----树形结构orgcode不能重复,所以用orgCode+subejctstages组装 select m.orgCode || n.subejctstages orgCode, orgName, orglevel, case when length(m.orgCode) = 6 and n.subejctstages is not null then orgCode else pcode end pcode, subejctstages from (select distinct a.code orgCode, a.name orgName, a.orglevel, a.pcode from org a left join (select a.testid, a.testcampuscode from subjectregister a where a.testid = :testID and a.testcampuscode like :orgCode group by a.testid, a.testcampuscode having count(1) > 0) c on a.testid = c.testid --and a.code = c.testcampuscode and (a.code = c.testcampuscode or a.code = substr(c.testcampuscode, 0, 5) or a.code = substr(c.testcampuscode, 0, 2)) where a.testid = :testID1 and a.code like :orgCode1 and a.enable = :enable and c.testcampuscode is not null) m left join ( ---如果要在查询结果中增加一列,并且这列的值为指定的几个值时,可以组装一个临时表 select '' subejctstages from dual union select '1' subejctstages from dual union select '2' subejctstages from dual) n on length(m.orgCode) = 6