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  • 【托福备考经 ● 二. 托福阅读技巧 ● 2.2.5 段: 事实信息题】


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    2.2.5 段: 事实信息题

    1) 事实信息题简介


    事实信息题(Factual Information Questions:要求考生辨识出文章某一部分






    According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X?

    The author's description of X mentions which of the following?

    According to the paragraph, X occurred because

    According to the paragraph, X did Y because.

    According to the paragraph, why did X do Y?

    The author's description of X mentions which of the following?



    2) 事实信息题解题技巧











    3) 解题技巧详细说明和例子








    Select the TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 1, help explain

    The relatively low mineral nutrient content of most tropical rain forest soils. To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.



    【题目原文】On viewing the lush plant growth of a tropical rain forest, most people would conclude that the soil beneath it is rich in nutrients. However, although rain forest soils are highly variable, they have in common the fact that abundant rainfall washes mineral nutrients out of them and into streams. This process is known as leaching. Because of rain leaching, most tropical rain forest soils have low to very low mineral nutrient content, in dramatic contrast to mineral-rich grassland soils. //Tropical forest soils also often contain particular types of clays that, unlike the mineral-binding clays of temperate forest soils, do not bind mineral ions well. Aluminum is the dominant cation (positively charged ion) present in tropical soils; but plants do not require this element, and it is moderately toxic to a wide range of plants. Aluminum also reduces the availability of phosphorus, an element in high demand by plants.

    【题目选项】Select the TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 1, help explain therelatively low mineral nutrient content of most tropical rain forest soils. To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.

    A. The water in the streams flowing through tropical rain forests generally has relatively low mineral content.

    B. The range of plants that grow in tropical rain forests is so wide that almost every kind of mineral in the soil gets used up

    C. The clays contained in tropical rain forest soils do not bind mineral ions well

    D. Abundant rainfall causes minerals to leach out of the soil.

    【答案分析】原文可以分为两部分,第一部分讲This process is known as leaching,第二部分有个also提示词,后面讲到particular types of clays that …do not bind mineral ions well.根据这两点,就可以选出答案C和D。








    【问How/what】According to paragraph 1, how does disturbance of a site influence its colonizationby a plant species?

    【解题方法】根据关键词disturbance of a site,去原文定位,搜寻答案

    【问why/Because】According to paragraph X, why is A better than B?

    According to paragraph X, why can A be a problem for B?

    According to paragraph X, why A disappeared..?

    【解题方法】A better than B 或者A be a problem for B, 重点是A, 根据关键词A去原文定位,搜寻答案




    【题目原文】Colonization is one way in which plants can change the ecology of a site. Colonization is a process with two components: invasion andsurvival. The rate at which a site is colonized by plants depends on both the rate at which individual organisms (seeds, spores, immature or mature individuals) arrive at the site and their successat becoming established and surviving. Success in colonization depends to a great extent on there being a site available forcolonization —a safe site where disturbance by fire or by cutting down of trees has either removed competing species or reduced levels of competition and other negative interactions to a level at which the invading species can become established. For a givenrate of invasion,colonization of a moist, fertile site is likely to be much more rapid than that of a dry, infertile site because of poor survival on the latter.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 1, how does disturbance of a site influence its colonization by a plant species?

     A. Disturbance reduces or eliminates competition by other species.

    B. Disturbance increases negative interactions with other organisms on the site.

    C. Disturbance prevents a plant species from colonizing a new site

    D. Disturbance reduces the fertility of a site.

    【答案分析】根据disturbance of a site 快速定位到原文标颜色的地方。原文的removed和reduced对应A选项的reduces 和eliminates,结合原文内容,答案选A。




    【题目原文】An adaptation that is well developed in colonizing species is a high degree of variation in germination (the beginning of a seed's growth). Seeds of a given species exhibit a wide range of germination dates, increasing the probability that at least some of the seeds will germinate during a period of favorable environmental conditions. This is particularly important for species that colonize an environment. Where there is no existing vegetation to ameliorate climatic extremes and in which there may be great climatic diversity.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 4, how do plants manage to germinate in areas with great climatic diversity and climatic extremes?

    A. By producing seeds only during favorable climatic conditions

    B. By generating large numbers of seeds

    C. By colonizing only those areas where other plants have survived

    D. By producing seeds that have a wide range of germination dates

    【答案分析】根据题干中的germinate快速定位到原文标颜色的地方。原文Seeds of a given species exhibit a wide range of germination dates对应D选项,答案选D。



    (问Why is A better than B,重点锁定A)

    【题目原文】The city of Memphis, located on the Nile near the modern city of Cairo, was founded around 3100 B.C. as the first capital of a recently united Egypt . The choice of Memphis by Egypt's first kings reflects the site's strategic importance. First, and most obvious, the apex of the Nile_River delta was a politically opportune location for the state's administrative center, standing between the united lands of Upper and Lower Egypt and offering ready access to both parts of the country. The older predynastic (pre-3100 B.C ) centers of power, This and Hierakonpolis were too remote from the vast expanse of the delta, which had been incorporated into the unified state. Only a city within easy reach of both the Nile valley to the south and the more spread out, difficult terrain to the north could provide the necessary political control that the rulers of early dynastic Egypt (roughly 3000-2600 B.C.) required.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 1, why was Memphis a better choice for the capital of a united Egypt than either This or Hierakonpolis?

               A. Memphis was in a better location for maintaining administrative control

               B. Memphis had long been a regional administrative center by the time Egypt was united

    C. This and Hierakonpolis had never actually been incorporated into the unified state

    D. Egyptian rulers had failed to keep political control over This and Hierakonpolis in predynastic times

    【答案分析】题目是A better than B的类型。题干中的A就是Memphis。锁定关键词Memphis快速定位到原文标颜色的地方。原文was a politically opportune location for the state's administrative





    【题目原文】To keep batches of tokens together, an innovation was introduced

    (circa 3250BCE ) whereby they were sealed inside clay envefopes that could bebroken open and counted when it came time for a debt to be repaid. But becausethe contents of the envelopes could easily be forgotten, two-dimensional representations of the three-dimensional tokens were impressed into the surface of the envelopes before they were sealed. Eventually, having two sets of eauivalent symbols—the internal tokens and external markings—came to seem redundant, so the tokens were eliminated.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 2, why were tokens eliminated?

    A. They were not numerous or varied enough to represent all of the trade commodities.

    B. They were easily broken and then hard to count

    C. They were difficult to keep together in batches.

    D. They were unnecessary when symbols were used on the surface of envelopes.

    【答案分析】锁定题干关键词tokens eliminated,快速定位到原文最后so the tokens were eliminated。原文So是因此的意思,前文一





    【题目原文】The growth of organisms is dependent on the availability ofnutrients, none of which is more important than nitrogen. Although there is anabundant supply of nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere, it cannot be absorbed by plants unless it is "fixed," or combined chemically with other elements to form nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria help tropical rain forest plants cope with the poor soils there by supplying them with needed nitrogen.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 4, why can getting enough nitrogen be a problem forplants?

    A. Because most of Earth's nitrogen is located in the atmosphere

               B. Because plants can use the nitrogen they absorb only if they have previously absorbed certain other elements that are often scarce in poor soils

               C.Because plants cannot( absorb nitrogen that has not been chemically combined with other elements

    D. Because plants have to compete with bacteria for available nitrogen in the soil

















    According to paragraph ..., which of the following is mentioned/true ?



    【题目原文】Because of industrialization, but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output without which industrialization would have been impossible, western Europeans by the latter half of the nineteenth century enjoyed higher standards of living and longer, healthier lives than most of theworld's peoples. In Europe as a whole, the population rose from 188 million in 1800 to 400 million in 1900 By 1900, virtually every area of Europe had contributed to the tremendous surge of population, but each major region was at a different stage of demographic change.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 1 which of thefollowing is true about Europe in thenineteenth century?

            A. A large increase in food production led to industrialization

    B. Population changes occurred at the same pace in the major regions

               C. The standard of living rose to the level of that in most parts of

    the world

    D. The tremendous rise in population led to greater agricultural

    output in every region

    【答案分析】A对应原文第一句话but also because of a vast increase in agricultural output without which industrialization would have been impossible,农业的输出导致了工业化, A正确;B选项的the same pace错误,原文最后一句话是at a different stage of demographic change;C选项错误,原文是higher standards of living;D选项错误,文中并没有提人口增长导致农业的产出。



    【题目原文】At the end of the Pleistocene (around 10,000 B.C.), the technologies of food production may have already been employed on the fringes of the rain forests of western andcentral Africa, where the common use of such root plants as the African yam led people to recognize the advantages of growing their own food. The yam can easily be resprouted if the top is replanted. This primitive form of "vegeculture"(cultivation of root and tree crops) may have been the economic tradition onto which the cultivation of summer rainfall cereal crops was grafted as it came into use south of the grassland areas on the Sahara's southern borders.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 1, which of thefollowing is true of early food production by the end of the Pleistocene?

    A. ln certain areas of western and central Africa, some people were already growing root plants such as yams.

    C. Sophisticated forms of "vegeculture" were introduced for the first time in central and western Africa by people from the Sahara's southern borders.

    D. The cultivation of root and tree crops replaced the cultivation

    of cereal crops because of decreasing summer rainfall in grassland areas.

    【答案分析】A对应原文第一句话, A正确; C选项中的introduce和D选项中的replace原文并没有提到,排除。









    According to paragraph X, an effect of sth was to... ?



    【题目原文】The first steps toward change were taken by Solonin 594 B.C., when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding, abolishing the economic obligations of ordinary Athenians to the aristocracy, and allowing the assembly (of which all citizens were equal members) to overrule the decisions of local courts in certain cases.

    【题目选项】According to paragraph 3, an important effect of making wealth the basis of office holding was to

               A. make fewer people qualified to bemembers of the assembly

               B. make it possible for non-aristocrats to hold office

     C. help the aristocrats maintain power

     D. increase economic opportunities for Athenian citizens

    【答案分析】本段的主旨句是he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding,通过establishing wealth,来broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices,对应B选项,B正确。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hezhiyao/p/14643502.html
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