unit Unit1; interface uses ZLib, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; // 两个过程都有Compress参数,这个参数用来决定进行压缩操作还是解压操作: True--压缩; false--解压. procedure Zip(Input, Output: TStream; Compress: Boolean); overload; function Zip(Input: string; Compress: Boolean): string; overload; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure Zip(Input, Output: TStream; Compress: Boolean); const MAXBUFSIZE = 1024 * 16; //16 KB var CS: TCompressionStream; DS: TDecompressionStream; Buf: array[0..MAXBUFSIZE - 1] of Byte; BufSize: Integer; begin if Assigned(Input) and Assigned(Output) then begin if Compress then // 压缩 begin CS := TCompressionStream.Create(ZLib.clDefault, Output); try CS.CopyFrom(Input, 0); //从开始处复制 finally CS.Free; end; end else begin // 解压 DS := TDecompressionStream.Create(Input); try BufSize := DS.Read(Buf, MAXBUFSIZE); while BufSize > 0 do begin Output.Write(Buf, BufSize); BufSize := DS.Read(Buf, MAXBUFSIZE); end; finally DS.Free; end; end; end; end; function Zip(Input: string; Compress: Boolean): string; var InputStream, OutputStream: TStringStream; begin if Input = '' then Exit; InputStream := TStringStream.Create(Input); try OutputStream := TStringStream.Create(''); try Zip(InputStream, OutputStream, Compress); Result := OutputStream.DataString; finally OutputStream.Free; end; finally InputStream.Free; end; end; end.