Posted on 2011-01-13 20:44 一桶浆糊
- 1、如果不想直接提供成员作为属性,可以用成员函数的方式提供属性读写。
class CAnimal { public: bool Sex; Begin_Disp_Map(CAnimal) Disp_Property(1, Sex, bool) End_Disp_Map() }; class CDog : public CAnimal { public: CString Name; long Height; void Drink(); bool Eat(long lType, long lNum); HRESULT GetName(VARIANT* pvName); HRESULT SetName(VARIANT* pvName); Begin_Disp_Map(CDog, CAnimal) Disp_Property(2, Name) Disp_PropertyGet(3, Height, long) Disp_Method(4, Drink, void, 0) Disp_Method(5, Eat, bool, 2, long, long) End_Disp_Map() };
1. 基类CAnimal也有映射表,意思是基类可以独立变成自动化对象。
2. CDog可以继承CAnimal的映射表,只需要把基类名加在起始表项里,Begin_Disp_Map(CDog, CAnimal)。如果不想继承基类映射表,去掉基类类名即可,例如 Begin_Disp_Map(CDog)。如果CDog同时派生自另一个也有映射表的基类,比如CFourLegs,可以这样写 Begin_Disp_Map(CDog, CAnimal, CFourLegs)。这样做的话,CDog 将自动拥有 Sex 属性。
3. Name属性将不再直接处理 Name 成员变量,而是通过GetName/SetName来读取和设置,具体的类型转换将由两个函数完成。
#ifndef __MACRO_H__ #define __MACRO_H__ #pragma once #ifndef __cplusplus #error macro.h requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix) #endif #if (_MSC_VER < 1400) #error macro.h requires Visual C++ 2005 and above. #endif #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4800) #ifndef DISPID_EXPANDO_BASE #define DISPID_EXPANDO_BASE 3000000 #define DISPID_EXPANDO_MAX 3999999 #define IsExpandoDispid(dispid) (DISPID_EXPANDO_BASE <= dispid && dispid <= DISPID_EXPANDO_MAX) #endif // DISPID_EXPANDO_BASE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 基础工具宏定义 #define __for_each_number(v, ...) / v(0, __VA_ARGS__) / v(1, __VA_ARGS__) / v(2, __VA_ARGS__) / v(3, __VA_ARGS__) / v(4, __VA_ARGS__) / v(5, __VA_ARGS__) / v(6, __VA_ARGS__) / v(7, __VA_ARGS__) / v(8, __VA_ARGS__) / v(9, __VA_ARGS__) / v(10, __VA_ARGS__) / v(11, __VA_ARGS__) / v(12, __VA_ARGS__) / v(13, __VA_ARGS__) / v(14, __VA_ARGS__) / v(15, __VA_ARGS__) #define __for_each_number_base1(v, ...) / v(1, __VA_ARGS__) / v(2, __VA_ARGS__) / v(3, __VA_ARGS__) / v(4, __VA_ARGS__) / v(5, __VA_ARGS__) / v(6, __VA_ARGS__) / v(7, __VA_ARGS__) / v(8, __VA_ARGS__) / v(9, __VA_ARGS__) / v(10, __VA_ARGS__) / v(11, __VA_ARGS__) / v(12, __VA_ARGS__) / v(13, __VA_ARGS__) / v(14, __VA_ARGS__) / v(15, __VA_ARGS__) // 数值减的常数 #define __cntdec_0 0 #define __cntdec_1 0 #define __cntdec_2 1 #define __cntdec_3 2 #define __cntdec_4 3 #define __cntdec_5 4 #define __cntdec_6 5 #define __cntdec_7 6 #define __cntdec_8 7 #define __cntdec_9 8 #define __cntdec_10 9 #define __cntdec_11 10 #define __cntdec_12 11 #define __cntdec_13 12 #define __cntdec_14 13 #define __cntdec_15 14 #define __cntdec(n) __cntdec_##n // 连接两个符号 #define __connect2(x, y) x##y #define __connect(x, y) __connect2(x, y) // 把符号变成字符串 #define __to_string2(x) #x #define __to_string(x) __to_string2(x) // 生成不同个数的顺序符号 #define __repeat_0(m, ...) #define __repeat_1(m, ...) __repeat_0(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(1, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_2(m, ...) __repeat_1(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(2, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_3(m, ...) __repeat_2(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(3, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_4(m, ...) __repeat_3(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(4, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_5(m, ...) __repeat_4(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(5, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_6(m, ...) __repeat_5(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(6, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_7(m, ...) __repeat_6(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(7, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_8(m, ...) __repeat_7(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(8, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_9(m, ...) __repeat_8(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(9, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_10(m, ...) __repeat_9(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(10, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_11(m, ...) __repeat_10(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(11, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_12(m, ...) __repeat_11(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(12, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_13(m, ...) __repeat_12(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(13, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_14(m, ...) __repeat_13(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(14, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat_15(m, ...) __repeat_14(m, __VA_ARGS__) m(15, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_0(m, ...) #define __last_repeat_1(m, ...) m(1, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_2(m, ...) m(2, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_3(m, ...) m(3, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_4(m, ...) m(4, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_5(m, ...) m(5, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_6(m, ...) m(6, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_7(m, ...) m(7, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_8(m, ...) m(8, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_9(m, ...) m(9, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_10(m, ...) m(10, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_11(m, ...) m(11, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_12(m, ...) m(12, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_13(m, ...) m(13, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_14(m, ...) m(14, __VA_ARGS__) #define __last_repeat_15(m, ...) m(15, __VA_ARGS__) #define __repeat(n, m_begin, m_end, ...) __connect(__repeat_, __cntdec(n))(m_begin, __VA_ARGS__) __connect(__last_repeat_, n)(m_end, __VA_ARGS__) // 基础工具宏结束 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add IDispatch to class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 扩充CVarTypeInfo 模板类的定义 //template<> //class CVarTypeInfo< void > //{ //public: // static const VARTYPE VT = VT_EMPTY; // //static char VARIANT::* const pmField; //}; template<typename T> class CVarTypeInfoEx : public CVarTypeInfo<T> { public: static HRESULT Assign(T& tDst, VARIANT* pSrc) { CComVariant v; if (FAILED(v.ChangeType(VT, pSrc))) return DISP_E_BADVARTYPE; #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4800) tDst = v.*pmField; #pragma warning(pop) return S_OK; } static T Value(CComVariant& v) { return v.*pmField; } static bool ChangeType(CComVariant& vDst, VARIANT* pSrc) { return SUCCEEDED(vDst.ChangeType(VT, pSrc)); } }; template<> class CVarTypeInfoEx<VARIANT> : public CVarTypeInfo<VARIANT> { public: static HRESULT Assign(VARIANT& tDst, VARIANT* pSrc) { return ::VariantCopy(&tDst, pSrc); } static VARIANT Value(CComVariant& v) { return v; } static bool ChangeType(CComVariant& vDst, VARIANT* pSrc) { return vDst=*pSrc, true; } }; template<> class CVarTypeInfoEx<CComVariant> : public CVarTypeInfoEx<VARIANT> { public: static HRESULT Assign(CComVariant& tDst, VARIANT* pSrc) { tDst = *pSrc; return S_OK; } static CComVariant Value(CComVariant& v) { return v; } }; //template<> //class CVarTypeInfoEx<CComBSTR> : public CVarTypeInfoEx<BSTR> //{ //public: // static HRESULT Assign(CComBSTR& tDst, VARIANT* pSrc) // { // CComVariant v; // if (FAILED(v.ChangeType(VT, pSrc))) return DISP_E_BADVARTYPE; // tDst //#pragma warning(push) //#pragma warning(disable:4800) // tDst = v.*pmField; //#pragma warning(pop) // return S_OK; // } // static CComBSTR Value(CComVariant& v) // { // return v.*pmField; // } //}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<> class CVarTypeInfo< bool > { public: static const VARTYPE VT = VT_BOOL; static VARIANT_BOOL VARIANT::* const pmField; }; __declspec( selectany ) VARIANT_BOOL VARIANT::* const CVarTypeInfo< bool >::pmField = &VARIANT::boolVal; // 扩充CComBSTR 类型,用这种类型代替BSTR,能防止内存泄露或者内存释放错误 template<> class CVarTypeInfo< CComBSTR > { public: static const VARTYPE VT = VT_BSTR; static BSTR VARIANT::* const pmField; }; __declspec( selectany ) BSTR VARIANT::* const CVarTypeInfo< CComBSTR >::pmField = &VARIANT::bstrVal; // END of CVarTypeInfo. 使用者可以自行扩充新的类型,例如用CString来保存字符串 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 定义多参数的模板类 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 可选参数模板类, #define __optparam(n, ...) typename T##n=int, #define __optparam_end(n, ...) typename T##n=int #define __optvalue(n, ...) T##n t##n=0, #define __optvalue_end(n, ...) T##n t##n=0 #define __optswitch(n, ...) case n: return CComVariant(t##n); template<int nT=1, __repeat(15, __optparam, __optparam) __repeat(15, __optvalue, __optvalue_end) > class _ParamsOpt { public: static UINT Count() { return nT; } static CComVariant DefaultValue(UINT index) { switch (index) { __repeat(15, __optswitch, __optswitch) } return CComVariant(); } }; // 0个参数的特化模板 //template<> class _ParamsOpt_0 { public: static UINT Count() { return 0; } static CComVariant DefaultValue(UINT) { return CComVariant(); } }; // 方法工具模板类和工具宏 #define __tparam(n, ...) typename T##n, #define __tparam_end(n, ...) typename T##n #define __param_type(n, ...) if (n<=dp->cArgs && !CVarTypeInfoEx<T##n>::ChangeType(v[n-1], &dp->rgvarg[dp->cArgs-n])) return E_INVALIDARG; #define __funcparam(n, ...) CVarTypeInfoEx<T##n>::Value(n<=dp->cArgs ? v[n-1] : tOptions::DefaultValue(n-(Count()-tOptions::Count()))), //.*CVarTypeInfo<T##n>::pmField, #define __funcparam_end(n, ...) CVarTypeInfoEx<T##n>::Value(n<=dp->cArgs ? v[n-1] : tOptions::DefaultValue(n-(Count()-tOptions::Count()))) //v[n-1].*CVarTypeInfo<T##n>::pmField #define __funcparam_type(n, ...) T##n, #define __funcparam_type_end(n, ...) T##n #define __method_helper_t(n, ...) / template<class TT, typename rettype, __repeat(n, __tparam, __tparam) class tOptions/*=_ParamsOpt_N<>*/, rettype (TT::* func)(__repeat(n, __funcparam_type, __funcparam_type_end)) > / class _MethodHelper_##n / { / public: / static UINT Count() { return n; } / static HRESULT CallMethod (LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) / { / if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; / if (dp->cArgs < n-tOptions::Count()) return DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT; / CComVariant v[n+1]; /*加是为了避免n==0 时的编译错误*/ / __repeat(n, __param_type, __param_type) / CComVariant vRet = (reinterpret_cast<TT*>(pT)->*func)( __repeat(n, __funcparam, __funcparam_end) ); / if (pvarResult && vRet.vt!=VT_EMPTY) vRet.Detach(pvarResult); / return S_OK; / } / }; / /* 返回VOID的特化模板类*/ / template<class TT, __repeat(n, __tparam, __tparam) class tOptions/*=OptionalParams<>*/, void (TT::* func)(__repeat(n, __funcparam_type, __funcparam_type_end)) > / class _MethodHelper_##n<TT, void, __repeat(n, __funcparam_type, __funcparam_type) tOptions, func> / { / public: / static UINT Count() { return n; } / static HRESULT CallMethod (LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) / { / if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; / if (dp->cArgs < n-tOptions::Count()) return DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT; / CComVariant v[n+1]; /*加是为了避免n==0 时的编译错误*/ / __repeat(n, __param_type, __param_type) / (reinterpret_cast<TT*>(pT)->*func)( __repeat(n, __funcparam, __funcparam_end) ); / return S_OK; / } / }; // 预定义个方法调用工具模板类 __for_each_number(__method_helper_t) #define __defparamtype(n,...) int, #define __defparamtype_end(n,...) int #define Params(...) __VA_ARGS__, #define Params0() //#define ParamsOpt(...) __VA_ARGS__ #define ParamsOpt1(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<1, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(14, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt2(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<2, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(13, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt3(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<3, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(12, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt4(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<4, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(11, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt5(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<5, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(10, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt6(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<6, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(9, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt7(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<7, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(8, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt8(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<8, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(7, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt9(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<9, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(6, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt10(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<10, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(5, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt11(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<11, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(4, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt12(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<12, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(3, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt13(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<13, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(2, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt14(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<14, __VA_ARGS__, __repeat(1, __defparamtype, __defparamtype_end) #define ParamsOpt15(...) __VA_ARGS__, _ParamsOpt<15, __VA_ARGS__ #define ParamsOptDefValue(...) __VA_ARGS__ #define _method_helper(T, name, type, paramcnt, ...) _MethodHelper_##paramcnt<T,type,__VA_ARGS__,_ParamsOpt_0,&T::name>::CallMethod //#define _method_helper_with_option2(T, name, type, paramcnt, opt, ...) _MethodHelper_##paramcnt<T,type,__VA_ARGS__,opt,&T::name>::CallMethod //#define _method_helper_with_option(T, name, type, paramcnt, params, optparams, optdefvals) _MethodHelper_##paramcnt<T,type,params,optparams,_ParamsOpt<optparams,optdefvals>,&T::name>::CallMethod #define _method_helper_with_option(T, name, type, paramcnt, params, optparams, optdefvals) _MethodHelper_##paramcnt<T,type,params optparams,optdefvals>,&T::name>::CallMethod ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 属性GET工具模板类和工具宏 // 直接访问成员变量时采用这个模板 template<class T, class baseT/*=T*/, typename rettype, rettype baseT::* member> class _GetHelper { public: static HRESULT CallGet(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) { if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; CComVariant vRet = reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*member; if (pvarResult) vRet.Detach(pvarResult); return S_OK; } }; // 用户提供了Get函数时采用这个模板,在这种情况下,属性名称不需要跟成员变量名称一致。函数原型是HRESULT GetXXX(VARIANT*) template<class T, HRESULT (T::* getfunc)(VARIANT*)> class _GetFuncHelper { public: static HRESULT CallGet(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) { if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; if (pvarResult) return (reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*getfunc)(pvarResult); return S_OK; } }; // 对于有默认值的集合类(如colls(1)),必须使用函数方式,因为GET操作也会带参数。函数原型是HRESULT GetXXX(VARIANT index, VARIANT* pResult) template<class T, HRESULT (T::* getvaluefunc)(VARIANT,VARIANT*)> class _GetValueFuncHelper { public: static HRESULT CallGet(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) { if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; CComVariant vIndex; if (dp->cArgs>0) vIndex = dp->rgvarg[dp->cArgs-1]; if (pvarResult) return (reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*getvaluefunc)(vIndex, pvarResult); return S_OK; } }; #define _get_helper(T, name, type) _GetHelper<T,T,type,&T::name>::CallGet #define _getfunc_helper(T, name) _GetFuncHelper<T, &T::Get##name>::CallGet #define _getvalue_helper(T, name) _GetValueFuncHelper<T, &T::Get##name>::CallGet #define _get_base_helper(T, name, baseT, baseName, type) _GetHelper<T,baseT,type,&baseT::baseName>::CallGet //#define _getfunc_base_helper(T, name, baseclass) _GetFuncHelper<T, &T::baseclass::Get##name>::CallGet ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 属性PUT工具模板类和工具宏 // 直接访问成员变量时采用这个模板 template<class T, class baseT/*=T*/, typename rettype, rettype baseT::* member> class _PutHelper { public: static HRESULT CallPut(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) { if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; if (dp->cArgs != 1) return DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT; return CVarTypeInfoEx<rettype>::Assign(reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*member, dp->rgvarg); // CComVariant v; // if (FAILED(v.ChangeType(CVarTypeInfo<rettype>::VT, dp->rgvarg))) return DISP_E_BADVARTYPE; //#pragma warning(push) //#pragma warning(disable:4800) // reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*member = v.*CVarTypeInfo<rettype>::pmField; //#pragma warning(pop) // return S_OK; } }; // 用户提供了Set或Put函数时采用这个模板,在这种情况下,属性名称不需要跟成员变量名称一致。函数原型是HRESULT SetXXX(VARIANT*) 或HRESULT PutXXX(VARIANT*) template<class T, HRESULT (T::* putfunc)(VARIANT*)> class _PutFuncHelper { public: static HRESULT CallPut(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pvarResult) { if (pT==NULL) return E_FAIL; if (dp->cArgs != 1) return DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT; return (reinterpret_cast<T*>(pT)->*putfunc)(dp->rgvarg); } }; #define _put_helper(T, name, type) _PutHelper<T,T,type,&T::name>::CallPut #define _putfunc_helper(T, name) _PutFuncHelper<T,&T::Put##name>::CallPut #define _setfunc_helper(T, name) _PutFuncHelper<T,&T::Set##name>::CallPut #define _put_base_helper(T, name, baseT, baseName, type) _PutHelper<T,baseT,type,&baseT::baseName>::CallPut //#define _put_base_helper(T, name, baseT, type) _put_base_map_helper(T,name,baseT,name,type) //_PutHelper<T,baseT,type,&baseT::name>::CallPut ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 映射表工具模板类和映射宏 typedef HRESULT (* fnDispMethod)(LPVOID pT, DISPPARAMS* dp, VARIANT* pVarResult); struct DispMethodData { LPCOLESTR name; // property or method name DISPID dispid; // dispid fnDispMethod pfnGet; fnDispMethod pfnPut; fnDispMethod pfnMethod; }; // {276887CB-4F1A-468d-AF41-D03070C53E68} EXTERN_C const GUID DECLSPEC_SELECTANY IID_IDispHost = { 0x276887cb, 0x4f1a, 0x468d, { 0xaf, 0x41, 0xd0, 0x30, 0x70, 0xc5, 0x3e, 0x68 } }; MIDL_INTERFACE("276887CB-4F1A-468d-AF41-D03070C53E68") IDispHost : public IUnknown { public: virtual LPVOID STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetOwner() = 0; }; template<class T, bool tManaged=false> class DispProvider : public IDispatch, public IDispHost { private: T* _owner; ULONG _refcount; public: DispProvider() : _owner(NULL), _refcount(0) {} void SetOwner(T* owner) { _owner = owner; } // IDispHost STDMETHOD_(LPVOID, GetOwner)() { return _owner; } /* IDispatch Methods*/ STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return tManaged ? ++_refcount : 2; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { if(tManaged && --_refcount==0) { __if_exists(T::DeleteInstance){T::DeleteInstance(_owner);} //delete this; }; return tManaged ? _refcount : 1; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppvObj) { if (!_owner) return E_UNEXPECTED; if (!ppvObj) return E_POINTER; *ppvObj = NULL; if (IsEqualIID(iid, __uuidof(IUnknown)) || IsEqualIID(iid, __uuidof(IDispatch))) *ppvObj = (IDispatch*)this; else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IDispHost)) *ppvObj = (IDispHost*)this; if (*ppvObj) { ((LPUNKNOWN)(*ppvObj))->AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOINTERFACE; } STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT *pctinfo) { *pctinfo=0; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT /*iTInfo*/, LCID /*lcid*/, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) { *ppTInfo = NULL; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, OLECHAR ** rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID * rgDispId) { ATLASSERT(cNames == 1); if (cNames != 1) return E_NOTIMPL; if (!_owner) return E_UNEXPECTED; *rgDispId = DISPID_UNKNOWN; const DispMethodData* pMap = T::__GetDispMapEntry(*rgszNames); if (pMap) return *rgDispId = pMap->dispid, S_OK; return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANT *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO * pExcepInfo, UINT * puArgErr) { if (!_owner) return E_UNEXPECTED; LPVOID pVoid = _owner; const DispMethodData* pMap = T::__GetDispMapEntry(NULL, &dispIdMember, &pVoid); if (pMap) { //if ((wFlags&DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) && dispIdMember==DISPID_VALUE && pMap->pfnGet) // return pMap->pfnGet(_owner, pdispparams, pVarResult); fnDispMethod pfn = (wFlags&DISPATCH_METHOD) ? pMap->pfnMethod : (wFlags==DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET) ? pMap->pfnGet : pMap->pfnPut; if (pfn) return pfn(pVoid/*_owner*/, pdispparams, pVarResult); } return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 映射的类继承工具 #define __parent_map(n, ...) __if_exists(T##n::__GetDispMapEntry) { if (!p) p = T##n::__GetDispMapEntry(pName, pDispid); if (p) pVoid=(LPVOID)static_cast<T##n*>((T*)pVoid); } #define __tparam16(n,...) typename T##n=int, #define __tparam16_end(n,...) typename T##n=int template<class T, __repeat(15, __tparam16, __tparam16_end)> class _ParentMapHelper { public: static const DispMethodData* __GetParentsMap(LPCOLESTR pName, DISPID* pDispid, LPVOID* ppVoid) { LPVOID pVoid = NULL; if (ppVoid) pVoid = *ppVoid; const DispMethodData* p = NULL; __repeat(15, __parent_map, __parent_map) if (ppVoid) *ppVoid = pVoid; return p; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 如果希望合并基类的映射表,...应该列举出基类 #define Begin_Disp_Map(classname, ...) / private: DispProvider<classname> __disp; / public: / virtual IDispatch* GetDispatch() { return __disp.SetOwner(this), (IDispatch*)&__disp; } / static const DispMethodData* __GetDispMapEntry(LPCOLESTR pszByName=NULL/*find by name*/, DISPID* pByDispid=NULL/*find by dispid*/, LPVOID* ppVoid=NULL/*offset of parent*/) / { / typedef classname owner_class; / typedef _ParentMapHelper<classname, __VA_ARGS__> parent_map_class; / static const DispMethodData __map_entry[] = { #define Begin_Auto_Disp_Map(classname, ...) / private: DispProvider<classname, true> __disp; classname** __ext_ref; / private: /*classname();*/ / public: / virtual IDispatch* GetDispatch() { return (IDispatch*)&__disp; } / virtual void SetExternalRef(classname** ppref) { __ext_ref=ppref; } / static void DeleteInstance(classname* p) { if (p && p->__ext_ref) *p->__ext_ref=NULL; delete p; } / static HRESULT CreateInstance(IDispatch** ppDisp, classname** ppOwner=NULL, BOOL bDetach=FALSE) / { / if (ppOwner) *ppOwner = NULL; / if (ppDisp==NULL) return E_POINTER; / *ppDisp = NULL; / classname* pOwner = new classname; / if (pOwner==NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; / pOwner->__ext_ref = NULL; / pOwner->__disp.SetOwner(pOwner); / if (!bDetach) pOwner->__disp.AddRef(); / if (ppOwner) *ppOwner = pOwner; / *ppDisp = (IDispatch*)&pOwner->__disp; / return S_OK; / } / static const DispMethodData* __GetDispMapEntry(LPCOLESTR pszByName=NULL/*find by name*/, DISPID* pByDispid=NULL/*find by dispid*/, LPVOID* ppVoid=NULL/*offset of parent*/) / { / typedef classname owner_class; / typedef _ParentMapHelper<classname, __VA_ARGS__> parent_map_class; / static const DispMethodData __map_entry[] = { #define Disp_PropertyGet(dispid, name, ...) / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, / __if_exists(owner_class::Get##name){_getfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Get##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::name){_get_helper(owner_class,name,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::name){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be got, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / }, / NULL, NULL}, #define Disp_PropertyGet_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, basename, ...) / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, / __if_exists(owner_class::Get##name){_getfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Get##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::basename){_get_base_helper(owner_class,name,baseclass,basename__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::basename){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be got, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / }, / NULL, NULL}, #define Disp_PropertyGet_Base(dispid, name, baseclass, ...) Disp_PropertyGet_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, name, __VA_ARGS__) #define Disp_ValueGet(name, ...) / {OLESTR(#name), DISPID_VALUE, / __if_exists(owner_class::Get##name){_getvalue_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Get##name){ / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be got, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / }, / NULL, NULL}, #define Disp_PropertyPut(dispid, name, ...) /* ...==type */ / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, NULL, / __if_exists(owner_class::Set##name){_setfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Set##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::Put##name){_putfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Put##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::name){_put_helper(owner_class,name,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::name){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be put, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / } / }, / NULL}, #define Disp_PropertyPut_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, basename, ...) /* ...==type */ / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, NULL, / __if_exists(owner_class::Set##name){_setfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Set##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::Put##name){_putfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Put##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::basename){_put_base_helper(owner_class,name,baseclass,basename__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::basename){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be put, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / } / }, / NULL}, #define Disp_PropertyPut_Base(dispid, name, baseclass, ...) Disp_PropertyPut_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, name, __VA_ARGS__) #define Disp_Property(dispid, name, ...) /* ...==type */ / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, / __if_exists(owner_class::Get##name){_getfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Get##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::name){_get_helper(owner_class,name,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::name){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be got, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / }, / __if_exists(owner_class::Set##name){_setfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Set##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::Put##name){_putfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Put##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::name){_put_helper(owner_class,name,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::name){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be put, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / } / }, / NULL}, #define Disp_Property_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, basename, ...) /* ...==type */ / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, / __if_exists(owner_class::Get##name){_getfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Get##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::basename){_get_base_helper(owner_class,name,baseclass,basename,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::basename){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be got, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / }, / __if_exists(owner_class::Set##name){_setfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Set##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::Put##name){_putfunc_helper(owner_class,name)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::Put##name){ / __if_exists(owner_class::basename){_put_base_helper(owner_class,name,baseclass,basename,__VA_ARGS__)} / __if_not_exists(owner_class::basename){NULL / __pragma(message("WARNING: property '" #name "' can't be put, and will be ignored. FILE(" __FILE__ ") LINE(" __to_string(__LINE__) ")")) / } / } / }, / NULL}, #define Disp_Property_Base(dispid, name, baseclass, ...) Disp_Property_Base_Ex(dispid, name, baseclass, name, __VA_ARGS__) #define Disp_Method(dispid, name, type, paramcnt, ...) / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, NULL, NULL, _method_helper(owner_class,name,type,paramcnt,__VA_ARGS__)}, #define Disp_Method_With_Option(dispid, name, type, paramcnt, params, opts, defvals) / {OLESTR(#name), dispid, NULL, NULL, _method_helper_with_option(owner_class,name,type,paramcnt,params,opts,defvals)}, #define End_Disp_Map() / {NULL, DISPID_UNKNOWN, NULL, NULL, NULL} / }; / if (pszByName==NULL && pByDispid==NULL) return __map_entry; / for (int i=0; i<sizeof(__map_entry)/sizeof(__map_entry[0]) - 1; i++) / { / if (pByDispid) / { / if (__map_entry[i].dispid == *pByDispid) return &__map_entry[i]; / } / else /*if (pszByName)*/ / { / if (lstrcmpiW(__map_entry[i].name, pszByName) == 0) return &__map_entry[i]; / } / } / return parent_map_class::__GetParentsMap(pszByName, pByDispid, ppVoid); / } #pragma warning(pop) #endif // __MACRO_H__