内存泄漏,就是忘记释放之前分配的堆内存,malloc, realloc少做了free操作。内存泄漏工具的基本原理就是捕获每一次malloc,realloc和free操作,在分配时将分配信息保存在一个列表里,释放时再从列表里清除。工具在设计的关键在于如何设计这个表,做到能够适应大量分配、释放操作的非常高效的频繁更新。当然,这些操作本身还不能调用外部(本C文件外)一个内嵌了mallc,free的操作,比如printf就应该避免,否则会形成递归错误。
#define malloc(size) tml_malloc(size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define realloc(mem, size) tml_malloc(mem, size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define free(mem) tml_free(mem) IMPORT void* tml_malloc(int size, const char* function, int line); IMPORT void tml_free(void* mem); IMPORT void* tml_realloc(void* mem, int size, const char* function, int line);
在我提供的代码中,这个是加入到zType_Def.h中的,因为我的代码里,只有zType_Def.h是应用必须引用的。当然,如果有不引用的,memory leak检测是没办法的。

/*---------------------------------------------------------- File Name : xxx.c Description: Author : hhao020@gmail.com (bug fixing and consulting) Date : 2007-05-15 ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "zType_Def.h" #ifdef malloc #undef malloc #endif #ifdef free #undef free #endif #ifdef realloc #undef realloc #endif /** copy below lines to a common header file #define malloc(size) tml_malloc(size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define realloc(mem, size) tml_malloc(mem, size, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) #define free(mem) tml_free(mem) IMPORT void* tml_malloc(int size, const char* function, int line); IMPORT void tml_free(void* mem); IMPORT void* tml_realloc(void* mem, int size, const char* function, int line); ** copy ends*/ //#include "zTraceApi.h" //replace zlib with stdlib, to make the tool be lighter //#include "zSalOS.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include "memleak.h" typedef struct MEMORY_LEAK_TYPE { void* mem; int size; const char* function; int line; int tAlloc; } MemLeak_t; static MemLeak_t g_memleaks[128] = { {0,}, }; static int tml_insert(void* mem, int size, const char* function, int line) { int i; for(i=0; i<TBL_SIZE(g_memleaks); i++) { if(g_memleaks[i].mem) continue; g_memleaks[i].mem = mem; g_memleaks[i].size = size; g_memleaks[i].function = function; g_memleaks[i].line = line; g_memleaks[i].tAlloc = time(0); //zTime(0); return 1; } return 0; } static int tml_remove(void* mem) { int i; for(i=0; i<TBL_SIZE(g_memleaks); i++) { if(g_memleaks[i].mem != mem) continue; g_memleaks[i].mem = 0; return 1; } return 0; } void* tml_realloc(void* mem, int size, const char* function, int line) { if(mem) //note, a null memory must cause exception and crash { tml_remove(mem); } mem = realloc(mem, size); if(mem) { tml_insert(mem, size, function, line); } return mem; } void* tml_malloc(int size, const char* function, int line) { void *mem = malloc(size); if(mem) tml_insert(mem, size, function, line); return mem; } void tml_free(void* mem) { if(mem) //note, a null memory must cause exception and crash { tml_remove(mem); } free(mem); return; } int tml_cleanall() { memset(&g_memleaks[0], 0, sizeof(g_memleaks)); return 0; } int tml_show(int ref_seconds) //only those memory allocated before ref_seconds are leak candidates { int now = time(0); int i; for(i=0; i<TBL_SIZE(g_memleaks); i++) { if(!g_memleaks[i].mem) continue; if(now - g_memleaks[i].tAlloc <= ref_seconds) continue; printf("mem: %p size: %6d @%s:%d tAlloc: -%d ", g_memleaks[i].mem, g_memleaks[i].size, g_memleaks[i].function, g_memleaks[i].line, now-g_memleaks[i].tAlloc); } return 1; }
cshell_prj $ bin/target_a.linux.i32.exe ->p=0 $1/> p=0 = 0 (0x0) <:0x3d :61 :'=' : size=0> ->p=testMalloc(100) $2/> p=testMalloc(100) = 150846704 (0x8FDBCF0) <:0x3d :61 :'=' : size=0> ->tml_show() $3/> tml_show() mem: 0x8fdbcf0 size: 100 @testMalloc:35 tAlloc: -4 = 1 (0x1) <FUNCALL : size=0> ->testFree(p) $4/> testFree(p) = 115480 (0x1C318) <FUNCALL : size=4> ->tml_show() $5/> tml_show() = 1 (0x1) <FUNCALL : size=0> ->