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  • 异步设备IO:OVERLAPPED和IOCompletionPort






    Descriptio:Contains information used in asynchronous (or overlapped) input and output (I/O).保存异步IO信息的结构体。

     1 typedef struct _OVERLAPPED {  
     2     ULONG_PTR Internal;  
     3     ULONG_PTR InternalHigh;  
     4     union {    
     5         struct {      
     6             DWORD Offset;      
     7             DWORD OffsetHigh;    
     8         };   
     9          PVOID Pointer;  
    10     }; 
    11     HANDLE hEvent;
    12 } OVERLAPPED,  *LPOVERLAPPED;            



    Reserved for operating system use. This member, which specifies a system-dependent status, is valid when the GetOverlappedResult function returns without setting the extended error information to ERROR_IO_PENDING.



    Reserved for operating system use. This member, which specifies the length of the data transferred, is valid when the GetOverlappedResult function returns TRUE.



    The file position at which to start the transfer. The file position is a byte offset from the start of the file. The calling process must set this member before calling the ReadFile or WriteFile function.

    This member is used only when the device is a file. Otherwise, this member must be zero.


    The high-order word of the file position at which to start the transfer.

    This member is used only when the device is a file. Otherwise, this member must be zero.



    Reserved for system use; do not use.



    A handle to the event that will be set to the signaled state when the operation has been completed. The calling process must set this member either to zero or a valid event handle before calling any overlapped functions. To create an event object, use the CreateEvent function. This function returns a handle that can be used to synchronize simultaneous I/O requests for a device.

    Functions such as ReadFile and WriteFile set this handle to the nonsignaled state before they begin an I/O operation. When the operation has completed, the handle is set to the signaled state.

    Functions such as GetOverlappedResult and the wait functions reset auto-reset events to the nonsignaled state. Therefore, if you use an auto-reset event, your application can hang if you wait for the operation to complete then call GetOverlappedResult.





    2.1 IO完成端口定义




    Associates an input/output (I/O) completion port with one or more file handles, or it can create an I/O completion port that is not associated with a file handle.

    Associating an instance of an opened file with an I/O completion port lets an application receive notification of the completion of asynchronous I/O operations involving that file.

    1 HANDLE WINAPI CreateIoCompletionPort(
    2   __in          HANDLE FileHandle,
    3   __in          HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort,
    4   __in          ULONG_PTR CompletionKey,
    5   __in          DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads
    6 );



    A handle to a file opened for overlapped I/O completion. You must specify the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag when using the CreateFile function to obtain the handle.

    If FileHandle specifies INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, CreateIoCompletionPort creates an I/O completion port without associating it with a file. In this case, the ExistingCompletionPort parameter must be NULL and the CompletionKey parameter is ignored.

    如果CreateIoCompletionPort 用来创建一个IO完成端口,则应配置FileHandle为INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,ExistingCompletionPort 为NULL ,CompletionKey将被忽略调。


    A handle to the I/O completion port.

    If this parameter specifies an existing completion port, the function associates it with the file specified by the FileHandle parameter. The function returns the handle of the existing completion port; it does not create a new I/O completion port.

    If this parameter is NULL, the function creates a new I/O completion port and associates it with the file specified by FileHandle. The function returns the handle to the new I/O completion port.



    The per-file completion key that is included in every I/O completion packet for the specified file.



    The maximum number of threads that the operating system can allow to concurrently process I/O completion packets for the I/O completion port. This parameter is ignored if the ExistingCompletionPort parameter is not NULL.

    If this parameter is zero, the system allows as many concurrently running threads as there are processors in the system. 


    Return Value

    If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the I/O completion port that is associated with the specified file.

    If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.




     2.2 IO完成端口周边架构







    2.3 GetQueuedCompletionStatus

    Description:Attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from the specified I/O completion port. If there is no completion packet queued, the function waits for a pending I/O operation associated with the completion port to complete.

    1 BOOL WINAPI GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
    2   __in          HANDLE CompletionPort,
    3   __out         LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytes,
    4   __out         PULONG_PTR lpCompletionKey,
    5   __out         LPOVERLAPPED* lpOverlapped,
    6   __in          DWORD dwMilliseconds
    7 );



    A handle to the completion port. To create a completion port, use the CreateIoCompletionPort function.


    A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes transferred during an I/O operation that has completed.



    A pointer to a variable that receives the completion key value associated with the file handle whose I/O operation has completed. A completion key is a per-file key that is specified in a call to CreateIoCompletionPort.


    A pointer to a variable that receives the address of the OVERLAPPED structure that was specified when the completed I/O operation was started.   

    Return Value

      If the function dequeues a completion packet for a successful I/O operation from the completion port, the return value is nonzero. The function stores information in the variables pointed to by the lpNumberOfBytes, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped parameters.

      如果函数从完成队列中取出IO事件,返回值非0.并在 lpNumberOfByteslpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped 参数中存储信息。

      If *lpOverlapped is NULL and the function does not dequeue a completion packet from the completion port, the return value is zero. The function does not store information in the variables pointed to by the lpNumberOfBytes and lpCompletionKey parameters. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. If the function did not dequeue a completion packet because the wait timed out, GetLastError returns WAIT_TIMEOUT.

      如果*lpOverlapped非NULL,且函数未冲完成端口中取出事件信息,返回值为0。函数不会再lpNumberOfByteslpCompletionKey存储信息。如果函数因时间到达未取出事件,则GetLastError 返回WAIT_TIMEOUT。

      If *lpOverlapped is not NULL and the function dequeues a completion packet for a failed I/O operation from the completion port, the return value is zero. The function stores information in the variables pointed to by lpNumberOfBytes, lpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

      如果*lpOverlapped非NULL,且IO操作失败,函数取出了IO失败的事件信息,则返回值是0.lpNumberOfByteslpCompletionKey, and lpOverlapped存储了失败事件的信息。

    2.4 PostQueuedCompletionStatus  

     Description:Posts an I/O completion packet to an I/O completion port.

    1 BOOL WINAPI PostQueuedCompletionStatus(
    2   __in          HANDLE CompletionPort,
    3   __in          DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransferred,
    4   __in          ULONG_PTR dwCompletionKey,
    5   __in          LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
    6 );



    A handle to an I/O completion port to which the I/O completion packet is to be posted.


    The value to be returned through the lpNumberOfBytesTransferred parameter of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function.


    The value to be returned through the lpCompletionKey parameter of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function.


    The value to be returned through the lpOverlapped parameter of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function.

    Return Value

      If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

      If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError .


    3  IOCP的封装类



     1 class CIOCP {
     2 public:
     3    CIOCP(int nMaxConcurrency = -1) { 
     4       m_hIOCP = NULL; 
     5       if (nMaxConcurrency != -1)
     6          (void) Create(nMaxConcurrency);
     7    }
     9    ~CIOCP() { 
    10       if (m_hIOCP != NULL) 
    11          chVERIFY(CloseHandle(m_hIOCP)); 
    12    }
    14    //关闭IOCP
    15    BOOL Close() {
    16       BOOL bResult = CloseHandle(m_hIOCP);
    17       m_hIOCP = NULL;
    18       return(bResult);
    19    }
    21    //创建IOCP,nMaxConcurrency指定最大线程并发数量,0默认为cpu数量
    22    BOOL Create(int nMaxConcurrency = 0) {
    23       m_hIOCP = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, nMaxConcurrency);
    24       chASSERT(m_hIOCP != NULL);
    25       return(m_hIOCP != NULL);
    26    }
    28    //为设备(文件、socket、邮件槽、管道等)关联一个IOCP
    29    BOOL AssociateDevice(HANDLE hDevice, ULONG_PTR CompKey) {
    30       BOOL fOk = (CreateIoCompletionPort(hDevice, m_hIOCP, CompKey, 0) == m_hIOCP);
    31       chASSERT(fOk);
    32       return(fOk);
    33    }
    35    //为设备(文件、socket、邮件槽、管道等)关联一个IOCP
    36    BOOL AssociateSocket(SOCKET hSocket, ULONG_PTR CompKey) {
    37       return(AssociateDevice((HANDLE) hSocket, CompKey));
    38    }
    40    //为iocp传递事件通知
    41    BOOL PostStatus(ULONG_PTR CompKey, DWORD dwNumBytes = 0, 
    42       OVERLAPPED* po = NULL) {
    44       BOOL fOk = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hIOCP, dwNumBytes, CompKey, po);
    45       chASSERT(fOk);
    46       return(fOk);
    47    }
    49    //从IO完成队列中获取事件通知。IO完成队列无事件时,该函数将阻塞
    50    BOOL GetStatus(ULONG_PTR* pCompKey, PDWORD pdwNumBytes,
    51       OVERLAPPED** ppo, DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE) {
    53       return(GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hIOCP, pdwNumBytes, 
    54          pCompKey, ppo, dwMilliseconds));
    55    }
    57 private:
    58     //IOCP句柄
    59    HANDLE m_hIOCP;
    60 };


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