--(网上有人认为颠倒顺序top法 性能要比Row_number函数编号分页法要快10倍。。。)
set statistics profile on
set statistics io on
set statistics time on
select * from (
--top 3020 --加不加top执行过程是一样的。。。
ROW_NUMBER()over(order by ProductCode DESC ) as rowNum,*
from Clothes where Sex='男')
--where rowNum between 3001 and 3020
where rowNum >= 3001 and rowNum <= 3020
select * from (
select top 20 * from (
select top 3020 *
from Clothes where Sex='男'
order by ProductCode DESC
) pageResult order by ProductCode ASC )
pageSort order by ProductCode DESC
--用top加outer join 法执行12步
select toPage.* from
select top 3020 *
from Clothes where Sex='男'
order by ProductCode DESC
left outer join
select top 3000 * from Clothes where Sex='男'
order by ProductCode DESC
) before
on toPage.clothescode=before.clothescode
where before.clothescode is null
set statistics profile off
set statistics io off
set statistics time off