图标1表示未实现继承类中的方法 图标2表示实现继承类中的抽象方法 图标3表示重写继承类中方法
[Túbiāo 1 biǎoshì wèi shíxiàn jìchéng lèi zhōng de fāngfǎ túbiāo 2 biǎoshì shíxiàn jìchéng lèi zhōng de chōuxiàng fāngfǎ túbiāo 3 biǎoshì chóng xiě jìchéng lèi zhōng fāngfǎ]
Icon 1 indicates that the methods in the inherited class are not implemented
Icon 2 represents the abstract method in the implementation of the inherited class
Icon 3 indicates that the method in the inherited class is overridden
Icon 2 represents the abstract method in the implementation of the inherited class
Icon 3 indicates that the method in the inherited class is overridden