pid is NULL
      8  connect by (prior id)=pid;
         LEVEL         ID NAME                 MNGNAME                    首长   中层干部   基层干部       员工
    ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
             1          1 Gates                                              1
             2          2 Alice                Gates                                    1
             3          3 Bill                 Alice                                               1          1
             3          4 Cindy                Alice                                               1          1
             3          5 Douglas              Alice                                               1          1
             2          6 Eliot                Gates                                    1
             3          7 Mick                 Eliot                                               1
             4          9 张三                 Mick                                                           1
             4         10 李四                 Mick                                                           1
             4         11 王五                 Mick                                                           1
             3          8 Flex                 Eliot                                               1          1



    SQL> select lpad(' ',level,' ')||id AS padid,
      2  level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
      3  decode(level,1,1) as 首长,
      4  decode(level,2,1) as 中层干部,
      5  decode(level,3,1) as 基层干部,
      6  decode(connect_by_isleaf,1,1) as 员工
      7  from tb_hierarchy
      8  start with pid is NULL
      9  connect by (prior id)=pid;
    PADID           LEVEL         ID NAME       MNGNAME                    首长   中层干部   基层干部    员工
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     1                  1          1 Gates                                    1
      2                 2          2 Alice      Gates                                    1
       3                3          3 Bill       Alice                                               1       1
       4                3          4 Cindy      Alice                                               1       1
       5                3          5 Douglas    Alice                                               1       1
      6                 2          6 Eliot      Gates                                    1
       7                3          7 Mick       Eliot                                               1
        9               4          9 张三       Mick                                                        1
        10              4         10 李四       Mick                                                        1
        11              4         11 王五       Mick                                                        1
       8                3          8 Flex       Eliot                                               1       1


    SQL> col path format a30;
    SQL> select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
      2  sys_connect_by_path(name,',') as path
      3  from tb_hierarchy
      4  start with pid is NULL
      5  connect by (prior id)=pid;
         LEVEL         ID NAME       MNGNAME              PATH
    ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
             1          1 Gates                           ,Gates
             2          2 Alice      Gates                ,Gates,Alice
             3          3 Bill       Alice                ,Gates,Alice,Bill
             3          4 Cindy      Alice                ,Gates,Alice,Cindy
             3          5 Douglas    Alice                ,Gates,Alice,Douglas
             2          6 Eliot      Gates                ,Gates,Eliot
             3          7 Mick       Eliot                ,Gates,Eliot,Mick
             4          9 张三       Mick                 ,Gates,Eliot,Mick,张三
             4         10 李四       Mick                 ,Gates,Eliot,Mick,李四
             4         11 王五       Mick                 ,Gates,Eliot,Mick,王五
             3          8 Flex       Eliot                ,Gates,Eliot,Flex



    create table tb_hierarchy(
         id number(4,0) primary key,
         name nvarchar2(20) not null,
         pid number(4,0))
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,name) values('1','Gates');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('2','1','Alice');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('3','2','Bill');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('4','2','Cindy');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('5','2','Douglas');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('6','1','Eliot');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('7','6','Mick');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('8','6','Flex');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('9','7','张三');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('10','7','李四');
    insert into tb_hierarchy(id,pid,name) values('11','7','王五');
    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid
    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with name='Mick'
    connect by (prior id)=pid
    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
    decode(level,1,1) as 首长,
    decode(level,2,1) as 中层干部,
    decode(level,3,1) as 基层干部,
    decode(connect_by_isleaf,1,1) as 员工
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid
    select lpad(' ',level,' ')||id AS padid,
    level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
    decode(level,1,1) as 首长,
    decode(level,2,1) as 中层干部,
    decode(level,3,1) as 基层干部,
    decode(connect_by_isleaf,1,1) as 员工
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid
    select level,id,name,(prior name) as mngName,
    sys_connect_by_path(name,',') as path
    from tb_hierarchy
    start with pid is NULL
    connect by (prior id)=pid
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heyang78/p/12517499.html
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