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  • An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1) -- Week 2_2 练习

    #Practice Exercises for Logic and Conditionals
    # Solve each of the practice exercises below.
    # 1.Write a Python function is_even that takes as input the parameter number (an integer) and 
    # returns True if number is even and False if number is odd. 
    # Hint: Apply the remainder operator to n (i.e., number % 2) and compare to zero. 
    def is_even(number):
        if number % 2 == 0:
            return True
            return False
    res = is_even(93)
    # 2.Write a Python function is_cool that takes as input the string name and 
    # returns True if name is either "Joe", "John" or "Stephen" and returns False otherwise. 
    # (Let's see if Scott manages to catch this. ☺ ) 
    def is_cool(name):
        cool_names = ["Joe", "John", "Stephen"]
        if name in cool_names:
            return True
            return False
    res = is_cool("Scott")
    # 3.Write a Python function is_lunchtime that takes as input the parameters hour 
    # (an integer in the range [1,12]) and is_am (a Boolean “flag” that represents whether the hour is before noon).
    # The function should return True when the input corresponds to 11am or 12pm (noon) and False otherwise. 
    # If the problem specification is unclear, look at the test cases in the provided template. 
    # Our solution does not use conditional statements. 
    def is_lunchtime(hour, is_am):
        if hour == 11 and is_am:
            return True
            return False
    res = is_lunchtime(11, True)
    # 4.Write a Python function is_leap_year that take as input the parameter year and 
    # returns True if year (an integer) is a leap year according to the Gregorian calendar and False otherwise. 
    # The Wikipedia entry for leap yearscontains a simple algorithmic rule for 
    # determining whether a year is a leap year. Your main task will be to translate this rule into Python. 
    def is_leap_year(year):
        if year % 400 == 0:
            is_leap = True
        elif year % 100 == 0:
            is_leap = False
        elif year % 4 == 0:
            is_leap = True
            is_leap = False
        return is_leap
    res = is_leap_year(2016)
    # 5.Write a Python function interval_intersect that takes parameters a, b, c, and d and 
    # returns True if the intervals [a,b] and [c,d] intersect and False otherwise. 
    # While this test may seem tricky, the solution is actually very simple and consists of one line of Python code. 
    # (You may assume that a≤b and c≤d.) 
    def interval_intersect(a, b, c, d):
        if a > d or b < c:
            return False
            return True
    res = interval_intersect(1,2,3,4)
    # 6.Write a Python function name_and_age that take as input the parameters name (a string) and age (a number) and 
    # returns a string of the form "% is % years old." where the percents are the string forms of name and age. 
    # The function should include an error check for the case when age is less than zero. 
    # In this case, the function should return the string "Error: Invalid age". 
    def name_and_age(name, age):
        if age >= 0:
            form = "%s is %d years old." % (name, age)
            form = "Error: Invalid age"
        return form
    res = name_and_age("John", -25)
    # 7.Write a Python function print_digits that takes an integer number in the range [0,100) and 
    # prints the message "The tens digit is %, and the ones digit is %." where the percents should be replaced 
    # with the appropriate values. The function should include an error check for the case when number is 
    # negative or greater than or equal to 100. In those cases, 
    # the function should instead print "Error: Input is not a two-digit number.". 
    def print_digits(number):
        if number in range(100):
            tens, ones = number // 10, number % 10
            message = "The tens digit is %d, and the ones digit is %d." % (tens, ones)
            message = "Error: Input is not a two-digit number."
    # 8.Write a Python function name_lookup that takes a string first_name that corresponds to 
    # one of ("Joe", "Scott", "John" or "Stephen") and then 
    # returns their corresponding last name ("Warren", "Rixner", "Greiner" or "Wong"). 
    # If first_name doesn't match any of those strings, return the string "Error: Not an instructor". 
    def name_lookup(first_name):
        first_names = ("Joe", "Scott", "John", "Stephen")
        last_names = ("Warren", "Rixner", "Greiner", "Wong")
        if first_name in first_names:
            return last_names[first_names.index(first_name)]
            return "Error: Not an instructor"
    res = name_lookup("Scott")
    # 9.Pig Latin is a language game that involves altering words via a simple set of rules. 
    # Write a Python function pig_latin that takes a string word and 
    # applies the following rules to generate a new word in Pig Latin. 
    # If the first letter in word is a consonant, append the consonant plus "ay" to the end 
    # of the remainder of the word. For example, pig_latin("pig") would return "igpay". 
    # If the first letter in word is a vowel, append "way" to the end of the word. 
    # For example, pig_latin("owl") returns "owlway". You can assume that word is in lower case. 
    # The provided template includes code to extract the first letter and the rest of word in Python. 
    # Note that, in full Pig Latin, the leading consonant cluster is moved to the end of the word. 
    # However, we don't know enough Python to implement full Pig Latin just yet. 
    def pig_latin(word):
        if word[0] in "aeoui":
            return word + "way"
            return word[1:] + word[0] + "ay"
    res = pig_latin("owl")
    # 10.Challenge: Given numbers a, b, and c, the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 can 
    # have zero, one or two real solutions (i.e; values for x that satisfy the equation). 
    # The quadratic formula x=−b±b2−4ac2a can be used to compute these solutions. 
    # The expression b2−4ac is the discriminant associated with the equation. 
    # If the discriminant is positive, the equation has two solutions. 
    # If the discriminant is zero, the equation has one solution. 
    # Finally, if the discriminant is negative, the equation has no solutions. 
    # Write a Python function smaller_root that takes an input the numbers a, b and c and 
    # returns the smaller solution to this equation if one exists. 
    # If the equation has no real solution, print the message "Error: No real solutions" and simply return. 
    # Note that, in this case, the function will actually return the special Python value None.
    def smaller_root(a, b, c):
        discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
        if discriminant > 0:
            return (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2.0 * a)
        elif discriminant == 0:
            return -b / (2.0 * a)
            print("Error: No real solutions")
    res = smaller_root(1.0, -2.0, 1.0)
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