// T4 code generation is enabled for model 'D:DKX4003workVWFC_CCSSrcCCG-branchCCGSPBOCOne-FCACUPVWFC.IT.CUP.DALCupCreditQueryModel.edmx'. // To enable legacy code generation, change the value of the 'Code Generation Strategy' designer // property to 'Legacy ObjectContext'. This property is available in the Properties Window when the model // is open in the designer. // If no context and entity classes have been generated, it may be because you created an empty model but // have not yet chosen which version of Entity Framework to use. To generate a context class and entity // classes for your model, open the model in the designer, right-click on the designer surface, and // select 'Update Model from Database...', 'Generate Database from Model...', or 'Add Code Generation // Item...'.
原因:添加实体时“代码生成策略” 的值是为 “T4”
解决办法:在”关系图“空白处,即.edmx文件里的空白处右键选属性,找到“代码生成策略”,将值“T4”改为“Legacy ObjectContext”,保存后.Desiger.cs文件中就生成代码了。