用IIS作为FTP服务器的时候,使用默认设置每次连接都会提示 “220-Microsoft FTP Service”,如果想禁用这个提示,可以用如下办法来解决:
1. At a command prompt, change the location to the %systemroot%/inetpub/AdminScripts folder.
2. At the command prompt, type cscript adsutil.vbs enum msftpsvc, and then press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type cscript adsutil set msftpsvc/number/SuppressDefaultFTPBanner 1 (where number is the number of the FTP service where you want to disable the default FTP banner), and then press ENTER.
Note If you have multiple FTP virtual servers, run this command for each virtual FTP server that has a different value for number. When you type the command, do not include a space between msftpsvc/ and number.
4. At the command prompt, run the following command to restart the IIS service:
2. At the command prompt, type cscript adsutil.vbs enum msftpsvc, and then press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type cscript adsutil set msftpsvc/number/SuppressDefaultFTPBanner 1 (where number is the number of the FTP service where you want to disable the default FTP banner), and then press ENTER.
Note If you have multiple FTP virtual servers, run this command for each virtual FTP server that has a different value for number. When you type the command, do not include a space between msftpsvc/ and number.
4. At the command prompt, run the following command to restart the IIS service: