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  • 自制软键盘+支付密码



    *{ padding: 0;margin: 0; }
    body{ font-family: 'Microsoft Yahei';background-color: #f5f5f5; }
    input{ outline: none;background: none;border:0; }
    .txt{ width: 14rem;height: 3.5rem;border: 1px solid #dcdcdc;font-size: 0;margin: 8rem auto 0;background-color: #fff; }
    .txt input{ width: 3.5rem;height: 3.5rem;border-right: 1px solid #eee;box-sizing: border-box;text-align: center;font-size:  1.5rem; }
    .input4{ border-right: 0 !important; }
    .key-tab{ width: 100%;background-color: #fff;position: fixed;bottom: 0; }
    .key-tab tr{ display: flex;height: 3rem;line-height: 3rem;font-size: 0; }
    .key-tab tr td{ flex:1;text-align: center;font-size: 1.5rem;border-right: 1px solid #f5f5f5;box-sizing: border-box;border-bottom: 1px solid #f5f5f5; }
    .key-tab tr td:nth-of-type(3){ border-right: 0; }
    .key-tab tr td:active{ background-color: #eee; }


    <div class="txt">
        <input type="text" class="input1" readonly name="">
        <input type="text" class="input2" readonly name="">
        <input type="text" class="input3" readonly name="">
        <input type="text" class="input4" readonly name="">
    <div class="keyboard">
        <table class="key-tab">
                <td class="empty">清空</td>
                <td class="clear">清除</td>


        var flag = [false,false,false,false]; //判断哪个文本框被激活,false表示未focus,true表示focus
        $.each($('td'),function(index,el){   //遍历循环键盘按键是否被点击
                if( $(this).html() == $('.clear').html() ){  //判断是否按了清除按键
                    $.each(flag,function(index,el){  //循环数组
                        if(el == true){
                            $('.txt input').eq(index).val('');
                            flag = [false,false,false,false];
                                flag[index - 1] = true;
                    return false;
                if($(this).html() == $('.empty').html()){ //判断是否按了清空按键,文本框都清空并聚焦第一个文本框
                    return false;
                if($('.input1').val() == ''){
                    flag = [true,false,false,false];
                    if($('.input2').val() == ''){
                        flag = [false,true,false,false];
                        if($('.input3').val() == ''){
                            flag = [false,false,true,false];
                            if($('.input4').val() == ''){
                                flag = [false,false,false,true];
                                // 执行完成函数
                                var str = $('.input1').val() + $('.input2').val() + $('.input3').val() + $('.input4').val();
        $.each($('.txt input'),function(index,el){   //无论点击哪个文本框,都是激活第一个文本框


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