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  • 微带贴片天线-微带线馈电



    设计参数同http://www.cnblogs.com/hiramlee0534/p/6283543.html基板参数er = 2.55, H = 1.59mm, 导体为PEC,厚度为0,频率为3GHz, 使用公式计算得到辐射边W=37.503mm。长度与谐振频率有关,使用微带线馈电,连接在辐射一端。计算好天线阻抗,输入端为50 欧姆微带线,中间是1/4波长阻抗变换微带线。计算设计初值 如下


     1 def msa_coax_synthesis(self):
     2         #er =  float(self.lineEdit_ms_er.text()) # relative dielectric constant
     3         h = float(self.lineEdit_ms_H.text())/1.0e3 # substrate thickness
     4         #w = float(self.lineEdit_ms_W.text())/1.0e3 # conductor width
     5         #l = float(self.lineEdit_ms_L.text())/1.0e3 # conductor length
     6         er =  float(self.lineEdit_ms_er.text()) # relative dielectric constant
     7         mur =  float(self.lineEdit_ms_mur.text()) # relative permeability 
     8         fc =  float(self.lineEdit_msa_coax_fc.text())*1e6 # frequency in Hz
     9         rough = float(self.lineEdit_ms_rough.text())/1.0e3
    10         tand = float(self.lineEdit_ms_loss_tangent.text()) # loss tangent of the dielectric
    11         cond = float(self.lineEdit_ms_conductivity.text())
    12         mu = mur*4*math.pi*1.0e-7
    13         Rc = float(self.lineEdit_msa_coax_Rin.text())
    14         t = float(self.lineEdit_ms_T.text())/1.0e3
    15         lambda0= self.c/fc #m
    16         msa_w = self.c/2.0/fc*math.sqrt(2.0/(er+1.0)) # patch width  m
    17         U = msa_w/h # ratio of trace width to substrate thickness 
    18         if t > 0:
    19             T = t/h #ratio of conductor thickness to substrate thickness
    20         #(T/PI)*log(1.0 + 4.0*exp(1.0)/(T*pow(coth(sqrt(6.517*u)),2.0)))
    21             U1 = U +(T*math.log(1.0+4.0*math.e/T/math.pow(1.0/math.tanh(math.sqrt(6.517*U)),2.0)))/math.pi # from Hammerstad and Jensen
    22         #   0.5*(1.0 + 1.0/cosh(sqrt(er-1.0)))*deltau1
    23             Ur = U +(U1-U)*(1.0+1.0/(math.cosh(math.sqrt(er-1))))/2.0 # from Hammerstad and Jensen
    24         else:
    25             U1 = U  
    26             Ur = U
    27 #        Y = self.ee_HandJ(Ur,er)
    28 #        Z0 =self.z0_HandJ(Ur)/math.sqrt(Y)
    29 #        #ereff0 = Y*math.pow(Z01_U1/Z01_Ur,2)
    30 #        ereff0 = Y*math.pow(self.z0_HandJ(U1)/self.z0_HandJ(Ur),2.0)   
    31         if t > 0:
    32             W1 = msa_w +(t/math.pi)*(1+math.log(4.0/math.sqrt(math.pow(t/h,2)+math.pow(1.0/math.pi,2)/math.pow(msa_w/t+1.1,2))))
    33         else:
    34             W1 = msa_w
    35         F = 6.0 + (2.0*math.pi-6.0)*math.exp(-4*math.pow(math.pi,2)/3.0*math.pow(h/W1,0.75))
    36         We = 2*math.pi*h/math.log(h*F/W1+math.sqrt(1+math.pow(2*h/W1,2)))
    37         A = 1.0 + (1.0/49.0)*math.log((math.pow(U,4.0) + math.pow((U/52.0),2.0))/(math.pow(U,4.0) + 0.432))
    38             + (1.0/18.7)*math.log(1.0 + math.pow((U/18.1),3.0))
    39         #Ber = 0.564*math.pow((er-0.9)/(er+3),0.053)
    40         B = 0.564*math.exp(-0.2/(er+0.3))
    41         #Y = (er+1.0)/2.0+(er-1.0)/2.0*math.pow(1+10.0/Ur,-(A*B))
    42         G= math.pow((1.0 + 10.0/U),(-A*B))-math.log(4)*t/math.pi/math.sqrt(msa_w*h)
    43         ereff0 = 0.5*(er+1.0+(er-1.0)*G)     
    44         fn = fc/1e9*h*1e3
    45         u = (msa_w+(W1-msa_w))/h
    46         P1 = 0.27488 + (0.6315 + (0.525 / (math.pow((1 + 0.0157*fn),20))) )*u - 0.65683*math.exp(-8.7513*u)
    47         P2 = 0.33622*(1 - math.exp(-0.03442*er))
    48         P3 = 0.0363*math.exp(-4.6*u)*(1 - math.exp(-math.pow((fn / 38.7),4.97)))
    49         P4 = 1 + 2.751*( 1 -  math.exp(-math.pow((er/15.916),8)))
    50         P = P1*P2*math.pow(((0.1844 + P3*P4)*fn),1.5763)
    51         ereff = (er*P+ereff0)/(1+P) # equavlent ralative dielectric constant
    52         #ereff = (er+1.0)/2.0+(er-1.0)/2.0*math.pow(1+12/U,-0.5)
    53         A1 = 0.434907*(math.pow(ereff,0.81)+0.26)/(math.pow(ereff,0.81)-0.189)
    54            *(math.pow(U,0.8544)+0.236)/(math.pow(U,0.8544)+0.87)
    55         A2 = 1+ math.pow(U,0.371)/(2.358*er+1)
    56         A3 = 1 + 0.5274*math.atan(0.084*math.pow(U,1.9413/A2))/math.pow(ereff,0.9236)
    57         A4 = 1 + 0.0377*math.atan(0.067*math.pow(U,1.456))*(6-5*math.exp(0.036*(1-er)))
    58         A5 = 1 - 0.218*math.exp(-7.5*U)
    59         deltaL = h*A1*A3*A5/A4
    60         #deltaL = h*0.412*(ereff+0.3)*(U+0.264)/(ereff-0.258)/(U+0.8)#mm
    61         lambda_eff = self.c/fc/math.sqrt(ereff)#mm
    62         msa_l = lambda_eff/2-2*deltaL #patch length mm 
    63         k0 = 2.0*math.pi/(lambda0)
    64         keff = k0*math.sqrt(ereff)
    66         Sw = math.pow(self.c,2)/(4*math.pow(fc,2)*(ereff-1))
    67         Pw =math.pow(msa_w/3.0,3)+(Sw/2.0)*(We-msa_w/3.0)
    68         Qw = Sw/3.0 -math.pow(msa_w/3.0,2)
    69         Rw = math.sqrt(math.pow(Pw,2)+math.pow(Qw,2))
    70         W2 = We
    71         We = msa_w/3.0+math.pow(Rw+Pw,1.0/3.0)-math.pow(Rw-Pw,1.0/3.0)
    72         Rr = math.pow(k0*We,2)/6.0/(60+math.pow(k0*We,2))
    73         Gr = 1.0/Rr
    75         l = keff*(msa_l+deltaL)
    76         p = keff*deltaL
    77         Fg = special.j0(l)+math.pow(p,2)/(24-math.pow(p,2))*special.jn(2,l)
    78         Gm = Gr*Fg
    79         Re = 1.0/(2*(Gr))
    80         G1 = msa_w/120.0/lambda0*(1-math.pow(k0*h,2)/24) 
    81         G12 = integrate.quad(lambda x: 1.0/120.0/math.pow(math.pi,2)*math.pow(math.sin(k0*msa_w/2.0*math.cos(x))/math.cos(x),2)*special.j0(math.sin(x)*msa_l*k0)*math.pow(math.sin(x),3), 0, math.pi)
    82         #Re = 1.0/2.0/(G1)
    83         Re = 1.0/2.0/(G1-G12[0])
    84 #        shift = msa_l/math.pi*math.asin(math.sqrt(Rc/Re))
    85         self.lineEdit_msa_coax_w.setText(str(msa_w*1.0e3))
    86         self.lineEdit_msa_coax_l.setText(str(msa_l*1e3))
    87         self.label.setText(str(' lambda_eff = ')+str(lambda_eff*1.0e3))
    88         self.label_test.setText(str(' Re = ')+str(Re))
    89         self.label_test_2.setText(str(' ereff = ')+str(ereff))
    90         self.label_test_3.setText(str(' deltaL = ')+str(deltaL*1.0e3))
    91         self.label_test_4.setText(str(' We = ')+str(We*1.0e3))
    92         self.label_2.setText(str(' W1 = ')+str(W1))














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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hiramlee0534/p/6337991.html
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