Side-by-side execution is the ability to install multiple versions of code so that an application can choose which version of the common language runtime or of a component it uses. Subsequent installations of other versions of the runtime, an application, or a component will not affect applications already installed.
This section describes side-by-side execution, how the runtime determines which version of the .NET Framework assemblies to load, and how to design software to take advantage of side-by-side execution.

In This Section
- Side-by-Side Execution Overview
Describes what side-by-side execution is, why it is important, and what problem it solves.
- Side-by-Side Execution Fundamentals
Describes how side-by-side execution works.
- Installing Multiple Versions of the .NET Framework
Provides information on installing and using several versions of the .NET Framework.
- How to: Use an Application Configuration File to Target a .NET Framework Version
Describes how to create a configuration file that an application can use to target a version of the common language runtime.
- Creating Multiple Versions of an Application or Component
Provides information on how to create and deploy applications and components designed for side-by-side execution.
- Determining a Servicing Strategy for Applications and Components
Discusses how to create a service model for versioned components and applications.

- <supportedRuntime> Element
Describes the configuration schema element that specifies which versions of the runtime are supported by an application.

Related Sections
- Assemblies in the Common Language Runtime
Provides a conceptual overview of assemblies.
- Application Domains
Provides a conceptual overview of application domains.