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  • select的使用(一)


    select Name,Major,InDate from T_Employee
    select 12*12
    select 12*12 as 计算结果
    select Name as 姓名,Major,InDate 
    from T_Employee
    select * from T_Employee
    select distinct Nationality 
    from T_Employee--消除重复列
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    and DepartmentId='0DA51809-7C40-493E-8AB5-CF18EAA279DF'
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    or DepartmentId='0DA51809-7C40-493E-8AB5-CF18EAA279DF'
    and BirthDay like '1990%'
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    or DepartmentId='0DA51809-7C40-493E-8AB5-CF18EAA279DF'
    and BirthDay like '1990%'
    order by BirthDay asc--默认是升序排序
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    or DepartmentId='0DA51809-7C40-493E-8AB5-CF18EAA279DF'
    and BirthDay like '1990%'
    order by BirthDay desc--降序排序
    select * from T_Employee 
    where GenderId='403A0BD5-A304-4981-9535-ADA7AF2BFB51'
    or DepartmentId='0DA51809-7C40-493E-8AB5-CF18EAA279DF'
    and BirthDay like '1990%'
    order by BirthDay asc,ContractStartDay--默认是升序排序
    select DepartmentId ,AVG(BaseSalary )
    from T_Employee 
    group by DepartmentId--平均的数必须是可平均的数,要select出作为分组的依据的列
    select DepartmentId ,AVG(BaseSalary )
    from T_Employee 
    group by rollup( DepartmentId)--对所有部门又进行平均值
    select  EducationId,DepartmentId ,AVG(BaseSalary )
    from T_Employee 
    group by rollup(EducationId, DepartmentId)--先对教育状况来分组平均值,再对总的结果平均值
    select  EducationId,DepartmentId ,AVG(BaseSalary )
    from T_Employee 
    group by cube(EducationId, DepartmentId)--先对部门来分组平均值,再对总的结果平均值,再对教育状况再平均值
    select MAX(indate)
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    select MIN(indate) 
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    select avg(BaseSalary) 
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    select sum(BaseSalary) 
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    select top 3 Name 
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    order by InDate desc
    select top 3 percent Name 
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    order by InDate desc
    select  GenderId,DepartmentId,MAX(indate)--select的字段必须出现在group by里或者为聚合函数
    from T_Employee 
    group by GenderId,DepartmentId
    having GenderId='34E1FD3A-EA46-4B80-9612-4014345C4CD2'--筛选条件必须从select 里选
    order by DepartmentId--,order by 的字段也是出现在group by 里
    select  GenderId,DepartmentId,MAX(indate)--select的字段必须出现在group by里或者为聚合函数
    from T_Employee 
    group by GenderId,DepartmentId
    having MAX(indate)>='2014-03-31 18:28:36.427'--筛选条件必须从select 里选
    order by DepartmentId--,order by 的字段也是出现在group by 里
    select *
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    compute MAX(indate),min(indate),sum(basesalary),avg(basesalary)
    select *
    from T_Employee 
    where DepartmentId='ADE0F75A-5581-46C2-B3A5-F92B1D1E603B'
    order by InDate 
    compute MAX(indate),min(indate),sum(basesalary),avg(basesalary)by indate--和order by 排序对应
    select * from T_Employee
    where InDate between '2014-03-30 18:19:14.503' and '2014-04-09 00:00:00.000'
    select * from T_Employee
    where BaseSalary%10=0
    select * from T_Employee
    where Name in ('','个地方','必须','古典风格')
    select * from T_Employee
    where Name not in ('','个地方','必须','古典风格')
    select * from T_Employee
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    Codeforces Round #276 (Div. 1) A. Bits 二进制 贪心
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    jquery ajaxSubmit
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hongmaju/p/3760616.html
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