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2.2.3 句: 句子简化题
1) 句子简化题简介
句子简化题(Sentence Simplification Questions):从给出的4个选项中选出一个与原文中阴影标出的句子的主要意思相同的句子。 |
2) 句子简化题的解题技巧
①抓住句子主干: 提炼句子主要结构,重点放在原文句子中的主语和谓语上,而不是其他的成分(如定语、状语、补语等)或者修饰成分上(如插入语、定语从句、状语从句) ②屏蔽修饰成分: 修饰成分只起到修饰的作用,不是句子主要成分。如果选项中都是修饰成分,那么这个答案一定是错的。 ③辨别句子逻辑:原文句子的逻辑和正确选项的句子逻辑需要一致,例如,状语从句与主句逻辑关系有因果、让步、程度、条件等,此外还有Not at all 、As soon as 等引导的从句。 |
3) 常见错误选项的特征和例子
错误选项常见的特征: |
①用修饰成分(插入语、定语从句、状语从句)代替原句主干,作为主要成分 ②偷换概念 ③遗漏被标示句子的重要信息 ④无中生有 ⑤与主句逻辑不一致 |
(1) 用修饰成分作为主要成分
错误类型1 |
用原文让步状语从句的内容作为答案 |
例子1 |
【原文句子】Although literacy appeared independently in several parts of the prehistoric world, the earliest evidence of writing is the cuneiform Sumerian script on the clay tablets of ancient Mesopotamia, which ,archaeological detective work has revealed, had its origins in the accounting practices of commercial activity. |
【错误选项】Archaeologists have discovered that literacy was developed in several parts of the world, including ancient Mesopotamia. |
【解析说明】错误选项的内容,主要是原文句子中让步状语从句的内容,其实原文的主要成分是the earliest evidence of writing is。因此,答案把原文状语从句的内容来代替原文主要内容, 是错误的。 |
错误类型2 |
用原文插入语的内容作为答案 |
例子2 |
【原文句子】Moreover, when planetesimals(—small, solid objects formed in the early solar system that may accumulate to become planets—) condense within a forming star system, they are inevitably made from heavy elements because the more common hydrogen and helium remain gaseous. |
【错误选项】Planetesimals are small, solid objects that condense within a forming star system and may become planets |
【解析说明】原文括号中标灰的内容,插入语,用来解释前面的planetesimals。错位选项的内容,完全是插入语的内容,因此错误。 |
错误类型3 |
用原文定语的内容作为答案 |
例子3 |
【原文句子】when broken open, Allende stones are revealed to contain an assortment of small, distinctive objects, spherical or irregular in shape and embedded in a dark gray matrix (binding material), which were once constituents of the solar nebula—the interstellar cloud of gas and dust out of which our solar system was formed. |
【错误选项】Allende meteorites were filled with material formed almost entirely from interstellar gas |
【解析说明】原文中which were once constituents of the solar nebula 是gray matrix的定语从句 ,the interstellar cloud of gas and dust out of which our solar system was formed进一步解释the solar nebula。错误选项是定语从句的内容的拼凑,所以是错误的。 此外,根据原文,应该是the solar nebula were filled with material formed almost entirely from interstellar gas,选项中用Allende meteorites替换了the solar nebula,属于偷换概念。 |
【正确选项】lnside Allende meteorites is a dark gray matrix that binds together small spherical or irregular objects formed from the interstellar cloud of gas and dust out of which the solar system was made. |
【解释说明】原文中的插入语和定语在正确答案中还是作定语,这些修饰成分没有作为主成分。 |
(2) 偷换概念
偷换概念 |
偷换概念:把原文中一些重要的概念偷偷换掉,不容易察觉 |
例子2 |
【原文句子】As soon as the hunter or hunters seize their prey, they lose interest in all other grazers since then they, too, must concentrate on eating, at which point the herd stops running, those who were left behind rejoin the group, and they all resume grazing. |
【错误选项】Once the hunters finish eating their prey, they lose interest in the rest of the herd that was left behind |
【解析说明】偷换概念,并不是finish eating后lose interest, 原文是一捕获到猎物,就lose interest, 因此错误。 |
(3) 遗漏重要信息
遗漏重要信息 |
遗漏重要信息:遗漏被标示句子的重要信息,因此错误 |
例子 |
【原文句子】As soon as the hunter or hunters seize their prey, they lose interest in all other grazers since then they, too, must concentrate on eating, at which point the herd stops running, those who were left behind rejoin the group, and they all resume grazing. |
【错误选项】Because the hunters must concentrate on eating once they make a kill, the rest of the herd can then stop running and resume grazing |
【解析说明】原文是The hunter or hunters,这里是the hunters,遗漏了一些信息。此外,没有体现As soon as 和 too, 因此不够准确。 |
(4) 无中生有
无中生有 |
无中生有:增加一些原文中没有的信息,导致错误。 |
例子 |
【原文句子】Third, in a species-rich ecosystem, diseases may spread more slowly because most species will be relatively less abundant, thus increasing the average distance between individuals of the same species and hampering disease transmission among individuals. |
【错误选项】Ecosystems that have a small number of different species tend to be disease-free, because the species' habitats are at a safe distance from each other. |
【解析说明】原文中并没有提到the species' habitats,无中生有,因此错误。 |
(5) 与主句逻辑不一致
逻辑关系 |
状语从句与主句的关系:因果because,条件if, 程度so…that或者such…that, 让步Although等 |
例子1(因果关系because) |
【原文句子】Moreover, when planetesimals condense within a forming star system, they are inevitably made from heavy elements because the more common hydrogen and helium remain gaseous. |
【错误选项1】When planetesimals accumulate to form planets, they inevitably contain gaseous as well as heavy elements. |
【解析说明1】原文句子主干是they are…because, 考察因果关系,选项中改成了when引导的时间状语关系,错误。 |
【正确选项2】Planetesimals are composed of heavy elements beause hydrogen and helium stay in the form of gases. |
【解析说明2】 原文主干是因果关系,选项也保留了因果关系,逻辑关系正确,此外内容也正确,因此选项正确。 |
例子2 (条件关系if) |
【原文句子】Scientists have no direct evidence for recent or ongoing eruptions, but if these volcanoes were active as recently as 100 million years ago, some of them may still be at least intermittently active. |
【错误选项1】Although direct evidence of recent eruptions is lacking, scientists believe that these volcanoes were active as recently as 100 million years ago. |
【解析说明1】原文句子条件关系if,选项中改成了Although引导的让步状语从句,排除。 |
【正确选项2】lf, as some evidence suggests, these volcanoes erupted as recently as 100 million years ago, they may continue to be intermittently active. |
【解析说明2】原文句子条件关系if,选项中也是if, 且内容正确, 因此是正确答案。 |
考察短语1 |
Not all … :不是所有的,言外之意,有一部分是,有一部分不是。 |
例子 |
【原文句子】Not all botanists agree with an African-South American center for the evolution and dispersal of the angiosperms, pointing out that many of the most primitive forms of flowering plants are found in the South Pacific, including portions of Fiji, New Caledonia, New Guinea, eastern Australia, and the Malay Archipelago. |
【原文解析】原文的主干是Not all … agree, pointing out that … 意识是不是所有的都同意,即一部分同意,一部分不同意,重点是不同意 |
【错误选项1】Angiosperms in Fiji, New Caledonia, New Guinea, eastern Australia, and the Malay Archipelago are more primitive than angiosperms in other parts of the world |
【解析说明1】原文中没有比较,所以不能用are more primitive than,答案不对。 |
【错误选项2】Some botanists who agree with the idea of an African-South American center for the dispersal of angiosperms point to primitive South Pacific angiosperms as evidence |
【解析说明2】偷换概念,原文是Not all …Agree, 即不是所有的都同意。这里是who agree with,表同意,因此不对。 |
【错误选项3】Botanists disagree over whether the most primitive forms of living plants are located in parts of Africa and South America or in the South Pacific |
【解释说明3】偷换概念,原文是Not all …Agree, 即不是所有的都同意。这里是disagree,因此不对。 |
【正确选项4】Some botanists argue that the very primitive forms of angiosperms found in the South Pacific call into question the theory that angiosperm evolution began in Africa and South America |
考察短语2 |
As soon as … :一 … 就 |
例子 |
【原文句子】As soon as the hunter or hunters seize their prey, they lose interest in all other grazers since then they, too, must concentrate on eating, at which point the herd stops running, those who were left behind rejoin the group, and they all resume grazing. |
【错误选项1】The hunter or hunters are interested only in seizing their prey and not in any of the rest of the grazers in the herd. |
【解析说明1】原文中是As soon as , 选项中没有体现出该逻辑关系,而且遗漏了Prey也停下来吃草相关的信息,因此错误。 |
【错误选项2】Once the hunters finish eating their prey, they lose interest in the rest of the herd that was left behind |
【解析说明2】偷换概念,并不是finish eating后lose interest, 原文是一捕获到猎物,就lose interest, 因此错误。 |
【错误选项3】Because the hunters must concentrate on eating once they make a kill, the rest of the herd can then stop running and resume grazing |
【解释说明3】 原文是The hunter or hunters,这里是the hunters,遗漏了一些信息,因此不够准确。 |
【正确选项4】Because they must also concentrate on eating, herd animals resume grazing as soon as the hunter or hunters seize their prey. |
【解释说明4】正确选项保留了as soon as 和the hunter or hunters,还有also和原文的too对应,正确答案。 |
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