The listbox portion of a combobox is of type COMBOLBOX (notice the "L "). Because the ComboLBox window is not a child of the ComboBox window, it is not obvious how to subclass the COMBOLBOX
control. Luckily,under the Win32 API, Windows sends a message to the COMBOBOX (notice no "L ") called WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX before the listbox is drawn. The lParam passed with this message contains the handle of the list box.
BOOL GetComboBoxInfo( HWND hwndCombo, PCOMBOBOXINFO pcbi );
typedef struct tagCOMBOBOXINFO {
DWORD cbSize;
RECT rcItem;
RECT rcButton;
DWORD stateButton;
HWND hwndCombo;
HWND hwndItem;
HWND hwndList;//hwndList就是COMBOLBOX的hwnd