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  • Hiero中versionscanner模块结构图





    # ScanForVersions is the action responsible for scanning for versions.
    # This action is added to the BinView context menu.
    # The code responsible for the scanning is located in hiero.core.VersionScanner

    import hiero.core
    import hiero.core.log
    import VersionScanner_vhq
    import hiero.ui
    import PySide.QtGui
    import PySide.QtCore

    import foundry.ui
    import threading
    import time

    class VersionScannerThreaded (object):
      '''Class to run a threaded scan to discover additional versions for a set of versioned clips'''

      _scanner = VersionScanner_vhq.VersionScanner_vhq()

      def scanForVersions_vhq(self, versions, postScanFunc, shouldDisplayResults):
        '''Scan for versions starting from the specified version
           @param versions - set of versions to scan. Note that the versions listed belong to different bin items
           @param postScanFunc - optional post scan update function
           @param shouldDisplayResults - Whether we should display how many versions were discovered'''

        task = foundry.ui.ProgressTask("Finding Versions...")

        # Rescan clip file ranges for all existing versions
        for version in versions:
          hiero.core.executeInMainThreadWithResult(self.rescanClipRanges, version)

        # Find all the files to be added as versions
        numNewFiles = 0
        newVersionFiles = []
        numNewVersions = 0

        # For each version find the additional files
        for version in versions:
          newFiles = self._scanner.findVersionFiles_vhq(version)
          newVersionFiles.append ( [ version, newFiles ] )
          numNewFiles += len(newFiles)

        # Now create the clips for the additional files
        fileIndex = 0
        for versionFile in newVersionFiles:
          newClips = []

          version, newFiles = versionFile

          for newFile in newFiles:
            # If the user has hit cancel then drop out
            if task.isCancelled():

            fileIndex += 1
            newClip = hiero.core.executeInMainThreadWithResult(self._scanner.createClip, newFile)
            # Filter out any invalid clips
            if newClip is not None:

          versionFile.append ( newClips )

        # Now create the additional versions from the clips and add them to the version list
        for versionFile in newVersionFiles:
          version  = versionFile[0]
          newClips = versionFile[2]

          binitem = version.parent()

          # Now add the clips as new versions
          newVersions = hiero.core.executeInMainThreadWithResult(self._scanner.insertClips, binitem, newClips)

          hiero.core.log.info("InsertClips - Versions found for %s: %s", version, newVersions)

          numNewVersions += len(newVersions)

        # If we have a post scan function then run it (version up/down, min/max)
        if (postScanFunc is not None):
          oldClip = version.item()
          newClip = binitem.activeVersion().item()

          # Then update any viewers looking at the old clip to the new clip
          hiero.core.executeInMainThreadWithResult(hiero.ui.updateViewer, oldClip, newClip)

        # If we're supposed to display results then do so
        if (shouldDisplayResults):
          hiero.core.executeInMainThreadWithResult(self.displayResults, numNewVersions)

      # Display results
      def displayResults(self, numNewVersions):
        msgBox = PySide.QtGui.QMessageBox()
        msgBox.setText("Found " + str(numNewVersions) + " new versions")

      # From an active version, iterates through all the siblings inside the BinItem
      def rescanClipRanges(self, activeVersion):
        binItem = activeVersion.parent()
        if binItem:
          for version in binItem.items():
            clip = version.item()
            if clip:

    # Helper class to call thread with a arbitrary number of arguments
    class FuncThread(threading.Thread):
      def __init__(self, target, *args):
        self._target = target
        self._args = args

      def run(self):

    def ScanAndNextVersion(version):
      '''Scan then move to next version'''
      binitem = version.parent()
      _DoScanForVersions([version], binitem.nextVersion, False)

    def ScanAndPrevVersion(version):
      ''' Scan then move to prev version'''
      binitem = version.parent()
      _DoScanForVersions([version], binitem.prevVersion, False)

    def ScanAndMinVersion(version):
      '''Scan then move to min version'''
      binitem = version.parent()
      _DoScanForVersions([version], binitem.minVersion, False)

    def ScanAndMaxVersion(version):
      '''Scan then move to max version'''
      binitem = version.parent()
      _DoScanForVersions([version], binitem.maxVersion, False)

    def ScanAndNextVersionTrackItem(version, trackItem):
      '''Scan then move to next version on the track item'''
      _DoScanForVersions([version], trackItem.nextVersion, False)

    def ScanAndPrevVersionTrackItem(version, trackItem):
      '''Scan then move to prev version on the track item'''
      _DoScanForVersions([version], trackItem.prevVersion, False)

    def ScanAndMinVersionTrackItem(version, trackItem):
      '''Scan then move to min version on the track item'''
      _DoScanForVersions([version], trackItem.minVersion, False)

    def ScanAndMaxVersionTrackItem(version, trackItem):
      '''Scan then move to max version on the track item'''
      _DoScanForVersions([version], trackItem.maxVersion, False)

    # Create threaded scan using VersionScannerThreaded
    def _DoScanForVersions(versions, postUpdateFunc, shouldDisplayResults):

      scanner = VersionScannerThreaded()

      thread = FuncThread(scanner.scanForVersions_vhq, versions, postUpdateFunc, shouldDisplayResults)

    # Action to scan for new versions
    class ScanForVersionsAction(PySide.QtGui.QAction):

      _scanner = hiero.core.VersionScanner.VersionScanner()

      def __init__(self):
          PySide.QtGui.QAction.__init__(self, "Scan For More Versions (VHQ)", None)
          hiero.core.events.registerInterest((hiero.core.events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, hiero.core.events.EventType.kBin), self.eventHandler)
          hiero.core.events.registerInterest((hiero.core.events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, hiero.core.events.EventType.kTimeline), self.eventHandler)

      def doit(self):
        # get the currently selected versions from UI
        versions = self.selectedVersions()

        if len(versions) == 0:
          hiero.core.log.info( "No valid versions found in selection" )

        # For each version, do:
        # - rescan any versions already loaded to find the maximum available range
        # - run _scanner.doScan which returns added versions
        # - compute the total count of new versions.
        _DoScanForVersions(versions, None, True)

      def eventHandler(self, event):

        enabled = False
        if hasattr(event.sender, 'selection'):
          s = event.sender.selection()
          if len(s)>=1:
            enabled = True

          # enable/disable the action each time
          if enabled:
            hiero.ui.insertMenuAction( self, event.menu, after="foundry.project.rescanClips" ) # Insert after 'Version' sub-menu

      # Get all selected active versions
      def selectedVersions(self):
        selection = hiero.ui.currentContextMenuView().selection()
        versions = []
        self.findActiveVersions(selection, versions)
        return (versions)

      def alreadyHaveVersion(self, findversion, versions):
        newFilename = findversion.item().mediaSource().fileinfos()[0].filename()
        for version in versions:
          thisFilename = version.item().mediaSource().fileinfos()[0].filename()
          if (newFilename == thisFilename):
            return True

        return False

      # Find all active versions in container and append to versions
      def findActiveVersions(self, container, versions):
        # Iterate through selection
        if isinstance(container, (list,tuple)):
          for i in container:
            self.findActiveVersions(i, versions)
        # Dive into Projects to find clipsBin (NB: not strictly needed at the moment, we get RootBins from BinView)
        elif isinstance(container, hiero.core.Project):
          self.findActiveVersions(container.clipsBin(), versions)
        # Dive into Bins to find BinItems
        elif isinstance(container, hiero.core.Bin):
          for i in container.items():
            self.findActiveVersions(i, versions)
        elif isinstance(container, hiero.core.TrackItem) and isinstance(container.source(), hiero.core.Clip):
          activeVersion = container.currentVersion()
          if activeVersion and not activeVersion.isNull():
            if not self.alreadyHaveVersion(activeVersion, versions):
            #if activeVersion not in versions:
        # Dive into BinItem to retrieve active Version
        elif isinstance(container, hiero.core.BinItem) and isinstance(container.activeItem(), hiero.core.Clip):
          activeVersion = container.activeVersion()
          if activeVersion:
            if not self.alreadyHaveVersion(activeVersion, versions):
            #if activeVersion not in versions:

    # Instantiate the action to get it to register itself.
    action = ScanForVersionsAction()

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    5、DOM 定时器 和 JQuery 选择器
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hksac/p/4868018.html
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