2:用npm install vue-scroller --save下载对应的包
3:在入口文件import scroller from "vue-scroller" 接下来就是vue.use(scroller);
<template> <scroller delegate-id="myScroller" :on-refresh="refresh" :on-infinite="loadMore" v-ref:my_scroller> <div v-for="(index, item) in items" @click="onItemClick(index, item)" class="row" :class="{'grey-bg': index % 2 == 0}"> {{ item }} </div> </scroller> </template> <script> import Scroller from 'vue-scroller'export default { components: { Scroller }, data() { return { items: [] } }, ready() { for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { this.items.push(i + ' - keep walking, be 2 with you.') } this.top = 1 this.bottom = 20 setTimeout(() = >{ /* 下面2种方式都可以调用 resize 方法 */ // 1. use scroller accessor $scroller.get('myScroller').resize() // 2. use component ref // this.$refs.my_scroller.resize() }) }, methods: { refresh() { setTimeout(() = >{ let start = this.top - 1 for (let i = start; i > start - 10; i--) { this.items.splice(0, 0, i + ' - keep walking, be 2 with you.') } this.top = this.top - 10; /* 下面3种方式都可以调用 finishPullToRefresh 方法 */ // this.$broadcast('$finishPullToRefresh') $scroller.get('myScroller').finishPullToRefresh() // this.$refs.my_scroller.finishPullToRefresh() }, 1500) }, loadMore() { setTimeout(() = >{ let start = this.bottom + 1 for (let i = start; i < start + 10; i++) { this.items.push(i + ' - keep walking, be 2 with you.') } this.bottom = this.bottom + 10; setTimeout(() = >{ $scroller.get('myScroller').resize() }) }, 1500) }, onItemClick(index, item) { console.log(index) } } } </script>
- resize :Void
- triggerPullToRefresh :Void
- Void finishPullToRefresh :Void
- scrollTo(x:Integer, y:Integer, animate:Boolean) :Void
- scrollBy(x:Integer, y:Integer, animate:Boolean) :Void
- getPosition :Object